Callahan, Gerald N.
Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology 970 491-7086
1619 Campus Delivery
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
1974 Ph.D., Experimental Pathology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
1969 B.S., Biological Science, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
(2007-present) Professor Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology, Colorado State University
(2007-present) Professor Department of English, Colorado State University
(2003-present) Associate Professor, Department of English, Colorado State University
(2001-present) Associate Professor of Immunology/Public Understanding of Science,
Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology, Colorado State University
(19862001) Associate Professor of Immunology, Department of Pathology, Colorado State University
(19851994) Joint Appointment, Department of Biochemistry, Colorado State University
(1984-1986) Assistant Professor of Immunology, Department of Pathology, Colorado State University
(1984-present) Graduate Faculty, Cell and Molecular Biology Program, Colorado State University
(19801984) Assistant Member Level II, Department of Immunology, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, California
(19781980) Assistant Member Level I, Department of Immunology, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, California
(19741978) PostDoctoral Fellow, Department of Immunopathology, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, California
2009 Nominated for Best Teacher Award by Colorado State University Alumni Association
2009 Nominated for Honors Professor of the Year
2008 Nominated for Honors Professor of the Year
2007 Infection: The Uninvited Universe selected by Science News as a “New and Notable Book” for 2007
2007 Honors Program Award for Exceptional Teaching, Nominated for Honors Professor of the Year, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
2006 Eddy Teacher Award for Excellence in Undergraduate, Graduate, and Medical Education,
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
2004 Honors Nominated for Honors Professor of the Year, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
2003 Finalist, Colorado Book Award for Nonfiction, Colorado Center for the Book, Denver, CO
2003 Anomalist Award for “Most Creative Nonfiction Book of 2002,” The Anomalist
2003 Nominated for Pulitzer Prize for Faith, Madness, and Spontaneous Human Combustion: What Immunology Can Teach Us About Self-Perception
1999 Colorado Council on the Arts Award for Creative Nonfiction, Denver, CO
1991 Elected to the American Association for Cancer Research
1985 Merck Award for Advancement of Education in Veterinary Medicine
19791984 Scholar of the Leukemia Society of America
1978 Elected to the American Association of Immunologists
19761977 National Research Service Award, CA 05386
19741976 National Research Service Award, CA 00006
Scientific Refereed Journal Articles:
1. Callahan, G.N., I. Stroehman, and C.W. DeWitt, 1974,Separation of species and major histocompatibility antigens in the rat. Immunology 27:1141
2. Callahan, G.N. and C.W. DeWitt, 1975, Rat cell surface antigens. I. Isolation and partial characterization of an AgB antigen. J. Immunol. 114:776
3. Callahan, G. N., and C.W. DeWitt, 1975, Rat cell surface antigens. II. isolation of a minor histocompatibility antigen. J. Immunol. 114:779
4. Ferrone, S., M.A. Pellegrino, and G.N. Callahan, 1975, Activation of the complement system by H2 alloantisera. Differential susceptibility to lysis of thymocytes and lymphocytes. Immunogenetics 2:119
5.Callahan, G.N., S. Ferrone, J.P. Allison, and R.A. Reisfeld, 1975, Detection of H2 antigens in serum. Transplantation 20: 431
6.Callahan, G.N. S. Ferrone, M.D. Poulik, and R.A. Reisfeld, 1976, Characterization of Ia antigens in mouse serum. J. Immunol. 117: 1351
7.Allison, J.P., M.A. Pellegrino, S. Ferrone, G.N. Callahan, and R.A. Reisfeld, 1977, Biological and chemical characterization of HLA antigens in human serum. J. Immunol. 118:1004
