Unit :Skills Art or Vandalism / Year 9 / Duration : 6Lessons
LLantwit Major School
Prior Learning
Yr7 :Picasso weeping woman looking for meaning in Art.
Yr7: Aboriginal Poster.
Yr8: Marine Poster.
Literacy Elements
  • Developing and presenting information
  • Reading Strategies
/ Skills and Learning across Curriculum
Brief: -Art or Vandalism. Pupils research, organise and then debate views on Graffiti as an Art form. Then as a group present their argument with a finished presentation/poster should display an understanding of the Subject matter and the group presentation should be assessed on understanding as well as the Literacy elements covered.
Personal research page on Graffiti Art or Vandalism1: Find various sources2: Argument for Art3: Argument it's vandalism / Resources
  • Graffiti Fact sheet
  • A1 Paper
  • Graffiti resource folder
  • PP
  • Videos

Acquiring and developing skills
Pupils should develop research and organisation skills using various sources. Team work is important to the project and the Key Skill of group work should be discussed. Art skills covered are investigation as well as the presentation and making of a final presentation. / Selecting and applying skills
Research, organisation and presentational skills in terms of Artistic layout and themed poster should be developed. Visual investigation of gr and Artists with an environmental message. Making of a themed pollution poster.
Knowledge and Understanding
Pupils should develop a greater understanding of Art with a voiceand theart with a political message. Meaning and legalityshould be explained and discussed. Understanding of graffiti and the impact on the community should be discussed and developed into a better understanding. / Evaluating and Improving/ Assessment for Learning
Pupils are to discuss and understand the importance of political Art.
Assessment should be on presentation skills, understanding and final presentation. Team work should also be accounted for and the teacher must make formative assessments of individual members in each group.
Numeracy Elements covered : / Literacy Focus:
  • Oracy/ Reading
Literacy Elements
  • Developing and presenting information
  • Reading Strategies
Aspects focus in SOW :
  • Speaking, Listening, Collaboration and Discussion
  • Comprehension
Learners will be given opportunity to be able to:
•present topicsandideascoherently,usingtechniques effectively,e.g.aclearstructure, anecdotetoillustrate,plausibleconclusions
•respond toothers’viewspositivelyandappropriately whenchallenged
•defend apointofviewwithinformation andreasons, e.g.in roleordebate
•respond positivelyandthoughtfully tonewideasandalternativepointsofview
•listentoinformation andideas(on-screenorlive)andidentifyhowevidenceisused,e.g.to defendapointofview, ormisused,e.g.tomisleadbyexaggeration
•discussopposing viewpointsandnegotiate waysforward.
Lesson / Learning Objectives / Suggested Activities and Homework / Competences
Teaching and Learning / Resources / Cross Curricular / Key Skills /


2 / Gain a good understanding of Art and vandalism
Discuss reasons impact.
What makes it look this way and why?
When is it not Art. / Homework:
Personal research page on Graffiti Art or Vandalism 1: Find various sources 2: Argument for Art 3: Argument it's vandalism
In this project pupils will have the opportunity to discuss a variety of styles of Graffiti Art, its content, its meaning, its origins and the artists that create the work. Teacher introduces PP discusses themes.
Mind map “Art or Vandalism” key words, debate and personal view points.
Look a graffiti over walls in toilet on PP:
How would you feel if someone did this in your house or to your property?
Fathers for justice debate: Graffiti the Queen.
Should the man face a higher penalty for the criminal damage as he defaced the image of the Queen?
What if he defaced an image of Jesus? Or the Pope? Or David Beckham that was hanging in a gallery? / PP/ Video
Think, pair,share.
No hands questioning
post its
mind mapping
PP/ Video
Think, pair,share.
No hands questioning
post its
mind mapping / LIT MATs
Project Resource Folder
Power Point
A1 paper
Paint and plastics. /
Literacy Focus:
  • Oracy
Literacy Elements
  • Developing and presenting information
Aspects focus in SOW :
  • Speaking, Listening, Collaboration and Discussion
/ Homework 1
5 / Working with others and communication
Key Skills.
Research and Organisation of information.
Themed artistic presentation. / Homework:
Personal research page on Graffiti Art or Vandalism 1: Find various sources 2: Argument for Art 3: Argument it's vandalism
Pupils work in small groups, collating ideas and arguments about street art. Collaboratively, groups decide how arguments should be presented to the class.
Teacher uses PP to present web sites, graffiti folder provides various texts.
Pupils research information from a variety of sources, including IT/textbooks/film. Pupils will need to locate, synthesise and analyse information, as well as distinguishing between bias and objectivity in texts they select.
A1 paper for visual posters available or ICT PP could be accessed if ICT available / Group work.
Thinking methods – making links.
. / A1 Paper
Resource folders.
A3 Fact Sheet
. / Literacy Elements
  • Developing and presenting information
Aspects focus in SOW :
  • Speaking, Listening, Collaboration and Discussion

Reading :
  • Reading strategies
  • Comprehension
  • Response and analysis
/ Homework stage 2.
6 / Realise intentions using presentation techniques.
Practice and write script. / OUTCOME
Class should present: using PP
What will make a successful presentation?
Planning and script. Speaking in public.
TIMM assessment of posters, script and practice session in front of teacher only. Then allow time to practice and improve.
Final presentation and assessment should take place in front of class / Reflecting and improving
TIMM Assessment / Projector and lap top for PP presentations. / Learners will be given opportunity to be able to:
•present topicsandideascoherently,usingtechniques effectively,e.g.aclearstructure, anecdotetoillustrate,plausibleconclusions
•respond toothers’viewspositivelyandappropriately whenchallenged
•defend apointofviewwithinformation andreasons, e.g.in roleordebate
•respond positivelyandthoughtfully tonewideasandalternativepointsofview
•listentoinformation andideas(on-screenorlive)andidentifyhowevidenceisused,e.g.to defendapointofview, ormisused,e.g.tomisleadbyexaggeration
•discussopposing viewpointsandnegotiate waysforward. / Homework 3
Poster and practice script.
A4L & TIMM assessment final presentation.