A student having Four Years B.Sc Honours degree from any branch of Zoology from any recognized university Subject to the approval of the academic Committee is eligible to apply for admission to M.S course. Duration of M.S. course will be for one academic year.
i.Statement: One full unit carries 100 marks and half unit 50 marks. One full init theory course will have 3(three) hours of lecture per week for 30 weeks and half unit, 2 (two) hour of lecture for 30 weeks.
ii.Assessment: For assessment of theory courses there will be 20% of marks for incourse examination and 80% marks for final examination. For Practical, there will be 40% marks for the final examination.
iii.Attendance: Students must attend at least 75% of the classes held.
iv.For theses group students, they are to submit their thesis within eight weeks after completion of the final examination.
Thesis Group:
Theory 4 (or 8 half) units 400 Marks
Thesis 1 unit 100 Marks
Viva-voce ½ unit 50 Marks
Seminar½ unit 50 Marks
6 units Total: 600 Marks
Non-Thesis Group :
Theory 4 (or 8 half) units 400 Markds
Practical 1 unit 100 Marks
Project & seminar½ unit 50 Marks
Seminar½ unit 50 Marks
6 units Total: 600 Marks
Distribution of Theoretical Courses for Fisheries Group:
Course No. / Title / UnitZF 601 / Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity / ½ unit
ZF 602 / Fish Population Dynamics and Aquatic Resources Management / ½ unit
ZF 603 / Aquaculture Systems / ½ unit
ZF 604 / Aquatic Animal Health and Diseases / ½ unit
ZF 605 / Advance Physiology and Aquaculture Nutrition / ½ unit
ZF 606 / Post Harvest Fisheries, Fish and Biotechnology Genetics / ½ unit
ZF 607 / Aquaculture Economics, Rural Sociology, Sustainable Livelihood Approach: (SLA) / ½ unit
ZF 608 / Fish Ecology and Limnology / ½ unit
Total / 4 units
Detail Syllabus:
ZF 601. Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity: Course No.
Aquatic environment: Physic-chemical and biological aspects of aquatic environment and pollution. Environment impact assessment (EIA) and management (EMP) strategy for protection of aquatic resources.
Aquatic biodiversity: Definition, scope importance ranges and factors of diversity and aquatic diversity, degradation aquatic of biodiversity, impact of human interaction on biodiversity, legislation on aquatic biodiversity, and legislation on aquatic biodiversity, and legal maasuras for protection of aquatic biodiversity in Bangladesh. Concerned organizations and their activities Convention on biodiversity, national conservation strategy and action plans.
1.Lioyd, R. 1992. Pollution and Freshwater Fish. Fishin News Books.
2.Zweig, R.Dl., Moton, J.D. and M.M. Stewart. 1998 Source Water Quality for Aquaculture: A Guide for Assessment. The World Base.
3.FPCO, 1995. Manual for environmental Impact Assessment. ISPAN.
4.Townsley, P. 1996. Rapid Rural Appraisal Participatory Rural Appraisal and Aquaculture, FAO.
5.Townsley. P. 1993. A Manual on Rapid Appraisal Methods. BOBP, Madras, India.
6.McCracken. J.A. Pretty, J.N. and G.R. Conway 1988. An Introduction to Rapid Rural Appras Appraisal for agricultural Development. IIED, London.
7.Howe, C.P., Claridge, G.F. Hughes, R and Zweendra. 1991. Manual of Guidline for Scoping. 1991. Manual of Guidline for Scoping EIA in Tropical Wetlands. PHPA/AWB Sumatra Wetland Project Report Nol 5, Asian Watland Bureau, Indonesia.
8.Brown, L. 1993. Aqauculture for Veterinarians, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
9.Wilson, E.O. and Peter. F.M. 1988. Biodiversity National Academic Press, Washigton. D.C.
10.Midlen, A. and Redding. T.A. 1998. Environ mental Management for Aquaculture, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London.
11.Heywaod, V.H. and R.T. Watson (ed.) 1996. Global Biodiversity Assessment. CambridgeUniversity PressLondon, (for UNEP).
