Applicants must attach here a recently

taken passport type photograph.

It will not be returned.

Comhairle Contae Fhine Gall
Maor Snámha 2013

Fingal County Council

Beach Lifeguard Application 2013

The latest date for accepting completed applications is 4.30pm on Friday 1st March 2013.

Where copies of certificates etc are required please do not send original documents.

Misleading statements will render an applicant liable to disqualification.

1. Name in full (Block Letters) ______

2. Address (Block Letters) ______


3. Contact Number: ______

4. Date of Birth: ______Age:______
(Applicants must be at least 17 years old on 1st March 2013)

5. PPS No: ______

(If you have not been employed by Fingal County Council previously
please attach a copy of a letter of proof of your PPS number)

6. Email Address ______

7. Next of Kin (in case of emergency) Name: ______

Contact No.: ______

8. What is your current occupation: ______

9. If offered employment what date
would you be available to take up duty: ______

(Bathing Season commences Saturday 1st June 2013)

7. Education Details

From To / Name of School / University / Examination / Results

8. Swimming / Life-Saving Qualifications (Please attach copies of relevant certificates)

Applicants are reminded that they must possess a valid Beach Lifeguard Award

Year of Award / Awarding Agency / Examination / Result

If your qualification is due to be renewed please give Renewal Date: ______

9. First Aid / Basic Life Support Qualifications (including AED Training)
(Please attach copies of relevant certificates)

Year of Award / Awarding Agency / Examination / Result

10. Other Qualifications (including Boat Competency, VHF Radio etc.)
(Please attach copies of relevant certificates)

Year of Award / Awarding Agency / Examination / Result



11. Does your health and fitness allow you to perform the duties of Beach Lifeguard:

Yes No

If No, please give brief details ______


12. Is your eyesight normal without contact lenses or glasses? Yes No

If No, state form of correction used ______

13. Is your colour vision normal? Yes No

If No, please give details of any problem______

14. List all of your previous employment or experience relating to swimming and/or life-saving in date order below:

From To


Name and Address of Employer


Type of Employment

15. Availability

Are you available: Full Time (up to 7days) OR Part-Time
(a)  Week-day Duty

(b)  Week-end Duty
(Please tick the appropriate boxes)
Note: If available for both it is essential to express your preference

16. Declaration of authorisation in relation to certain posts involving work with Children:

Have you ever changed your surname? Yes No

Have you any criminal convictions: Yes No

If Yes, give details: ______


17. Garda Vetting - Signed Declaration:

(Applicants will be required to complete a Garda Vetting Form)

I hereby authorise An Garda Síochána to furnish Fingal County Council with a statement that there are no convictions recorded against me, or a statement of any convictions against me, as the case may be.

Applicant’s Signature: ______

18. REFERENCES: Give the names of two responsible people to whom you are well known, but not related, who may be contacted by Fingal County Council.

Name ______Name ______
Occupation ______Occupation______

Address ______Address ______


Tel No. ______Tel No. ______

I, the undersigned, hereby declare all the foregoing particulars to be true.

Signature of Applicant ______Date ______

Successful applicants may be required to perform duties of an auxiliary nature.

Note: The completed application should be returned to the

Operations Department (Lifeguards), Fingal County Council,
Civic Offices, Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15
no later than 4.30pm on or before Friday 1st March 2013.