8.Zinkernagel, R.M., G.N. Callahan, J.W. Streilein, and J. Klein, 1977, Neonatally tolerant mice fail to react against virusinfected tolerant cells. Nature 266: 837
Scientific Refereed Journal Articles – Continued:
9.Zinkernagel, R.M., G.N. Callahan, J. Klein and G. Dennert, 1978, Cytotoxic Tcells learn specificity for self H2 during differentiation in the thymus. Nature 271: 251
10.Callahan, G.N. and J.P. Allison, 1978, H2 antigens on a murine lymphoma are associated with additional proteins. Nature 271: 165
11.Zinkernagel, R.M., G.N. Callahan, A. Althage, S. Cooper, J.W. Streilein, and J. Klein, 1978, The lymphoreticular system in triggering virusplusselfspecific cytotoxic Tcells. Evidence for Thelp. J. Exp. Med. 147: 897
12.Zinkernagel, R.M., G.N. Callahan, A. Althage, S. Cooper, P. Klein, and J. Klein, 1978, On the thymus in the differentiation of "H2 self recognition" by Tcells. Evidence for dual recognition. J. Exp. Med. 147: 882
13.Callahan, G.N., M.A. Pellegrino, R.P. McCabe, L. Frugis, J.P. Allison, and S. Ferrone, 1978, Histocompatibility antigens on tumor cells: Spatial and structural relationship with tumor- associated antigens. Behring Inst. Mitt. 62: 114
14.Zinkernagel, R.M., A. Althage, S. Cooper, G.N. Callahan, and J. Klein, 1978, In irradiation chimeras K or D regions of the chimeric host, not of the donor lymphocytes determine immune responsiveness of antiviral cytotoxic Tcells. J. Exp. Med. 148: 805
15. Callahan, G.N., J.P. Allison, M.A. Pellegrino, and R.A. Reisfeld, 1979, Association between H2 and tumor-associated antigens on a murine lymphoma. J. Immunol. 122: 70
16.Zinkernagel, R.M., A. Althage, and G.N. Callahan, 1979, Thymic reconstitution of nude F1 mice with one or both parental thymus grafts. J. Exp. Med. 150: 693
17.Callahan, G.N., M.A. Pellegrino, and L.E. Walker, 1979, Alterations in expression of glycoproteins by a murine fibrosarcoma detected with Staphylococcus aureus. Transplant. Proc., XII, 87
18.Callahan, G.N., A.K. Ng, M.A. Pellegrino, and S. Ferrone, 1979, Crossreactive xenoantibodies to human and murine b2microglobulin. Transplant Proc. XI, 1739
19.Ferrone, S., M.A. Pellegrino, and G.N. Callahan, 1979, Human and murine tumor systems: Changes in surface structures coded by the major histocompatibility complex. J. Immunogenetics 7: 71
20.Callahan, G.N., M.A. Pellegrino, S. Ferrone, L. Haubrich, and R.A. Reisfeld, 1979, Expression of a sheep red blood cell receptor by a murine lymphoma. J. Immunol. 123: 2725
21.Callahan, G.N., S. Ferrone, J.P. Allison, and R.A. Reisfeld, 1979, The nature of normal and neoplastic antigens in serum. In: The Handbook of Cancer and Immunology (H. Waters, ed.) Garland STPM Publishing, New York
22.Zinkernagel, R.M., A. Althage, E.M. Waterfield, P. Pincetl, G.N. Callahan, and J. Klein,1979, Two stages of H2 dependent Tcell maturation. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Cell Lineage and Stem Cell Differentiation. Elsevier/NorthHolland Biomedical Press.B.V.
23.Callahan, G.N., M.A. Pellegrino, and L.E. Walker, 1979, Alterations in expression of glycoproteins by a murine fibrosarcoma. Immunogenetics 9: 314
24.Zinkernagel, R.M., G.N. Callahan, J.L. McIvor, and C.M. Warner,1980, Linkage of responder phenotype and restriction specificity of virus specific cytotoxic Tcells in P1P2 embryo aggregation or (P1 x P2) f1. Irradiation chimeras. J. Exp. Med. 153: 831
25.Zinkernagel, R.M., R. Welsh, G.N. Callahan, and A. Althage, 1980, On the immunocompetence of H2 incompatible irradiation bone marrow chimeras. J. Immunol. 124: 2356
26.Callahan, G.N., M.A. Pellegrino, and S. Ferrone, 1980, Crossreactive xenoantibodies to the heavy chain of human and murine histocompatibility antigens. Scand. J. Immunol. 12: 297
27.Zinkernagel, R.M., A. Althage, E.M. Waterfield, B. Kindred, R.M. Welsh, G.N. Callahan, and P. Pincetl, 1980, Restriction specificities alloreactivity and allotolerance expressed by Tcells from nude mice reconstituted with H2 compatible or incompatible thymus grafts. J. Exp. Med. 151: 376
28.Callahan, G.N., L.E. Walker, and W.J. Martin, 1981, Biochemical comparison of H2K antigens isolated from C3HfB/HeN and C3H/HeN mice. Immunogenetics 12: 561