12.David, p.p., Epifanio, J.M. Marsden J.E. and J.E. Claussen. 1995, Protection of Aquatic Biodiversity. Oxford and IBH Pub. Co., New Delhi,
ZF 602. Fish Population Dynamics and Aquatic Resources Management:½ Unit
Fish Population Dynamics:
Concept of population and stock, unit stock, distribution and abundance, relative and absolute abundance, cohort and population structure.
Age and growth: Estmation of age ane growth. the Von Bertalanffy growth equation. Hoening & Choudary growth equation. Walford’s growth transformation growht curve, growth parameters, K,Loc,C etc.
Mortality: Methods for estimation total mortality (Z) fishing (F) and natural mortality (N) Estimating survival and mortality rates.
Stock-Assessment: Stock-recruitment relationship, Estimation of stock, Models, yied per Recruitment (Y/R), Biomass per Recruitment (B/R), Catch curve; Over fishing and under fishing concept. Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY), Maximum Economic Yield (MEY), Maximum Allowable Catch (MAC), Virtual Population Analysis, (VPA).
Graphical and Computer Based analysis of growth: Stock assessment based on length frequency analysis LFDA (Length-Frequency Distribution Analysis), FISAT (FAO-ICLERM STOCK ASSESSMENT TOOLS) ELEFAN I & II .
Fishery data collection for assessment and management: Issue and objectives of data collection, Biological data, collection of length frequency data. Catch assessment and fishing effort survey, estimation of CPUE and fish productivity and participatory data abundance data. Availability and gear selectivity Exploitation ratio, Analysis of data, Presentationdata for fishery management and discussion making.
Aquatic Resources Management:
Concepts and principles of fisheries management: Types, roles, objectives, functions of fisheries management. Priciples, practices and regulation of flood plain, riverine and marine fisheries management with special emphais in Bangladesh. Open water resoreces enchacement, national management. riverine and marine fisheries management in Bangladesh.
Community Based Fishery Management (CBFM): Hilsa fishery management: Policy and planning management, biodiversity of Sundaran estuary fishery management. Watland fishery management. Fish scantuaris.
1.Royce, W.f . 1984. Introduction to the practice of Fishery Science. Academic Press.
2.King, M. 1995. Fisheries Biology, Assessment and Management. Fishing News Books.
3.Bagenal, T. 1978. Methods for Assessment of Fish Production in Freshwaters. IBP Handbook. No. 3, Blackwell Sci.
4.Welcome, R.L. 2001. Inland Fisheries Ecology and Management. FAO Fishing News Books.
5.Sparre, P. and Venema, S.C. 1992. Introduction to Tropical Fish Stock Assessment. FAO. Fisheries. Technical Paper No. 306, FAO. Rome.
6.Hart. P.J.B. and Reynolds, J.D. 2002. Hand Book of Fish Biology and Fisheries. Vol. 1 and 2. Blackwell Publishing.
7.Jennings, S., Kaiser, J.M. and Reynolds J.D. 2001. Marine Fisheries Ecoigy. Blakwell science.
ZF 603. Aquacultue Systems: ½ unit
Inland aquaculture systems: Present practices of fish and shellfish culture in Bangladesh: Prawn, barbs, carps, tilapia. hybrid catfish land plunges culture methods. Small indigenous fish culture in seasonal water bodies. Role of exotic fish in aquaculture productin in Bangladesh. Cuiture of air-breathing fish. Sewage fed fish culture.
Coastal aquaculture: Coastal aquatic zonation and environmental process. Basis of coastal aquaculture, Culture techniques and management of seaweed and Spirulinal, mussels, scallops, mullets, mulkfish and cage culture techniques. Marine pearl, oyster and carb culture. Interidal farming and open water sea ranching.
