My transcription of Donald Trump’s speech

-Using Youtube transcription plus some actual work.

thank you very much everybody behind me from North Dakota so North Dakota made a

big statement and I just really appreciate it we will not forget it. thank you very much I want to thank you very good friend of mine Harold Hamm. Iguess we can consider how the king of energy is nobody like him he knows moreabout it than anybody that I know so how old I want to thank you for your support. you been amazing right from the beginning my friend for a long time andI've been on the cover of every magazine I think he's had as many covers as Ihave maybe more so

Congratulations and thank you very much for your support

ok folks yes

yes John

That's good. Is that right that's good I love their where he is the bed workers

who knows nothing about business when you rattle someone that's good because

many of the world as you know Many of our tecountries in our world beautiful

world have been absolutely abusing us and taking advantage of us so if they're

rattled in a friendly way we're going to have great relationships with these

countries but if they're rattled in a friendly way that's a good thing John

not a bad thing.Everybody understands he's a president who's allowed many of

these countries to totally take advantage of them and us unfortunately

and he's gotta say something and it's unusual that every time is a press

conference he's talking about me. So you know it's just one of those things but I

will say this he is a man who shouldn't be really you know airing his

difficulties and he shouldn't be airing what he's airing where he is right now

and I think that the University of stuff pretty soon he has not done a good job

today we're giving a big speech on energy we're going to see some amazing

things happen with our country and energy and I look forward to doing it

but President Obama you know you see what's happened you see where we'regoing. We're a divided country we have tremendous difficulty tremendousproblems to solve those problems were going to solve them fast.

Yeah go ahead

neither is likely that we would have somebody but we don't do it for any

specific reason we're looking for absolute confidence I fully expect that

we will have many women involved with not only mean I've had it with the

campaign but would have many women involved and I think that you're going

to see that you're going to see that very strongly so I look forward to it and I

know he was misquoted a couple of times he's been misquoted actually a lot but

we'regoing to have women involved at the absolute highest levels chair maker

I'm raising the money for the party

largely for the party and we intend to raise a lot of money for the party had

no idea how much but we're raising at four senators congressmen congresswomen

we're raising it for a lot of the people that are running we want to go in we

want to have majorities it's very important we have a tremendous staff of

people we raised last night actually we raised in Los Angeles we raised a lot of

money for the party and this is money is going into the RNC and we are going to

havei think a tremendous we're getting thank you all over by the Republican

senators by congressman and hopefully we're going to raise a lot of money but

this is money that's being raised for the party and I think we're going to

have a tremendous success I'm also continuing to find big portions of my


when we're finished with the United I have to say the IRS has been very

professional and they continue to be very professional in when they finish

been ordered it however for fifteen years and I don't know very many people

that have been ordered it for 15 years and wanted it all the time so I don't

know what that's all about but the IRS has been very professional and as we

move along as soon as that's finished whenever that may be and hopefully it's

going to be before the election I'm fine with it I do daviddavid in the race to

run against luck she has bad judgment this was all bad judgment probably a

legal web to find out what the FBI says about it but certainly it was bad

judgment I just read the report it's devastating the report it's devastating

and it is no reason for it it's just you know skirting on the edge all the time

and you look back at our history and this is her history it's a very very

harsh report done really by democrats you think of it

appointed by Obama and done by democrats so it's shocking to see it it's shocking

to see what she did and really more than anything else it's bad judgment but

that'sgoing to be up to her whether or not she wants to continue running yes go


well I think it will I haven't yet I think I will probably but I haven't had

the support of the governor of New Mexico you know she was supposed to use

on somebody else's which is fine I mean that's everybody's right I imagine

she'll come over to my said if you look at what's happened

tremendous support from all over the country Senators Congressmen we have

governors all over the place and vast majorities I think the approval Dow is

up to over 90 percent that's tremendous from where it started you know little

while ago is like 62 percent but I won the elections and landslides you know

very important to say you look at these elections we go to new york we went

almost sixty-two percent of the vote with three people running we then go to

Pennsylvania which is going to be I think a state that we're going to do

amazingly well. You know Hillary Clintonwants to put the coal miners out ofbusiness. She wants to put the steel mills out of business. I think I’m going to win Pennsylvania easily we have tremendous support their

