WOW – big news this week!

First off, congratulations to our field hockey team! Reynolds played strong and brought home an exciting 2-1 victory against NW Guilford Monday night in the state play-offs. The Demons advanced to the final four! On Friday, Reynolds plays at Greensboro Day in the state championship semi-finals. The kids are out of school, so get in the car and join us as we cheer on the Demons!

We hope everyone is ready to run in the Matt Gfeller Doughnut Run on Saturday, November 12. It’s a great event for all ages to raise funds for traumatic brain injury research and to bring the community together. Run or walk, and remember our RJR great athlete and dear friend, #57!

During the week of November 14, the guidance office is offering extra help to all seniors who are applying for financial aid for college. Students, if you need help, please check with the guidance office. Don’t miss this week to turn in your application for financial aid! Special thanks to our guidance office staff and Ms. Starr Brown for extra assistance during this important week. Ms. Brown is our resident expert on college financial aid. She completed an internship this summer that focused on the aid process and she is uniquely qualified to help our students. We are lucky to have Ms. Brown’s expertise! Also, thank you to the PTSA volunteers who are giving their time to help make this a successful week for all our seniors applying for financial aid.

We wish you all a good week and as always…


Jean Anne and Scott Semke

Co-Presidents PTSA

This week our volunteer in the spotlight is Lana Young. We thank Lana for all her work on the Reflections contest. Lana processed all our entries, and at an ArtsMagnet school that is quite a task! Many talented students submitted work and Lana touched them all! She also secured volunteers to judge the entries for each category. Mother of freshman Graham, Lana jumped right in this fall and began helping out. We thank you Lana and we are happy to have you and Graham at ReynoldsHigh School!

Your gift makes a difference…and every gift counts!

Over the past few months, we’ve been sharing quotes from our faculty and staff about what the Legacy Campaign means to them, their students and their ability to more effectively teach in the classroom. Read what David Freidman, Social Studies teacher and the 2010-2011 R.J. Reynolds Teacher of the Year had to say:

“The Legacy Campaign allows what is great about Reynolds to be the driving force for further progress. We have an incredibly creativefaculty and student body who are keenly aware of their unique needs. The Legacy Campaignfunds the creativity of the teachers and students so that student achievement can flourish in as many directions as can be imagined.”

What an awesome testimony to the impact of our Legacy funds! Legacy donations now total a whopping $94,428 from 214 donors!! These donors include faculty and staff, current RJR parents, past parents, alumni and other generous community supporters! You can join this “illustrious group” by sending in your donation TODAY!

Please email us at with any questions, comments or concerns. Remember, if you’ve donated and have NOT received your Legacy packet, you should have! We have no way of knowing if you’ve sent a check (until we get it!), so PLEASE contact us if you haven’t received your Legacy packet!

Lisa and Greg Carter


Start your holiday shopping in the Demon Shop! We have hoodies, long-sleeve T-shirts, BRAND NEW gray sweatpants and lots of other goodies. Remember…we are open Wednesdays and Fridays from 12:00 to 2:00. If you are interested in working in the shop please contact Lisa Rowell at .

See photos of the new gear at the end of this newsletter!

The Matt Gfeller Memorial Doughnut Race packet pick-up will be outside the ArtsBuilding on Friday, November 11th from 4-6 p.m. and Saturday before the race from 7:30-8:30 a.m. It is NOT too late to register! The online link is information is in the Reynolds office.
Chick Fil-A at Thruway will donate 10% of proceeds on THURSDAY, November 10th to the Matthew Gfeller Foundation.
The Loop Pizza Grill at Thruway will donate 10% of all proceeds on FRIDAY, November 11th to the Matthew Gfeller Foundation.
Please consider eating out at one or both of these restaurants to support traumatic brain injury research.

Ana Meza is this week's RJR Student of the Week. She is being recognized by Ms. Martinez for exemplary and consistent attendance and effort. Congratulations, Ana!

Attention all parents of Seniors and Juniors!If you would like for your student to have an appointment with a trained parent volunteer during an elective period to help your student in various aspects of their college search, please have them fill out the brief form at the weblink below. Seniors will be given an appointment first and we will stop seeing seniors after December 1. This is one of the very special benefits of your PTSA and there are many parent volunteers who have already spent time in training to be ready to assist your student.

Reminder: Students can access their H: drive documents from off campus via the Student WebPortal on the WSFCS home page website: by logging in with the school account.Each needed document must be highlighted and DOWNLOADED to the home CPU tomake changes, then UPLOADED to put it back onto their Home folder.Suggestion: You might want to name it slightly different (i.e. xxx2) to clarify changes made.

Mouse pads

We are inneed of new mouse pads for the CPUs in the labs and media center. One hundred (100) are needed but we will take any number generously donated.This could be a great opportunity for a business advertisement!

185-Day School Year Legislation

A Call to Action

NC legislators voted last spring to add five (5) instructional days to the school year and this law became effective on July 1, 2011. One hundred eight-five (185) waiver applications, including WSFCS, were filed and approved for this school year (2011-2012). Note that when the law went into effect, WSFCS had already established its 180-day calendar for 2012-‘13.

Although the WSFCS board will be submitting a waiver request by November 15 for 2012-‘13, there is concern that waivers will not be granted so freely this time. Therefore, our school board is currently working to adopt a 185-day calendar as a contingency plan. There are six options being considered. The issues our administration and school board have with this new legislation are:

  1. The state is requiring the additional instructional days without providing any funding for it. Bus transportation expense alone is significant.
  2. The state has not relaxed the mandated start and end dates for the school year (not before 8/25 and not after 6/10, respectively). Thus, the additional instructional days will replace holidays and/or teacher professional days.

