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CSS 104 Handout #106

To find your quiz, look at the Activities box on the left of your Moodle window. Click Quizzes. /
If more than one quiz appears, click on the quiz to see the quiz summary. /
CAREFULLY read all of the instructions. Depending on your instructor and the course, you may have only one chance to take the quiz. Others allow multiple attempts
If your quiz is timed, the timer continues counting down after you start the quiz, even if you close the window or shut off the computer. For some quizzes, you may log out and then log back in and get back into the quiz IF you have not yet submitted it for grading and IF the time is not expired.
Be SURE to read all of the instructions.
When you are ready to start the quiz, click the Attempt Quiz Now button to begin. /
Use the Save without submitting button to save your work to ensure that a computer glitch does not destroy all of your answers. Do this OFTEN while you are taking the quiz!
When you are finished, click Submit all and finish to turn in your quiz.
If there is a time limit on your quiz, the quiz may be submitted when the time is up, no matter where you are in the quiz.
When you click Submit all and finish you may see a warning message such as this one. /
Depending on the quiz and the course and how your instructor has designed the quiz, you may be able to review your quiz at once. For any questions, contact your instructor.

Can I retake a quiz? / Depends on how the instructor has designed the quiz. Some allow multiple attempts, others do not.
What browser should I use? / Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer seem to get along well with Moodle. Safari is sometimes not fully compatible.
Can I review my responses after taking a test? / This depends on how your instructor has designed the quiz.
Does Moodle limit the length of my responses in essay questions? / It does not. If Moodle restricts the length of your response, there may be a character in your source document (for instance, if you are copying and pasting from MS Word) that Moodle cannot accept. Try copying your work into Notepad first, and then pasting it into Moodle. This may remove any illegal characters.
I was taking a quiz and the window suddenly disappeared. / If something in Moodle does not seem right, close down your browser (and you may have to turn off your computer) and then reboot your computer and log back into Moodle. This is why it is so important to constantly save your answers during a quiz!

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