Maryland Connecticut Delaware Rhode Island and then we went as you know I

mean we had a tremendous tremendous success when we went to Indiana that was

incredible night helped in all fairness but Indiana we're going to win in the end I

think very big so we're going to have tremendous successes but you know the

thing I think I'm most proud of

not the fact that I'm watching Hillary instead of Hillary what you mean we were

supposed to be going into july and a lot of people said it wouldn't even be

solved during that convention is going to be a new convention in August and

Here I am watching Hillary fight and she can't close the deal and that should be

such an easy deal to close but she's unable to close the deal so I'm watching

her and we'll see what happens

oh yes absolutely

have to look at it individually and I will be doing that number of people have

asked me I will be doing that ok thank you Katie know my message is that we've

had tremendous support from almost everybody even if you look at

congressman that support has been incredible and I spoke with Paul Ryan

last night with a very good conversation that's moving along he's a good man and

we'll see how that all works out now just we had a very good talk was there

an article in The Huffington well I'm sure he was misquoted because it is it

is true that I didn't think they covered politics though do they cover politics

well we're going to look at a lot of different things but we have to have a

big problem

11:12 We have a radical Islamic terrorism problem. It's a worldwideproblem not just this country and we have to find a solution and we have tobe vigilant and we have to be tough and smart we'll see what happens.

guess I'd love to debate Bernie is a dream well I said and I said last night

on Jimmy show I still would you no question that was posed I said I'd love

to debate him but iwanna lot of money to be put up the charity so what we'll

do is if we can raise for maybe women's health issues or something if we can

raise ten or fifteen million dollars for charity which would be a very

appropriate amount I understand the television business very well I think I

would get very high ratings it should be in a big arena somewhere and we could

have a lot of fun with it

I'd love to debate Bernie actually. I mean theproblem with debating Bernie is he’s going to lose.Because, honestly, his system isrigged just like our systems are lucky if I didn't win by massive majorities I

wouldn't be standing here talking to you did you know I knocked out every above

when you have to knock out and Bernie unfortunately has been able to knock out

but the super-delegates for the democrats so on I mean it's so unfair

r so the problem the biggest problem I have is a Bernese not going to win but I

debate him anyway if they wanted to put up money for charity so we'll see we've

actually had a couple of calls from the networks already and we'll see where

he's the one that suggested let's debate it's true I'd love to debate Bernie but

they have to pay a lot of money for first place over 1 I'd say something

over 10 million I would love to I would love to I love debating and I i mean I

know you people never write this but every single poll on every single debate

the online polls drugs in time magazine and all of them I want every single

debate I didn't know it was going to do that I've never debated you know

politicians are all talk no action

I created jobs and businesses and did great but I've never debated

professional you know I ran against all these people they debated professionally

but according to every single online poll after the debates have won every

single debate by every single pole so I don't mind debate and I'd like to debate

I've actually you know the one thing was I said to myself I wonder how well

debate you know because guys like this great gentleman right over here is one

of the great oilmen of the world without debaters where people that put people to

work and do things and a lot of good things how many people do you have

working for you

tens of thousands 20 does not rather debate how old but I will tell you he

may surprise you very well but we don't do that but somehow it worked out well

for me it worked out well for me so I I actually loved the debating process a

lot of fun I was on center stage every single debate and the only time I was

upset with some of the networks was when we had even numbers like eight that

means yet to in the middle so I always insisted on having odd numbers go ahead.


14:30 I think the federal government should get out of the way. The federalgovernment is in the way. We have so much potential energy that peoplewouldn't even believe it. In fact, my speech today is on energy. Exactly whatit was and is. The federal government - the regulations that they have – they’ve put thecoal miners out of business. The coal mines are shut. What they've done to the coal. What Hillary Clintonshe’s worse than Obama. She wants to. Imean she's openly said - I want toput the coal miners out of business. I want to put the coal mines out of business. Essentially she saying I want to put the steel mills out of business. We’re not going to have any businesses left.

