2016 International Wetlands Conference - Call for Papers

The overarching theme of the 2016 Wetlands International Conference is Symbiosis Ark: Seeing New Values in Wetlands. With the aim of responding to global trends and real domestic needs in the face of climate change, it will explore the position and endeavors of national wetlands conservation programs from a win-win perspective of green economy and homeland security. It is hoped the National Land Planning Act, Coastal Zone Management Act, and Wetland Conservation Act, which are pending promulgation, can open new prospects for wetlands, as well as new approaches to climate change adaptation and the conservation and wise use of wetlands. Keeping in line with environmental trends and meeting the needs across generations, a symbiosis ark is what we need to make sure our environment, our water resources and our industry development can all thrive in harmony. Engagement from conservation organizations with private and public sectors and the academia in Taiwan will deepen the value of wetlands and facilitate follow-up actions.

I. Theme: Wetlands: Our Common Wealth

II. Topics of Interest

Papers in this conference are dedicated to four main topics, including but not limited to the following sub-topics:

1.  Position and adaptions of wetlands under National Land Planning (Construction and Planning Agency)

1-1 Intersectoral cooperation and cross-disciplinary management mechanism

1-2 Value and functional discourse of wetlands

1-3 Integration and sharing of wetland ecological data

1-4 National/regional wetland ecological network system

1-5 Wetland zoning and conflict management

1-6 Planning and design of wetland landscape parks

2.  Water resources (river, ocean, and wetlands) and flood management (Water Resources Agency)

2-1 Integrated water resources network system for drainage basin, coastlines, and wetlands

2-2 Scientific investigation and monitoring of wetlands

2-3 Wetland ecosystem models and conservation decision-making support system

2-4 Comprehensive planning and flood prevention measures for wetland water systems

2-5 Regulations on wetland developments and ecological compensation

3.  Satoyama Initiative and wetland industry revitalization (Forestry Bureau)

3-1 Public engagement and public-private partnerships

3-2 Community empowerment, co-management mechanism and community autonomous management

3-3 Wetland adoption, wetland funds and wetland financial system

3-4 Wetland industry advisory services, incentives and establishment of certification institution

3-5 Value of forests and wetland springs

4.  Wetland sustainability and environmental education (Environmental Protection Administration)

4-1 Environmental education on wetlands

4-2 Carbon sequestration function of wetlands and other scientific purposes

4-3 Benefits assessment and evaluation on the ecological functions of various types of wetland

4-4 Socioeconomic value and performance evaluation of wetland ecology

4-5 Treatment capacity of wetland water resources

III. Important Dates (TBC)

Please refer to the latest messages on the Conference website at http://wetland-tw.tcd.gov.tw/ (Taiwan’s Wetlands of Importance).

Abstract deadline: July 18, 2016 (Mon.)

Registration deadline: August 1, 2016 (Mon.)

Notification on abstract review results: August 15, 2016 (Mon.)

Deadline for submission of PowerPoint presentations: August 31, 2016 (Wed.)

Date of poster session: September 12, 2016 (Mon.)

Conference dates: September 13 (Tues.) & 14 (Wed.), 2016

IV. Location

Multi-purpose Hall on the 6th floor of Taipei New Horizon

V. Submission Instructions

(1)  Submitted abstracts are reviewed before acceptance. Papers relevant to the above-mentioned topics shall be submitted before July 15, 2016 (Fri.) via the Conference website. The process includes filling in personal information, uploading or e-mail of the Abstract in both Chinese and English (in both WORD and PDF formats) and the e-copy of Copyright License Agreement, as well as an indication of oral or poster presentation. Kindly submit required documents to , and indicate "Paper for 2016 International Wetlands Conference (Author Name)" in the subject line.

(2)  Abstracts (limited to 700 words) must contain the research purpose, research methods or major findings or analytic approaches and conclusions. Maximum of 5 keywords.

(3)  Abstracts shall be written in the style of Wetlands (SCI) journal. See appendix for more details or download the style sheet at http://wetland-tw.tcd.gov.tw/ (Taiwan’s Wetlands of Importance).

(4)  For author's personal information and license agreement, see appendix for more details or download forms at http://wetland-tw.tcd.gov.tw/ (Taiwan’s Wetlands of Importance). Kindly indicate your preference for oral or poster presentation.

(5)  Abstracts will be reviewed by the Conference Paper Review Committee and results will be individually notified by email before August 15, 2016.

VI. Review Process

(1)  Scholars specializing in relevant fields are invited to serve on the panel of review committee. Abstracts are anonymously reviewed. Results of the review will be announced on the Conference website and via e-mail.

(2)  Submissions should be original academic research not yet published and comply with the academic codes of ethics. Any copyright infringement, plagiarism or revision is not tolerated. The author is held liable for the aforementioned actions.

VII. Method of Presentation

(1)  Publication in the proceedings: All accepted abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings.

(2)  Oral presentation: Among the accepted abstracts, the organizers have the right to select a specific number of papers to be presented orally at the conference in accordance with the agenda. On the day of the presentation, kindly save your presentation file on a CD-R or CD-RW disc or a flash drive, and hand it to the conference staff before the start of the respective presentation sessions.

(3)  Poster presentation: Eligible presenters who have chosen to do a poster presentation should have their poster set up at the designated location before 9 am of their assigned presentation day, and be available in front of the poster for the duration of the poster session to offer explanations to viewers.

(4)  Poster Format:

1. The contents of the paper should be in English; the title can be presented in both English and Chinese.

2. The content should include the title, author names, institutional affiliation, research purpose, research methods and results.

3. Output size should be in portrait format 90 cm wide × 120 cm high, with 5 cm margins on all four sides. Kindly produce the poster according to format regulations.

4. Presenters should print out their own poster for presentation on site at the conference and for follow-up pick-up.

(5)  Presenters must deliver their oral or poster presentation at the designated session as planned in the conference agenda. Presenters who have completed the presentation will be issued a certificate of presentation.

(6)  Presenters, either oral or poster presenters whose abstracts have been accepted, are given priority to have their full manuscript submitted for inclusion in the Taiwan Special Feature, Wetlands (SCI). Submission dates will be further communicated, and papers presented at the International Wetlands Conference will be reviewed by Wetlands (SCI) for publication.

VIII. Other Relevant Information

1. Please submit abstract to the Conference Office at . Kindly indicate "Paper for 2016 International Wetlands Conference (Author name)" in the subject line.

2. All submissions will not be returned and the copyright is licensed for use by the Conference.

3. Submissions must be written in accordance with the instructions required by the Conference. Submissions not following the format will not be accepted.

4. Multiple submissions by a single author are accepted. The author submitting the abstract should complete the registration process and file submissions. Oral presentations must be delivered by the first author.

5. Abstracts accepted after review are included in the conference proceedings. Authors will receive no remuneration or attendance fee for the submission.

IX. Contact Information

Contact: Ms. Peggy Wang

E-mail: ; Tel: 02-25431505~1507 Ext. 12.

For further information, please visit the conference website at http://wetland-tw.tcd.gov.tw/ (Taiwan’s Wetlands of Importance).