Refeence Books:
ZF 604. Aquatic Animal health and Disease ½ unit
aquatic environmental
Aquatic environmental change and disease occurrence, pathophysiology nand systematic pathology. Immunology of fish. Common viral diseases of shrimp and fish. Mycotic diseases of fish and shellfish. Bacterial diseases of shrimp, carp and catfish. Parasitic diseases of prawn, shrimp, carp and catfish. Life cycle of representative protozoan, helminth, Acanthocephalan annelid and crustacean parasites. Strees and its effect on fish. Dieases caused by toxic substances and organic waste. Methods for detection of pathogens of dish diseases. Probiotics. Concept of vaccine and vaccination. Husbandry and management of aquatic animals in relation of diseases. Fish disease and public health issues.
ZF 605. Advanced Physiology and Aquaculture Nutrition ½ unit
Advanced Physiology:
Fish reproduction: Concept, advances and importacne, Role of hormones on fish repreoduction of Fish life cycle; natural spawning, induced spawning, hypophysectomy and gonadectomy, physiological factors resposible for fish migration.
Fish Breeding: Reproductivebiology of fin-fish and shell fish (Penaeus and Macrobrachium).
Aquaculture Nutrition:
Farm made Aqua feeds: On-farm feed preparation and feeding strategies for carps, tilapia, shrimp shrimp and prawns.
Non-Conventional Feed Resources (NCFR): Definition, Characteristics, Avilability,
Nutritive value and Constraints to utilization.
Feeding of Cultural fish: Appetite and satiation, Factors influencing feeding behavior, feed types, handlig and storage of feed, feeding methods. Monitoring and Economics: Feed rations and rations and Scheules. Record-keeping and Performance measurements, Cost factors.
Analytical techniques: Proximate analysis, Apparent digestibility, Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN), Energy utilizatio, Biovailability, Lipid quality, Inorganic constitutuents (Ca, P, Fe).
Nutritional Bioassay: Hematological and histological parameters of a healthy herbivor (Labeorohita) and a carnivore fish (Channa punctatus or Clarias batrachus.)
Nutrient and Environment : Environmental issues on fish feed used for aquatic system, High density fish culture in cages.
Nutrition research and Nutritional informations: Basis and research design of dietary nutrient requirment studies for fish, Information and nutritionalresourcesearch procedurein library and web for refernce uses.
1.Cullsion, A.E., 1975. Feeds and Feeding. Practice Hall Interation.
2.FAO, 1988. Non-Conventioal Feed Resoucrs in Asia and Pacific. 3rd Edition FAO, APCA Branch, Bangkok.
3.Goddard, S., 1996. Feed management in Intensive Aquaculture. Chapman and Haill. USA.
4.Halver, J.E and Hardy, R.W. 2002. Fish Nutrition (3rd edn.) Aedemic Press, NY.
5.Hoar, Randall, D.J. and Donaldson, E.M. 1983. Fish Physiogy. Voi IX and B, Academic Press, Orlando, USA.
6.National Research Council. 1993. Nutrient requirements of fish. NatioanalAcademyPress., Washington, DC.
7.New, M.B. Tacon, A.G.J., and Csavas, I. 1995. Farm Made aquafeees. FAO. Fisheries Technica Paper. 343.
ZF. 606. Post Harvart Fisheries, Fish Genetics and Biotechnolgy ½ unit
Post Harvest Fisheries:
Post Mortem Changes: Rigormortis, bochemical and microbiological changes in fish-mortem.
Fishery products:Utilization of fishery resources and their products; Priciples of fish preservation; Fisnished Products, Factors affecting quality of raw materials and finished products .
Fish Microbiology:Microorganisms in freshwater; Classificationof some bacteria isolated from freshwater; Extimation of total Vial bacteria in fresh fish and fishery products; Determination of coliform and faecal coliforms in fresh fish and fishery products.
Quality control:Methods for determining quality of raw material and fishery prodcuts; Qualitfy assurance.
Introdcution to HACCP, RISK, CCP, OPM; Haward Preventive Measures, Monitoring Critical Limit, HACCP principle and stages Planning of HACCP.
Fish Gentics and Biotechno logy:
Introdcution to scope for fish culture and ornamental fish breeding.
Genetics of FQualitative and Quantitative Phenotypes: Colour, scale patterns, bodyshape and fin shape, variance and selection Dominant genetic hybrid variation, cross breeding, heterosis in breeeding.
Chromosmal Engineering: Sex reveresal, monosex population, chromosomal mainipulation haploids, triplords, tetraploids, gynogens and androgen.
Genetic Engineering: Electrophoresis technique, ment, selective breeeding, normal fish stock management, GIFT Monosex and super male Tilapia.
1.Connell, J.J. 1980. Advances in Fish Science and Technology, Fishing News Books Publisher.
2.Connell J.J. 1990. Control of Fish Quality, Fishing News Books Publisher.
3.Rheinbeimer, G. 1978. Aquatic Microbiology. Mc. Gill Data Publishing House Publisher.
4.Gopakermar, K. 1997. Tropical Fishery Products. Science Publishers, Inc.
ZF 607. Aquaculture Economics, Rural Sociology, Sustainable
Livelihood- Approach (SLA) ½ unit
Marketing and Extension:
Growth of Aquaculture, advantages of aquaculture and its role in economic development of Bangladesh.
Economics of aquaculture:
Economic terminology with functions of an economic system.
Demand and supply of fish: Consumer demand, elasticity of demand, producer supply, elasticity of supply.
Production: Purpose of production and its function, shortrun and longrun prodcution costs production factors and product-procuts relationship combination of inputs and outputs, profit maximization.
Capital Budgeting: Risk management and capital budgeting utility theory.
Government’s rolein faquacultrue economics: Aquaculture problems of Bangladesh. Economics of support politics.
Rural Sociology: Definition, scope, rural social structure including rural social groups Institutions and association fisherman comm unities. gender issuues in rural fisheries and aquaculture role of women in aquaculture.
Fish marking: Introduction, approach to fish markenting for fish fermers, How markets works, Keeping up to date with markets, Distribution, Customerts behaviour, Export of fish and fisheries products, Handling the products. Trade Associations.
Extension services: The concept of developmet. aquaculture development. Principles of rural development programmes and the improtance of extension. Social and cultural. Soical and cultural changes. Social and cultural barieer to changes.
Extesion and communication: Comunication, Massmedia in extension, Audio-visual aids in extension.
Extension methods: Individual methods, group methods.
The extension agent: Role, knowledge, and personal skills public sheeiking. Roport wrinting incorporation of lacal programes. Stages in programme planning-Evaluation of extension programme. Extension and target groups-Women, rural youth, landless people,
Sustainable Livelihood Approach (SLA) for fishermen: Concept of Sustainable Livelihood Approach; Importance of SLA in fisheries sector. SLA framework andHistorical context. Livelihood Assets and Strategies. Livelihood security and Vulnerability context.
Participatory Ressearch Methodology: Concept/Meanings (quantitative vs. qualitative, participatory mothods, etc.) Improtanc of Participatory Research Value judgement and verification, Overview of participatory research, Gender, Ethnicity, Class & Poswer Relations, PRA History, Concept of RRA, PRA, PLA, PAR etc, and use in fisheries sector.
1.Cambell, J and Salagrama, V. 2000. New Approaches to Participation in Fisheries Reseach: A Discussion Document. FAO and SAFAR.
2.CRS, 2002, RRA and PRA manual, Catholic Relief Support, USA.
3.Dalal-Claotn, B., Dent, D and Dubois, O. 2003, Rurol Planning in Developing Countries, Earth Scad, Publication UK.
4.IIRR. 2003. Participatory Methods in Communitybased Coastal Resource Management. IIRR, Phillipinges.
5.Phillip, T. 1996. Rapid Rural Appraisal and Participatory Rural Apprraisal and Aquaculture FAQ Tech Paper 358. FAO Rome.
6.Sen, A, 1986. Poverty and Famines, and essay on entitlmetn and deprivation. ELBS, OxfordUniversityPress, UK.
ZF 608. Fish Ecology and Limnology½ unit
Fish Ecology
Aquatic organisms and Global ecology: Ecology of freshwater column, coastal ecosystems, deepwater marine zones. The role of the oceans in global warming, Role of gases in sea level rise, Effect of cclimate change in world oceasn and freshwaters.
Aquatic communities and fish assemblages: Competition, predation and distrubances, Coexistence and succession, Effects of predation in communtities, Distrurbances and pathc dynamic concepts. General patternzs of species ridchness; Species diversity and diversity indexes.
Life-history strategy: Cost of reproduction and the consequences; Bioencergetics of life history patterns.
Impacts of man’s activites on ecosystem: Harvesting accidental discherge, ballast discharge and its ecological significance, Alien fish and its impact on ecosystem.
Ecology: Freshwater, wstuarine, marine fisheries ecosystems in Bangladesh.
Limnology: Water as a substance, Hydrological cycle, Global water balance, Nutrients and micronutrients of waters, Eutrophication, problems and remedial, Sediment and its physical and chemical characteristics. Interrelationship, planktou and fish community, zooplanckton and benthos.
Microbial Limnology, applied Limnology:
Water quality requiremetns of tropical fish, Limnological basis for fish culture, Limnoligcial and effects of fertilization and liming, feeding and water fquality, Entroplication, Feeding and water quality, Concepts of water budgeting water budgets for pond and polders, Estimation of carrying capacity of waterbodies-mehots, models and its underproduction.
Reference Books:
1.Barnes, R.S.K. and Mann, K.H. edt. 1991. Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecology, Blackwell Scienctific Publication, U.K.
2.Rahaman, A.K.A. 1984. Exotic Fishes in Bangladesh, Zoological Socical of Bangladesh,
3.Wootton, R.J. 1999. Ecology of Teleost Fishes. Blackwell Scientific Publication, U.K.
4.Welzel, R.G. 2001. Text Book of Limnology.
5.Cole, R.A. 1989. Text Book of Limnology.
6.Ruttner, F. 1984. Fundamentals of Limnology.
7.Hynes H.B.N. 1993. The Biology of Polluted Waters.
8.Hall, G.E. 1991. Reservoir Fisheries and Limnology.
9.Wetzel, R.G. and Likens. E.G. 2002. Limnological Analyses.
10.Russell-Hunter, (a).B. 1971. Aquatic Productivity.
11.Payne, A.I. 1989. The Ecology of Tropical Lakes & Rivers.
ZF 609. Practical
Laboratory and Field Work:
1.Assessment of impact of FCD/l and roads on aquactic biodiversity.
2.Fish population estimation of closed water body by depletion method.
3.Estimation of population parameters based on LF data by using LFDA and FASAT.
4.Ctch and effort survey of open water fisheries.
5.Induced breeding of fish at the departmental hatchery.
6.Excercise on hatchery design, and planning for production of carps and shrimp.
7.General prodedure for and shrimp.
8.Observation and interpretation of histopathological slides.
9.Formulation and preparation of feed.
10.Feed analysis (Physical and chemical methods).
11.Some qualitative (sensory/organo leptic) and quantitative (Plate coounts, TVN, TBA) of analitical experimetes with common fish on. post-mortem changes and shiffilfe extension.
12.Critical analysis of subjective news report.
13.PRA and stakeholder anylysis.
14.Suitablity assessment and Cost benefit analysis of pond aquaculture.
ZF 610 Project & Seminar ½ unit
Project to be assigned by the respective supervisor.
ZF 615. General Entomology: 1 Unit
Insect systematics: phylogeny of insect orders.
Evolution of insects: fossil insects.
Entomological literature and publications; entomological projects. Writing scientific papers/thesis. design for laboratory and field studies. Bee-keeping. Insects as causes and vectors of diseases. Insects affecting and vectors of diseases. Insects affecting man and livestock. Ticks and tick-bonrne diseases of man and livestock. Insect preseervation and cataloging.
ZE 616. Insect Ecology: 1 Unit
Components of environment. Environmental factors related to insect population and abundance. Density dependent and density independent factors. Innate capacity for increase (rm). Relationship between birth rate, death rate and rm; calculation of rm. Insect dipersal; ecological factors and measurement of dispersal. Insectt migration. Phase variations in insects. Insects of soil, litter, carrion, and dung. Aquatic insects: adaptations and diversity. Insect predation and parasitism. Competition and cooperation among insects.