So Hillary is I think I can't imagine how she could possibly do

well in a place like Pennsylvania

she certainly didn't do very well in West Virginia and you know I think she

made a big mistake and she's catering to certain people but I think ultimately

jobs and he's incredible people the miners their incredible people

I asked acouple of them why don't you go into some different profession? They said

could we love going after kool I'll never forget the answer you know you

think it's dangerous and you going deep down into these incredible crevices I

say wow

but they love doing what they do that's what they do if like me you know I grew

up my father was analyzed that I'm in real estate and now I'm in politics you

wouldn't believe what happened he's looking down saying what happened but

but with a call money they love doing what they're doing

Hillary Clintonany such an important product Hillary Clintonshould not be

putting them out of business

I want to be energy independent yes absolutely. I wanna be energy independentand I haven't spoken to her old about that but I would say energy independenceis what we all want and we also want a seller energy to other places that don't have their great natural resources that we have to get through modern day

technology we found out that we're sitting on energy I'm going to be talking

about it in a minute but that was sitting on energy like nobody would

believe I want to be energy independent and the answer is yes to your question.

Well we'll see what happens we've had great conversations and we'll see what



16:54 As of this moment I am very unhappy when I look at the world ofradical Islam. I'm very unhappy with it. We are going to find a problem and we're going to come up with a solution. Obama could never come up with a solution.

Number one, he’s incompetent, and number two, the solution just is never going to be outthere for him. He won't even mention. He won't even mention the words “radicalIslamicterrorism”. I have many Muslim friends. They said to me: “Thank you, thank you. This is a problem. It's a problem that has to get solved.”And we have to haveturnins. When you see people that are looking to do tremendous destruction,like in California with the fourteen people killed. They lived in a housewhere they had bombs all over the floor. Everybody knew that they were up to badstuff, but nobody reported them. People have to report when they seebad stuff.

ok go ahead goahead

right good I know I see it by far is very impressed by government I do


LEIGH PATERSON (Inside Energy reporter): Mr. Trump, you've said multiple times that you would bring coal mining jobs back. And I'm a reporter in Wyoming, the largest coal --

DONALD TRUMP: I know. I see it. By far. I was very impressed.

PATERSON: So but, one of the main factors those jobs are going away and the mines are closing is because of low natural gas prices. Poor decision making by coal companies.

TRUMP: And by government.

PATERSON: And also because of slowing international demand. So do you believe you have power as the president to actually bring those jobs back?

TRUMP: I do. Because I think ultimately coal will be very inexpensive and it's got to get -- you got to get rid of some of the regulations. I spoke to some of the mine owners, and they were surrounded by some of their miners. And they were showing me some of the regulations where it is on a daily basis going in checking, checking, checking. And they have people that do nothing but deal with regulators and it is out of control. It's gotten out of control.

PATERSON: And what would you do about those market forces?

TRUMP: Well, the market forces are going to be whatever they are. You know, all I can do is free up the coal which I'm going to totally do. Get the companies back to work, market forces, that's something I don't want to get involved in, that's a beautiful -- to me a market force is a beautiful force.

yeah go ahead. yes totally it should be a now I'm not saying there should be a better deal

the Obama would approve it or not approving Hillary is probably not going

to approve it from what I understand but I look at it differently I will

absolutely approve a hundred percent but I want a better deal because listen is a

difference between Harold Hamm and myself and you or let's say Obama who

doesn't know what the hell he's doing

Here’s the difference I'm going to sayfolks will build the pipeline but give us a peace within a half to use eminentdomain you know remember when all the conservative eminent domain eminent

domain while their favorite project is to Keystone pipeline and if you read the

documents on the Keystone pipeline the whole big sections devoted to eminent

domain because without eminent domain that pipeline would go ten feet. you

understand that I want the Keystone pipeline but the people of the united

states should be given a piece significant piece of the profitsright

now Obama would have said yes or no and most politicians would say yes will

approve it away no we won't I'm saying yes we will absolutely approved a one of

bill but I want a piece of the profits because we're making it possible for it