If you want to show support for our school system and our waiver application, please let the N.C. Board of Education know by emailing Bill Harrison, Chairman-State Board of Education, at:


If you have an opinion about:

  • How many instructional days should be in a school year;
  • When schools should start or stop each year;
  • Whether local school boards should have more authority over their school calendars; or
  • State funding for education,

Please email our legislators and let them know.

Sen. Pete Brunstetter:

Sen. Linda Garrou:

Rep. Larry Brown:

Rep. Dale Folwell:

Rep. William McGee:

Rep. Earline Parmon:

Rep. Larry Womble:

Please go to the Student Services page on the RJR website and complete the student/parent contact form to receive scholarshipupdate emails. Please complete the Resume and Scholarship form ASAP to begin being considered for scholarship opportunities.

CFNC is sponsoring "CFNC Application Week" at Reynolds. If your senior is interested in applying to a North Carolina college or university (public or private), please have them come to the guidance office and sign up for a day and time slot. If your student is eligible for free or reduced lunch, they will also qualify to apply to the college and/or university of their choice for free. Space is limited, so sign up today!

Pine Whispers makes a lot of noise with October issue!

You can help Pine Whispers enjoy similar success the next six issues. How? Support the local businesses that advertised haircuts, frozen yogurt, farmmarket specials -- tell them "I saw your ad in Pine Whispers!" and they'll know what kind of reach this publication possesses.

Anyone interested in advertising in a future edition or purchasing a home subscription for $25 can contact adviser Steve Hanf at .

Students and parents: RJR students will have an opportunity this December to take a practice SAT given by Elizabeth Owens from Princeton Review. This will not be an official test, but it will be an excellent opportunity for students to take a practice SAT in a setting that closely resembles the real thing. The test will be given in the RJR cafeteria from 9:00-1:30 on Saturday, Dec. 3rd. The easiest way to register is to call 1-800-2Review and do it over the phone. Registration is free, and students will be automatically registered for the Scores Back session on Dec. 14th.

Have you ever wondered what you might do as a career after school?

The ASVAB, a career assessment for students in 10th-12th grades, will be given in the media center on December 2nd from 9:00-12:00.. In order to attend, you must sign up in guidance. See Ms. McClain if you have any questions.

The Reynolds Key Club has started its annual canned food drive. Last year the Key Club collected more than 30,000 cans. Because of the gracious giving of the faculty, families, students and staff of RJR, the Key Club was able to assist many needy families during the holiday season and throughout the year. Boxes will be placed in teachers' rooms for students to donate cans.

English II needs proctorsfor field tests on:

Tuesday, November 15 from 8:55 to 12 (need 2)

Wednesday, November 16 from 8:55 to 12 (need 3)and from 12:35 to 3:40 (need 4)

Thursday, November 17 from 8:55 to 12 (need 2) and from 12:35 to 3:40 (need 2)

Also, the PLAN for 10th graders is coming on December 8 and we will need about 20 proctors. Here is more information on the PLAN:

In June 2011, the General Assembly of North Carolina ratified Senate Bill 479, which tasked the State Board of Education to require – to the extent funds are made available – the administration of the ACT® test for all 11thgrade students in NC as well as diagnostic tests in the eighth and tenth grades that align to the ACT® test. For the 2011-‘12 school year, NC has appropriated funds to test all 11th grade students with the ACT®, and all 10thgrade students with the PLAN®.

On December 8th, our 10th grade students will be taking the PLAN® test. The PLAN® is part of the ACT’s College and Career Readiness System, and provides students a way to see if they are on track for college. Designed to be administered in 10th grade, the PLAN® pinpoints academic strengths and helps students discover potential career choices that match their interests. The NC Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) is covering all costs for every 10thgrader in NC to take the PLAN®.

Beginning this year, as part of the new NC accountability model, NCDPI will also be requiring all 11th grade students to be tested with the ACT®. Taking PLAN® is a great way to prepare for the ACT® test. It covers the same subjects and provides an estimated ACT score.

The PLAN® is a multiple choice test that measures English, mathematics, reading and science skills.

ENGLISH / 50 / 30 minutes
MATH / 40 / 40 minutes
READING / 25 / 20 minutes
SCIENCE / 30 / 25 minutes

The results of the PLAN® will not be used in the calculation of grades or in any accountability measure. Students who are routinely receiving and using testing accommodations based on a current IEP/504/LEP documentation may receive similar accommodations on the PLAN®.

For more information about the PLAN®, please visit the ACT website at . If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mary Bergstone at 403-4146 or [email protected],

Bring your gently used shoes to the drop-off box in the MediaCenter between now

and November 30th!

Your donations will be sent through Soles4Souls to children in need around the world!

Shoes are being collected as part of a World History project on the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. Huge piles of shoes are a symbol for the millions of people who died there and will be donated through Soles4Souls in honor of the victims of concentration camps.

If you have any questions, please email Grace Carter at .

Nov. 15V Swimming vs. FCDS, 7:00 @ WSSU, Scrimmage

Nov. 16V Wrestling vs. S. Davidson, 5:30, Scrimmage

Nov. 17V Wrestling vs. Forbush, 5:30, Scrimmage

Come see the field hockey team in the Final Four on Friday and Saturday at GreensboroDay School. Friday’s game will be at 7:00. Saturday’s game will be at 1:00 or 3:00.

Cooking Amid the Pines

A Collection of Demon Delicious Recipes

Pre-Order Your RJR Cookbooks Now!!

On Sale For $12.00 Each

Name: ______Phone: ______

Address: ______

Email: ______

Number of Cookbooks: ______

Students Name: ______

Total: ______

Orders may be placed by returning this form along with your check to: Melissa Workman

800 Oaklawn Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC 27104


by email to:

All orders will be delivered to the MAIN OFFICE for pick-up!

Please make all checks payable to “RJR Booster Club”.