I the undersigned ______born in ______on ____/____/______resident in Via/P.zza ______City ______Prov. ______Tax ID ______
Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna to gratuitously use the images, portrait, audio and video recordings (“Materials”) of myself and the places, rooms, objects and documents filmed, also partially and/or edited or adapted as produced by ______[indicatename of photographer] and enclosed with this document inAnn. 1 for research, institutional, cultural and teaching purposes, as well as in the University's dissemination and communication activities. . I also authorise my personal data to be used free of charge; this may include partial and/or modified or adapted forms thereof. The above authorisation implies the granting of a non-exclusive worldwide license, with unlimited duration and transferable to third parties, for the use of the Materials and includes the rights laid down in articles 12 and following of Italian Law no. 633/1941, including but not limited to: right of publication; right of reproduction in any form or way; right of transcription, adaptation, elaboration and reduction; right of communication and making available to the public, including the right of transmission and diffusion (for example by iptv, mobile terminals, voip, digital channels etc.), even in a brief and/or abridged form, using any technical means, the right to preserve a copy of the Materials, also in digital format and using any known or future technological means for the purposes and in the limits laid down above. It is in any case forbidden to use the portrait in any way which could damage the honour, reputation or dignity of the person portrayed or recorded.
- I have acquired, have not exclusively transferred or in any case have reacquired the rights to which this deed refers and therefore may freely dispose of them as required for the purposes of this deed;
- I hold the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna fully harmless and indemnify it against all loss, damages, liability, cost or expense, including legal fees, arising from or in any way connected to claims or objections raised by third parties in relation to the use of the Materials by Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna;
- I have read the statement of privacy policy regarding processing of my likeness and/or audio/video recording.
Bologna, date ___/___/______
______(legible signature)
The personal data of the person portrayed or recorded, including “Materials”, will be processed by electronic and other means by persons specifically engaged for institutional, research, cultural and teaching purposes, for publicizing and informing about the University, and for the reasons outlined in art. 4 of D.R. 271/2009.
The Materials collected will be kept in electronic or other technological form for the reasons and within the limits stated above, and may be made known as per Law N° 150/2000 on institutional websites as well as social networks (such as, though not confined to, facebook, twitter and youtube).
It is at the discretion of the Author whether he/she makes available personal data; in any event, refusal to grant access to personal data would make implementation of this Agreement impossible.
Personal data may be disclosed to employees, collaborators and suppliers of the Alma Mater Studiorum – Bologna University, as well as to any person to whom, by law, such information is to be divulged for the proper fulfilment of the obligations connected with the execution of this Agreement and within the limits of that which is strictly necessary to achieve the objects described above.
The portrayed person may at any time exercise the rights laid down in art. 7 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, requesting, inter alia, communication in intelligible form of the date, its cancellation, update, or amendment and may object to its use by written notice to be sent to the Data Controller.
The Data Controller is Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Via Zamboni, 33 – 40126 Bologna. The person(s) responsible for data control is Alberto Montanari.