General Membership Meeting Minutes
Monday, November 16, 2015 @ 7:00pm
Dahlin residence
Attendance: Brian O'Connor, Theresa Roberts, Colleen Dahlin, Eric Dahlin, Mel Cutrie, Steve Roberts, Sue Moon, Kirsten Shoemaker, Rick Scholl, Greg Widrick
Absent: Larry Martin, Jeff Boulter, Abraham Alpuerto
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm
1) President’s Report - Brian O'Connor -
a) Brian has equipment and coaching stuff. If anyone would like it, please let him know. He is considering donating the field liner to SCC.
b) Brian got an e-mail from Midstate with a new injury form.
c) Minutes from October were approved - 1st by Eric Dahlin, 2nd by Kirsten Shoemaker.
2) Secretary’s Report – Theresa Roberts –
a) The new website is almost ready. The ETA to push it live is December 1st. Please review the work in progress at and let Theresa know if there are any glaring errors.
3) this registration system is managed by League Sports ServiceTheTreasurer’s Report - Eric Dahlin - need to go to the bank to update signatures.
4) BobRegistrar's Report - Mel Cutrie -
a) Mel demoed our Sport Ngin registration. Once in place, ALL payments must be made online via check or debit/credit card, NOT in person or in cash. Sport Ngin will deposit the money into the Chittenango account and Eric will send the money to Midstate for registration and Indoor Facilities for League fees.
b) Certified Rosters are needed for teams who travel (like Greg Widrick's team).
c) The Canastota team was wondering if they could play at Accelerate in Whitesboro. The board says Yes.
5) Vice President’s Report – Steve Roberts - nothing new.
6) New Business:
a) Rick Scholl offered up the following information:
1) Board member e-mail addresses need to be sent to Geoff Davis, the Midstate Registrar.
2) If a team is practicing as the Chittenango Soccer Club, they must have their registration turned in. This is for insurance purposes and still stands if the coaches/players have insurance through other means (ex. Chittenango teachers and students).
7) Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 14th, 2015, at 7:00pm.
8) The meeting adjourned at 8:38p.m.