Off-Campus Access to the Online Resources

of the

Eckerd College Library

The Eckerd College Library has a large and growing range of resources available electronically to members of the Eckerd College community. You are invited to make use of these resources as often as you like, at no cost to you.

Your first step is to go to the Eckerd College library web site at From here, click on “Databases.” Here you will find the list of resources available.

These databases are available only to those – like Eckerd College -- who have paid a fee. Please encourage all members of the Eckerd community to honor our legal and ethical commitment to not divulge passwords or other information that would allow persons not associated with the college to gain access as described below.

For the first set of databases, you may gain access by entering an appropriate “ID” and (sometimes) a password. For the second group, you will need to access the database via an Eckerd College computer.

I. Sites that allow access via ID / password:

The following resources are available via any computer that has Internet access. Simply go to the web site address (URL) indicated, enter the appropriate patron ID authorization, or username, and then (if necessary) the password, when prompted.

Resource / Description / URL / Patron ID / Authorization / Username / Password
InfoTrac Searchbank / Indexing and full text journal articles for thousands of journals and newspapers. Databases include Expanded Academic, Expanded Business File, Health Reference Center-Academic, National Newspaper Index, and Books in Print. / / 0148700 / -None-
OCLC FirstSearch / Indexing and abstracting of journals in these areas: Conferences & Proceedings, Education, Engineering & Technology, General & Reference, Medicine & Health Sciences, and Public Affairs & Law. / / 100-122-134 / fan!awash
ProQuest Direct- ABI/INFORM and PA Research II / In-depth coverage of business conditions, trends, corporate strategies and tactics, management techniques, etc. Indexing, abstracts, and full text of articles are available from over 1000 publications. / / 0148700 / -None-

II. Sites that allow access only via an Eckerd College computer:

You MUST have an active Eckerd email account in order to use the proxy server. If you have not activated your Eckerd email account, inquirer with the PEL campus staff or ITS staff for assistance (ITS can be reached at 864-8318).

To access these resources, you will need to tell your Internet browser (assumed to be either Netscape Navigator 4.0 or Internet Explorer 5.0) that you want to use a “proxy server.” AOL SUBSCRIBERS: you will need to use AOL 4.0 or later and use either Internet Explorer or Netscape as your browser. To do this, log in to AOL as you normally would, minimize the program, run Internet Explorer (click on START, choose PROGRAMS, choose INTERNET EXPLORER), and follow the instructions below.

To do this in Netscape, take the following actions:

1.  Use your mouse to click “Edit” on the main menu.

2.  Click on “Preferences” in the sub-menu.

3.  Click in the small box to the left of the word “Advanced.”

4.  Click on “Proxies.”

5.  Select “Automatic proxy configuration.”

6.  Type the following in the box entitled “Configuration location (URL)”:

7.  Click the “Reload” button just below the phrase you just entered.

8.  Click “OK” to complete your setup.


To do this using Internet Explorer, take the following actions:

1.  Use your mouse to click “Tools” on the main menu.

2.  Click on “Internet Options” in the sub-menu.

3.  Click on the “Connection” tab.

4.  Click on the “LAN Settings” button.

5.  Check the box next to “Use Automatic Configuration Script”

6.  Type the following in the box labeled “Address”:

7.  Click on “OK”.

8.  Click “OK” again to complete your setup.

You will only need to do this one time.

Here’s what will happen: each time you begin to use your browser, it will automatically contact the “enterprise” computer at Eckerd College, which will prompt you for a User Name and Password. You should enter the User Name and Password that you normally use to access the acasun computer (for your email, for example). The Eckerd computer will then download to your computer the Internet addresses (URLs) of the databases listed below. When you try to reach one of these databases – but only then – your computer will go to them by going through the Eckerd computer. Since the database’s computer will see that you are coming from the Eckerd computer, it will let you in.

Resource / Description
Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts / The premier reference in the field of aquatic resources, with input from over 5,000 serial publications, books, reports, conference proceedings, translations and limited distribution literature. Dates of Coverage: 1978 - current. Size: Over 605,800 records as of March 1998
CIAO- Columbia International Affairs Online / Designed to be the most comprehensive source for theory and research in international affairs. CIAO publishes a wide range of scholarship from 1991 on that includes working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from Non-Governmental Organizations, foundation-funded research projects, and proceedings from conferences.
Environment. Knowledge. / Environmental Periodicals Knowledgebase, the online version of the Environmental Periodicals Bibliography, has been published since 1972 by the Environmental Studies Institute of the International Academy at Santa Barbara. The vast database that has been created during this time contains nearly three quarters of a million indexed citations to articles from scientific, technical, and popular journals, spanning the whole range of environmental topics.
ERIC / The ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) database is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education and provides extensive access to education-related literature. The ERIC database corresponds to two printed journals: Resources in Education (RIE) and Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE). ERIC provides access to 14,000 documents and over 20,000 journal articles per year. Dates of Coverage: 1966 – current. Size: Over 951,750 records as of April 1998.
Gender Watch / GenderWatch is a full-text collection of international journals, magazines, newsletters, regional publications, special reports, and conference proceedings devoted to women's issues.
Institute of Physics / 32 full text journals are available from IOP. Current issues, archives of back issues, and announcements of forthcoming articles are also available.
J-STOR / Full-text of complete runs of over 50 major academic journals (through 3-5 years in the past) in the areas of economics, political science, history, mathematics, ecology, and more.
Lexis/Nexis Academic Universe / Academic Universe provides access to a wide range of news, business, legal, and reference information (most areas are full text). Areas include: Top News, Biographical Information, General News Topics, Reference & Directories, Company News, General Medical & Health Topics, Industry & Market News, Medical Abstracts, Government & Political News Accounting, Auditing, & Tax, Legal News, Law Reviews, Company Financial Information, Federal Case Law, Country Profiles, U.S. Code, Constitution, & Court Rules, State Profiles, and State Legal Research
NewsBank / Over 1,000 regional, national and international sources--all full-text, with articles covering current events, business and many other topics.
Oceanic Abstracts / Oceanic Abstracts is focused exclusively on worldwide technical literature pertaining to the marine and brackish water environment. Coverage is from 1981-present.
Project Muse / Full-text of over 40 journals from the Johns Hopkins University Press. Titles include Eighteenth Century Life, Human Rights Quarterly, Literature and Medicine, and Postmodern Culture.
PROLA / PROLA is The American Physical Society's Physical Review Online Archive and it contains a (nearly) complete electronic copy of Physical Review from 1985 through 1996.
ProQuest PsychINFO / Based on the definitive PsycINFO database from the American Psychological Association, PsycINFO PlusText provides abstracts and indexing for 1,500 key titles, with links to 300 titles in full text. PsycINFO PlusText covers a wide range of topics including all psychology disciplines, plus related articles in education, business, medicine, nursing, law, and social work.
Sociological Abstracts / A primary resource for accessing the latest research sponsored in sociology and related disciplines, drawing information from over 2,600 journals and other serials publications, plus conference papers, books, and dissertations. Records added after 1974 contain in-depth and non-evaluative abstracts of journal articles. Dates of Coverage: 1963 - current. Size: Over 514,000 records as of March 1998.
Wilson Indexes and Full-Text / The following indexes to journal literature and selected full-text are available: Biological and Agricultural, Essay and General Literature, Book Review Digest, Current Biography, Wilson OmniFile (a multi-disciplinary database).

Last revised 02/02/01