29.Callahan, G.N., L.E. Walker, and W.J. Martin, 1981, Biochemical comparison of mutant H2Kkvl (C3HfB/HeN) and parent H2Kk (C3H/HeN) glycoproteins. Transplant Proc. XIII (4), 17
Scientific Refereed Journal Articles – Continued:
30. Quaranta, V., M.A. Pellegrino, G.N. Callahan, and S. Ferrone, 1981, Crossreactivity between human and murine lymphocyte antigens. IV. Serological and immunochemical analyses of the reactivity of the antiH2 antiserum D32 with subpopulations of HLAA and B antigens. Immunogenetics 13:311
31. Zinkernagel, R.M. and G.N. Callahan, 1982, Low responsiveness to Dk or Db plus vaccinia virus or to Kk plus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus assessed by availability of D or K products. Tissue Antigens 17:507
32.Callahan, G.N., W.J. Martin, and D. Pardi, 1982, Biochemical comparison of MHC antigens isolated from mutant C3Hf/Hen and parent C3H/Hen mice. J. Immunol. 128:2116
33. Callahan, G.N., D. Pardi, M.A. Giedlin, and W. J. Martin, 1983, Biochemical evidence for the expression of a semiallogeneic H2 antigen by a murine adenocarcinoma. J. Immunol. 130:471
34. Giedlin, M.A., W.J. Martin, and G.N. Callahan, 1983, Immunochemical characterization of Ia antigens on the murine adenocarcinoma LT85. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 71:825
35. Callahan, G.N., 1984, Soluble factors produced during an immune response regulate Ia antigen expression by murine adenocarcinoma and fibrosarcoma cells. J. Immunol. 132:2649
36. Callahan, G.N., 1985, The products of the major histocompatibility complex on tumor cells. in Monoclonal antibodies in cancer edited by S. Cell, Humana Press, New Jersey
37. Lairmore, M.D., S.T. Butera, G.N. Callahan, J.C. DeMartini, 1988, Spontaneous interferon production by pulmonary leukocytes is associated with lentivirus-induced lymphoid interstitial pneumonia. J. Immunol. 140:779
38. Minamide, L. H., G.N. Callahan, F.G. Grosveld, and K. Hui, 1988, The nucleotide sequence of the H-2K gene of C3Hf/HeN mice. Immunogenetics 27:148-152
39. Porter, R.E., M.G. Weiser, G.N. Callahan, 1989, An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect IgG, IgM, and complement (C3) on canine erythrocytes. Am. J. Vet. Res. 50:1365-1369
40. Reagan, W.R., D. Pardi, and G.N. Callahan, 1991, Cells of chemically induced tumors differentially express major histocompatibility complex class I antigens. Cancer Investigation. 9:269-278
41. Pardi, D., S. Quackenbush, J. Mullins, E.A. Hoover, and G.N. Callahan, 1991, Selective impairment of humoral immunity in FeLV-induced immunodeficiency: evidence for the existence of a T-helper cell subpopulation that is the sole source for B-cell help in cats. Vet. Immunol. Immunopath. 28:183-200
42. Dinchuk, J.A., K.A. Kelly, and G.N. Callahan, 1992, Lymphocytes possess probenecid-inhibitable organic anion channels. J. Immunol. Meth. 155:257-265
43. Leach, D.R. and G.N. Callahan, 1995, Fibrosarcoma cells expressing allogeneic MHC class II antigens induce protective antitumor immunity. J. Immunol. 154:748-743
44. Leach, D.R., and G.N. Callahan, 1995, Protective antitumor immunity induced by immunization with MHC class II gene-transfected tumor cells is unrelated MHC class II expression. Pathobiology 63:57
45. Callahan, G.N. and D.R. Leach, 1996, Enhanced stimulation of T cell-mediated help by alloantigens on tumor cells induces long-term, protective antitumor immunity. Cancer Detection and Prevention, 35:236
46. Callahan, G.N., 2002, Madness. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 8:998
47. Callahan, G.N., 2003, Eating Dirt. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 9:1016
48. Callahan, G.N., 2005, First Self. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 11:333
Scientific Non-Refereed Journal Articles:
1. Callahan, G.N., 1995,The Role of the thymus in human immunity and human individuality. Oriental Medicine Vol. 4 number 2 pg. 21
2. .Callahan, G.N., E. Wember, and J. Smith, 1996, Nutrition and human immunity. Oriental Medicine, 5:31.
