Basha High School

Comprehensive Health

(Updated: July 2015)

Instructor: Mrs. Farrington

Office Hours: By appointment # 480.224.2206


Text: “Responsible Driving,” American Automobile

Association, Glenco/Mcgraw-Hill, Ohio

“Health and Wellness,” Glenco/Mcgraw-Hill, N.Y.

Arizona Driver’s Manual

Requirements: Chapter readings of required driving and health material.

Tests of driving laws, rules, and regulations.

Completion of projects and presentations.

Chapter tests of health issues assigned.

Participation in class activities and discussions.

In and out of class assignments as appropriate.

Grading: A= 90 – 100% B= 80 – 89%

C= 70 – 79% D= 60 – 69%

F= 59% or below

Students may receive points for Portfolio Packets (described below), homework assignments, class work, journals, tests, quizzes, presentations, extra credit, etc. Along with receiving points, students will have deduction of points from lack of completion of assignments, as well as, not engaged. Please refer to Infinite Campus for grades via BHS website, click the following tabs: “District Home” then “Human Resources” then “Staff Resources & Links” lastly click “Infinite Campus (Parents)”. Students’ information is only accessible by using an individualized password assigned by the school. Parents may contact office personnel/counselor for their child’s password.

Portfolio Packets/Folder: Students will be responsible for completing portfolio packets for each unit covered in Comprehensive Health. Completing these packets correctly will help your child with studying for that unit test and the final at the end of the semester.

After I grade these packets, the students will place them in their own Portfolio Folder (which will be provided) and the folders will be kept in our classroom. Towards the end of the semester, I will pass back these folders along with a study guide for your child to study for the final. These packets (and folder) will help your child receive a homework grade, focus on the material for that unit’s test, and have available information to study for the final.

Attendance: Absences (excused and unexcused) will be recorded; by your child’s ninth absences, the student may be dropped from the class with an “F”.

Missed Classes/Make Up Work: If excused absent, all class work missed must be made up. In the event of an excused absence it will be the student’s responsibility to seek out what work they missed before or after instruction time. The student will be allowed one day for each class missed to turn in any missing assignments. Students will receive a zero for missing assignments and/or tests until they are made up. In the event of a severe illness, accident, or emergency, special arrangements may be made with the instructor. If a student simply turns in an assignment late, the assignment will be accepted at the discretion of the instructor. Any late (the next class) assignment accepted may only be eligible for 50% credit. The next class the late assignment may not be accepted. A parent or legal guardian must call the attendance office #480.224.2103 within 24 hours of the absence to officially excused students from school. Please go to the BHS website and click under “faculty” then click on “Yvette Farrington.” On my webpage, you can go to the left tab “Calendar” then click on the day your child missed to see what has been accomplished that day. You will have to download the highlighted link to see the class plan and any other activity sheets. I update the calendar by 5:00 pm each day, unless there was a computer problem.

Diversity Statement: All individuals have a right to an educational environment free from bias, prejudice and bigotry. As members of the Basha High School educational community, students are expected to refrain from participating in acts of harassment that are designed to demean another student’s race, gender, ethnicity, religious preference, disability or sexual orientation.

We are here to empower one another; therefore, negative comments (name calling, racial slurs, etc.,) will not be tolerated in my classroom. Profanity will also not be tolerated in my classroom. Please refer to the Basha Student Handbook.

Dress Code: Hats will not be worn in the classroom. Please also refer to the Basha Student Handbook.

Behavioral Plan: Students choosing not to follow rules or not engaging in the learning process, or interfering with the learning environment of the class will be first spoken to by the instructor. Second infraction (may or may not be the same action as the first) will result with instructor calling the parent/guardian. The third infraction will result in a referral. If the infraction is severe then it will result in a direct referral and call to parent/guardian. Cheating is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Tardies: Teachers will be issuing the consequences for three tardies. Make sure you understand each teacher’s consequence, so there is not any confusion. Students must be sitting in their assigned seat ready to learn to not be considered tardy. When a student is late, he/she is to fill out the tardy log-in sheet by the door. This procedure will repeat for every tardy. On the 2nd-3rd tardy, there will be contact home (via email) explaining the consequences after the third tardy. On the 4th tardy and every tardy after, a referral will be filled out and given to administration.

Electronic Devices/Cell Phones: Cell phones and electronic devices must be turned off and hidden.

Electronic Devices and Cell Phones will be confiscated if displayed in my classroom regardless if in use or location of item. After the item is confiscated, it will be handed to administration. Further infractions may result with a written referral.

Food: Students are not allowed to have food or drink in the classroom except water in clear bottles. NO OTHER EXCEPTIONS.

Conference Hour: If your child has my class during Conference Hour they are required to do homework, study, or read. Your child may leave if he/she has a pass, (for tutoring from their teacher prior or a properly designated color club pass,) to our class starting. No pass = no go.

Movies/Content: The focus of this class is responsibility and critical thinking. Video presentations that are used to supplement the curriculum may include graphic footage of accident scenes as well as mature content. Guest speakers may also discuss or share content that may be graphic. The intent of the curriculum is to educate students as to the health and safety issues that are present in our society and how to prevent these situations from happening to them.

Basha High School

Comprehensive Health

Name of Student—Please Print ______

By signing below you are stating that you have read and understand the course guidelines and are giving your child permission to take part in the “Movies/Content” portion of the curriculum, which may be graphic. If you have any questions, please call me to discuss your concerns. Thank you.

Student Signature ______

Date ______

Parent Signature ______

Date ______

Parent Name ______

Parent Phone Number ______

Parent E-Mail Address ______

Please print clearly, thank you.

Is there anything I should know about your child, please write below:


