Department of Food and Tourism Management



BSc (Hons) / HND Consumer Marketing

BA (Hons) / HND Food Marketing

BSc (Hons) / HND International Consumer Marketing

BSc (Hons) / HND Consumer Marketing and Product Development

Marketing as a principal subject within Combined Honours


Department of Food and Tourism Management

Consumer and Marketing Section Definitive Document


Part One

Programme Specification 4

Part Two

1 Admission Regulations 17

1.1 Standard Entry Requirements 17

1.2 Admission with Advanced Standing

o  Admission with Exemption 19

o  Admission with Specific Credit 19

o  Accreditation of Prior (Experiential) Learning (AP(E)L) 20

2 Curriculum Design and Organisation 21

2.1 Curriculum Design Overview 21

Relationship between HNDs and Degrees…………………………….. 23

Programme Maps

BSc / HND Consumer Marketing ………………………………………..25

BA / HND Food Marketing ……………………………………………… 26

BSc / HND International Consumer Marketing ……………………….. 27

BSc / HND Consumer Marketing and Product Development………….28

2.2 Level Descriptors 29

2.3 Unit Syllabus Proformas 33

2.4 Relationship to Subject Benchmark Statement(s) ……………………. 33

2.5 Relationship to Professional / Statutory Body Expectations 36

3 Assessment Regulations 37

3.1 MMU Regulatory Framework 37

3.2 Programme-specific regulations 37

4 Programme Management and Student Support 38

4.1 Programme Committee 38

4.2 Programme Leader 38

4.3 Other Staff Responsibilities 38

4.4 Student Support Strategy 38

Appendix 1 Unit Syllabus Proformas

Level 1

Business & Legal Environment 40

Consumer Behaviour 42

Consumer Research 44

Design Processes 46

Food Commodities 48

Fundamentals of Marketing 51

Innovative Brand Design 53

International Business & Legal Environment 55

International Consumer Behaviour 57

Marketing Communications 59

Principles of International Marketing……………………………………………………….61

Level 2

Brand Communication 63

Consumer Relationship Marketing 66

Creating Brand Value……………………………………………………………………….69

Developing Consumer Markets 72

Food Quality 74

International Marketing Organisation 76

Managing Global Brands…………………………………………………………………...78

Marketing Management 81

Marketing Organisation 83

Product Performance 86

Placement 88

Level 3

Brand Management 91

Company Based Case Study 93

Competitive Marketing Strategy 95

Creative Communications & Interactive Media 98

Food Channel Management 100

Global Sourcing and Retail Management………………………………………………..102

Honours Project 104

New Product Development 108

Retailing & Buying 110

Language Unit option 112

Part One



Basic Programme Details



Programme title

/ Department of Food and Tourism Management Consumer & Marketing Section Programmes Portfolio
2 / Mode(s) and duration / Full-time 3 years (degree)
Sandwich 4 years (degree)
Full-time 2 years ( HND)
3 / Awarding institution / Manchester Metropolitan University
4 / Teaching institution(s) / Manchester Metropolitan University
5 / Final award(s)/title(s) / BSc (Hons) and HND Consumer Marketing
BA (Hons) and HND Food Marketing
BSc (Hons) and HND International Consumer Marketing
BSc (Hons) and HND Consumer Marketing and Product Development
Through the Combined Honours scheme the following titles would be available:
BA/BSc (Hons) Marketing and xxxx
BA/BSc (Hons) Marketing with xxxx
BA/BSc (Hons) xxxx with Marketing
6 / FHEQ position / Degree: Honours
HND: Intermediate
7 / Stage award(s)/title(s) / Exit awards for degree students only:
Cert HE and Dip HE in Consumer Marketing
Cert HE and Dip HE in Food Marketing
Cert HE and Dip HE International Consumer Marketing
Cert HE and Dip HE Consumer Marketing and Product Development
Combined Honours stage awards: Cert HE Combined Studies; Dip HE Named Award (See Combined Honours PS1)
8 / Home Department / Department of Food and Tourism Management
9 / Home Faculty / Faculty of Food, Clothing and Hospitality Management
10 / UCAS code(s) / Degrees:
N510 BSc/CM
N555 BSc/ICM
Combined Honours:
See Combined Honours PS1
11 / Type of collaborative provision / None
12 / Collaborative partner(s) / None
13 / Date/outcome of last MMU review/approval / December 2003
14 / PS/1 effective date: / September 2005
15 / QAA Benchmark Statement(s) / General Business and Management
Detailed analysis attached
16 / Date/outcome of last Subject Review / Not applicable
17 / PSB(s) / Accredited by CIM
18 / Date/outcome of last PSB approval(s) / Not applicable

Programme Aims and Learning Outcomes

19 / Programme Aims
MMU General Educational Aims:
·  the development of students' intellectual and imaginative powers;
·  the development of students' understanding and judgment;
·  the development of students' problem solving skills;
·  the development of students' ability to communicate;
·  the development of students' ability to see relationships within what they have learned and to perceive their field of study in a broader perspective;
·  the stimulation of an enquiring, analytical and creative approach, encouraging independent judgment and critical self-awareness; and
·  the development of students' ability to locate, assimilate and present information in any appropriate medium and from a range of sources
Programme-specific Aims:
BSc (Hons) Consumer Marketing
·  To enable students to develop, implement and critically review marketing strategies for consumer brands in the context of the commercial environment
·  To provide students with an appreciation of the technological principles which underpin the design of consumer brands
·  To provide students with an understanding of consumer psychology, culture and behaviour, enabling them to appreciate inter-relationships between consumer behaviour and the brands that consumers purchase
·  To provide students from a range of academic and social backgrounds with a learning experience that is supportive and motivating
·  To equip students with transferable skills to enable them to operate effectively in the marketing of consumer branded products and services
HND Consumer Marketing
·  To enable students to develop and implement marketing strategies for consumer brands in the context of the commercial environment
·  To provide students with an appreciation of the technological principles which underpin the design of consumer brands
·  To provide students from a range of academic and social backgrounds with a learning experience that is supportive and motivating
·  Equip students with transferable skills to enable them to operate effectively in the marketing of consumer branded products and services
BA (Hons) Food Marketing
·  To prepare graduates for a key role in the development, implementation and critical review of marketing strategies and plans for food products throughout the food chain
·  To ensure that graduates have an adequate understanding of all quality and safety issues that influence the marketing of food brands
·  To provide students from a range of academic and social backgrounds with a learning experience that is supportive and motivating
·  To equip students with transferable skills to enable them to operate effectively in the marketing of food brands
HND Food Marketing
·  To prepare diplomates for a key role in the implementation of marketing strategies and plans for food products throughout the food chain
·  To provide students from a range of academic and social backgrounds with a learning experience that is supportive and motivating
·  To ensure that diplomates have an adequate understanding of all quality and safety issues that influence the marketability of food brands.
·  Equip students with transferable skills to enable them to operate effectively in the marketing of food products and services
BSc (Hons) International Consumer Marketing
·  To enable students to develop, implement and critically review global marketing strategies for consumer brands in the context of the world markets
·  To provide students with an appreciation of the technological principles which underpin the design of consumer brands
·  To provide students with an appreciation of consumer psychology and behaviour in a dynamic international environment
·  To equip students with transferable skills to enable them to operate effectively in the international marketing of consumer brands
HND International Consumer Marketing
·  To enable students to develop and implement global marketing strategies for consumer brands in the context of the world markets
·  To provide students with an appreciation of consumer psychology and behaviour in a dynamic international environment
·  To provide students from a range of academic and social backgrounds with a learning experience that is supportive and motivating
·  To equip students with transferable skills to enable them to operate effectively in the international marketing of consumer brands
BSc (Hons) Consumer Marketing and Product Development
·  To enable students to develop, implement and critically review product development processes for consumer branded products in the context of the competitive business environment
·  To develop the student’s knowledge of consumer branded products through a detailed study of their technological design and development
·  To provide students with an understanding of consumer psychology, culture and behaviour, to assist them in the development of products
·  To provide students from a range of academic and social backgrounds with a learning experience that is supportive and motivating
·  To equip students with transferable skills to enable them to operate effectively in the development and marketing of consumer branded products and services
HND Consumer Marketing and Product Development
·  To enable students to develop and implement product development processes for consumer products in the context of the competitive business environment
·  To develop the student’s knowledge of consumer branded products through a detailed study of their technological design and development
·  To provide students from a range of academic and social backgrounds with a learning experience that is supportive and motivating
·  Equip students with transferable skills to enable them to operate effectively in the development and marketing of consumer branded products and services
BA/BSc (Hons) Marketing as a Principal Subject within Combined Honours
·  To enable students to develop, implement and critically review marketing as part of business philosophy
·  To provide students with an appreciation of the various marketing processes used by a variety of modern organisations.
·  To provide students with an appreciation of the major themes, terms and theories encountered in marketing.
·  To provide students from a range of academic and social backgrounds with a learning experience that is supportive and motivating
·  To equip students with transferable skills to enable them to operate effectively in marketing
20 / Programme Learning Outcomes
MMU General Educational Outcomes:
Successful students will be able to develop and demonstrate transferable intellectual skills, in particular their ability to:
·  communicate clearly in speech, writing and other appropriate modes of expression
·  argue rationally and draw independent conclusions based on a rigorous, analytical and critical approach to data, demonstration and argument
·  apply what has been learned
·  demonstrate an awareness of the programme of study in a wider context
Programme-specific Learning Outcomes:
On completion of the programme, students will be able to:
BSc (Hons) Consumer Marketing
·  develop new products and effective solutions to the challenges facing the marketing of consumer branded products by applying sound commercial and technical knowledge within a legal framework
·  evaluate and critically review the strategic marketing needs of organisations operating at the consumer product's interface with the consumer
·  successfully initiate new marketing strategies
·  manage the marketing resources available to meet relevant consumer demands
·  display the personal and problem solving skills necessary for successful management and ongoing professional development in the marketing of consumer products
·  use appropriate research methods, and be able to collect, analyse, evaluate and communicate results effectively
HND Consumer Marketing
·  support the development of new products and effective solutions to the challenges facing the marketing of products by applying sound commercial and technical knowledge within a legal framework
·  contribute to the evolution of the strategic marketing needs of organisations operating at the consumer product’s interface with the consumer
·  successfully initiate new marketing strategies
·  implement resource allocation to meet relevant consumer demands
·  display the personal and problem solving skills necessary for successful marketing of consumer products
BA (Hons) Food Marketing
·  understand the process by which foods are marketed in the UK and EU
·  evaluate the strategic marketing needs of organisations, including communications, which operate at the supplier/consumer interface
·  initiate and implement marketing plans for a range of company sizes and manage the resources necessary to support these plans
·  appreciate how the nature and quality of food changes during processing, and its nutritional value to the consumer
·  play a key role in the development and marketing of new food products
·  appreciate the necessity for the highest standards of food safety in food production
·  appreciate the dynamism and scale of global food industries and display the professional skills necessary for on-going development in the marketing of food products
·  use appropriate research methods, and be able to collect, analyse, evaluate and communicate results effectively
HND Food Marketing
·  understand the process by which foods are marketed in the UK and EU
·  understand the strategic marketing needs of organisations, including communications, which operate at the supplier/consumer interface
·  implement marketing plans for a range of company sizes and manage the resources necessary to support these plans
·  appreciate how the nature and quality of food changes during processing, and its nutritional value to the consumer
·  play a key role in the development and marketing of new food products
·  appreciate the necessity for the highest standards of food safety in food production
BSc (Hons) International Consumer Marketing
·  develop new products and effective solutions to the challenges facing the international marketing of branded products, by applying sound commercial and technical knowledge within an international legal framework
·  evaluate and critically review the strategic marketing needs of organisations operating at the brand’s interface with the consumer
·  successfully initiate new international marketing strategies
·  manage the marketing resources available to meet relevant consumer demands
·  display the personal and problem solving skills necessary for successful management and ongoing professional development in the marketing of consumer products
·  use appropriate research methods, and be able to collect, analyse, evaluate and communicate results effectively