3. Rollin, M. and G.N. Callahan, 1998, The interrelationship of the nervous and immune systems. Oriental Medicine. 7:30
Scientific Non-Refereed Journal Articles – Continued:
4. Callahan, G.N., 2000, Immunity and Memory, Oriental Medicine, 9:30
5. Callahan, G.N., 2002, Chimera, California Journal of Oriental Medicine
Literary Publications:
1. Callahan, Gerald N. (seasonal poetry), Mohr-Callahan, Gina (text), 1994, Seasons in the Wild, Worm Press, wildlife photography by John and Karen Hollingsworth
2. Callahan, Gerald N., 1998, River Odyssey: A Story of the Colorado Plateau, University Press of Colorado
3. Callahan, Gerald N., 2002, Faith, Madness, and Spontaneous Human Combustion: What Immunology Can Teach Us About Self-Perception, Thomas Dunne Books, St. Martin’s Press
3a. Callahan, Gerald N., 2003, Faith, Madness, and Spontaneous Human Combustion: What Immunology Can Teach Us About Self-Perception, Paperback, Berkley Books, New York, NY
3b. Callahan, Gerald N., 2003, Autopercepção: o que Podemos Aprender Com o Sistema Imunológico, Editora Senac, Brazil (Portuguese Translation)
3c. Callahan, Gerald N., 2003, Faith, Madness, and Spontaneous Human Combustion: What Immunology Can Teach Us About Self-Perception, Kadakawa Press (Japanese Translation)
4. Callahan, Gerald N., 2006, Infection: The Uninvited Universe, St. Martin’s Press, New York, NY
4b. Callahan, Gerald N. 2007 Infection: The Uninvited Universe, Cho Press (Chinese Translation)
5. Callahan, Gerald N. 2009, Between XX and XY: Intersexuality and the Myth of Two Sexes, Chicago Review Press.
6. Callahan, G.N. and R.M. Yates, 2012, Basic Veterinary Immunology, University Press of Colorado
Poetry Published In Literary Journals (Peer-Reviewed)
1. Callahan, Gerald N., 1991, Mandala, in Urania, eds. Mile High Poetry Society, pg. 371
2. Callahan, Gerlad, N., 1991, Pescadores, Orphic Lute, 14-15:40
3. Callahan, Gerald N., 1991, Oaks, Orphic Lute, 21:40
4. Callahan, Gerald N., 1991, New Oaks, Phase and Cycle, 4:36
5. Callahan, Gerald N., 1991, Symbiont, Puerto del Sol, 27:299
6. Callahan, Gerald N., 1991, The Snag at Potato Bottom, Phase and Cycle, IV # 2 pg.137
7. Callahan, Gerald N., 1993, The Leaf Has Grown No Less Intricate, Phase and Cycle, VI #2
8. Callahan, Gerald N., 1993, A Dream of St. Francis, Phase and Cycle, VI #1 pg. 26
9. Callahan, Gerald N., 1994, Bluejays, Black Buzzard Review vol. VII
10. Callahan, Gerald N., 1994, Blue Grouse, Phase and Cycle, Fall/Winter 7:10
11. Callahan, Gerald N., 1994, Waiting for a Train, The Bridge, 4:88
12. Callahan, Gerald N., 1994, Words That Must Be Whispered, Atlanta Review 1:14
13. Callahan, Gerald N., 1995, A Winter's Solstice, Midwest Quarterly, Vol 36, #3 pg. 292
14. Callahan, Gerald N., 1995, Watermarks, The MacGuffin Vol 12, #1. pg. 63
15. Callahan, Gerald N., 1995, Raven's Dream, The MacGuffin 12, #1. pg. 20
16. Callahan, Gerald N., 1995, The Thing Inside Your Head, The Midland Review, pg. 89
17. Callahan, Gerald N., 1995, Natural Selection, The Midland Review, pg. 92
18. Callahan, Gerald N., 1995, The Whiteness of Birds, Southern Poetry Review, 35:22
19. Callahan, Gerald N., 1996, Green River, Utah, High Country News
20. Callahan, Gerald N., 1996, A Tree Perhaps, The Midland Review, pg. 64
21. Callahan, Gerald N., 1996, Fairy Tale, Rhino
22. Callahan, Gerald N., 1997, Unemployed in Greenland, Southern Poetry Review, Spring
23. Callahan, Gerald N., 1998, The Dog at Christ’s Feet, Bisbee News, July 5
Callahan, Gerald N., 1998, Unemployed in Greenland, Bisbee News, October 21
24. Callahan, Gerald N., 1998, Near Gypsum Gap, Comment 29, #12, pg. 4
25. Callahan, Gerald N., 1999, The Dog at Christ’s Feet, Southern Poetry Review, Summer
26. Callahan, Gerald N., 2000, Maria Grazia, The MacGuffin, Summer