Adobe Flash - Sheet 4

Using the Deco tool

1-  Create a new flash document
File ènew è action script 3

2-  Workspace : designer

3-  Save your file under your name + city scene , save type : flash CS5 .fla

4-  Rename the first layer è buildings

5-  Click the Deco tool OR press "U" on K.B
Note :In properties è Drawing effect see the Deco tool images , You can create static images and animated images . animated images will end with the word animation .

6-  Choose è building brush
Note : Once you choose one of the drawing effect è you can refine it by the advanced options

7-  Choose skyscraper 1 , press the mouse and drag up

8-  Choose skyscraper 2 , 3, 4 , Random ….etc

9-  Create a new layer , name it "Tree"

10-  Drawing effect è Tree brush

11-  In advanced Options choose è Birch tree , You can scale it larger or smaller , the more you press the mouse it will draw more branches and leaves for the tree .

12-  Select different tree types and draw them

13-  Create new layer , name it hearts .

14-  Choose the decorated brush from the "Deco tool " .

15-  You can draw horizontally or vertically depending on how you drag your mouse .
choose : hearts
Color : Red
You can change the width and height

16-  Drag a wavy line across the stage .

17-  Create a new layer è name it ground

18-  Create another layer , name it sky .

19-  Drag the 2 layers to be in the bottom , the order will be : ( Hearts , tree , buildings , ground , sky ) .

20-  Select the sky layer .

21-  Select the rectangle tool , color : blue , No stroke .

22-  Draw it from the top left corner to draw the sky .

23-  Select the ground layer .

24-  Choose the rectangle tool , color : Dark gray , no stroke .