1. Hang Blood Drive posters around your building with your name listed as a contact for signing up to donate. Copy the 8 ½ by 11 posters provided in your packet of information and place in physical mailboxes.
2. Wear your official recruiter sticker every day. People will notice and will volunteer to sign up, others will comment which can open a door for you to recruit them! Read “Overcoming Objections” and be ready to respond. You can recruit anyone, anywhere, anytime. If they cannot donate blood – ask them to be a volunteer.
3. Use E-mail - send a message providing all information needed, i.e. day, hours of Blood Drive, place, food and transportation specifics. Use listservs (with approval, of course) to spread the word to a broader audience. Stress the fact that people with appointments are top priority.
4. Know your facts. Keep “Who May Recycle Life” handy with the blood donor counselor phone number (on back of pamphlet) for people who have eligibility questions or consult the website for further information. See your “Fun Facts to Know and Tell”.
5. Read and be familiar with the CJD Deferral Information found on the website This information is extremely important for potential donors who travel abroad. It may clarify whether or not they are eligible to donate.
6. Carry appointment cards and pledge stickers with you wherever you go, or at the very least - immediately upon signing someone up give them an appointment card and pledge sticker to wear.
7. Recruit in person. It’s much easier to find out what someone is thinking and alleviate any fears they may have if you can talk with them. If they cannot donate Blood for whatever reason, ask them to volunteer to help at the Drive.
8. Know transportation and parking information about the Drive. Put this in your e-mail. See for further details. Free parking for donors will be provided near the SmithCenter.
9. Give a personal success story or relay another person’s success story. Many times this will encourage first time donors to sign up. Encourage donors to go together to the Drive.
10. Confirm appointment times by phone, letter or e-mail a week before the Drive and again the day before the Drive.