The regular meeting of the Glendive City Council was held Tuesday, October 20, 2015. Mayor Jerry Jimison called the meeting to order with the following Council members present: Doug Baker, Leon Baker, Betsey Hedrick, Gerald Reichert and Kevin Pena. Department heads present included: Brad Mitchell, Kevin Dorwart, Jack Rice and Dean Svenvold. Rhett Coon, Mike Dryden, George Lane and Dean Svenvold were absent. Others present included Clyde Mitchell and Jason Stuart

Mayor Jimison opened the Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

L. Baker moved to approve the minutes of the October 6, 2015 regular Council meeting; second by Pena and the motion carried.

FUPR committee 10-14-15 4:05-5:52 pm

Present: Jerry Jimison, Chair Mike Dryden, Rhett Coon, Kevin Pena, Gerald Reichert, K. Dorwart, J. Rice, Pete Leath, Chris Clark (Interstate Engineering) and Jason Stuart

1.  Plans for Downtown Public Parking Lot: Chris Clark, Interstate Engineering, presented preliminary construction plans and documents for BNSF Parking Lot improvements. The project plans need council approval, followed by BNSF approval, before the project can go out for bids. Mr. Clark recommended taking action sooner than later. The council currently has $151,000.00 budgeted for this project.
ACTION: Committee recommends Council approval of Interstate Engineering plans and bid documents for improvements to the BNSF leased Public Parking Lot.

2.  WRRF Start-Up 11/9/15: Public Works Director Jack Rice discussed the upcoming start-up at the Wastewater Resource and Recovery Facility on November 9th, 2015. Discussion focused on getting the equipment ready to operate and on having trained personnel on-site to oversee the initiation of the plant’s operations. The manufacturers of the plant’s equipment will be on-site to ensure that the plant is ready to begin on November9th. It will be a few weeks, after November 9th, before wastewater will be pumped to the plant.

3.  Meade Ave Update: Director Rice updated the Committee on the Meade Avenue Water Project. The project starts at Dodge Street to 3 blocks north on Meade Avenue. The County will also be placing a force sewer main into this street. The County’s project should be first and deeper. The City’s water line should follow the County and include new water service lines to the curb stops. This will allow homeowners to connect to the water line, without digging into the new street, after the State of MT finishes building a new street on Meade Avenue.

4.  Public Comment: None received

5.  Closed Session: No action to report

Meeting adjourned 5:52 pm- Respectfully submitted Councilman Dryden Ward III

Update on WRRF construction progress- Dorwart stated a crew is working on paving completion. They have been busy with little details. The pump has been ordered. November will be training throughout the month. Different companies will have representatives onsite training on their equipment.

City election will be held Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Ward 4 is the only contested race. There is no opposition in Ward 2 and the council will vote to approve appointment of Clyde Mitchell. The polling will take place at the E.P.E.C.


Mayor Jimison asked twice there was no public comment.


Appoint Clyde Mitchell to City Council vacancy in Ward 2 effective November 1, 2015. D. Baker moved to appoint Clyde Mitchell as City Council Representative in Ward 2, second by L. Baker and the motion carried.

Accept final design for improvements to BNSF parking lot on Merrill Ave. Pena moved to approve final design for BNSF parking lot improvements on Merrill Ave., second by Hedrick and the motion carried. The parking lot plans to add 50 parking spaces.

Permission to allow Interstate Engineering to advertise for bids on BNSF/City parking lot. Pena moved to approve bid advertisement by Interstate Engineering for BNSF/City parking lot, second by Hedrick and the motion.

Resolution #2958 Amending garbage rates for 2015/2016 fiscal year. L. Baker moved to approve amending Resolution #2958 amending garbage rates, second by Reichert and the motion carried.

Accounts Payable Claims: $65,362.86. Hedrick moved to approve the accounts payable for: $65,362.86; second by Pena and the motion passed.


Police- Brad Mitchell informed the Council training has gone well for the new dispatcher. They have been shifting patrol cars to keep them running. D. Baker asked about the horses walking out of Makoshika Park and into city limits. Mitchell said they are aware of the issue.

Operations- Kevin Dorwart stated he has been spending most of his time on WWTP issues including certifying payroll, personnel issues, and other miscellaneous changes. A disaster declaration has tentatively approved funding of $36,000.

Public Works- Jack Rice stated he has been spending a majority of his time with the WWTP making phone calls and lining up training. The crew has been working on street repairs. Contractor has started at the swimming pool. The landfill has an upcoming DEQ inspection.


League of Cities and Towns Annual Meeting- Report

Makoshika Park information meeting 10/20/15

Eastern Plains Economic Development- Quarterly meeting in Ekalaka 10/21/15

Congratulations Harvest Fest/Junk-a-paloza

Community Concert- DCHS auditorium 10/21/15 7:30pm

Final Red Devils Football home game vs. Miles City- 10/23/15 7:00pm

Eastern Montana Legislative Partners meeting- Miles City 10/29/15


Personnel Committee –Friday 10/23/15 at 4:00 p.m.
Ordinance Committee- Monday 10/26/15 at 4:00 p.m.

Personnel Committee - Monday 10/26/15 at 4:15 p.m.

Pena made a motion to adjourn the meeting; second by Coon.

Dated this 20th day of October, 2015.

Approved the 3rd day of November, 2015.


Jerry Jimison, Mayor



Jessica Ayre, Administrative Clerk