[Type the document title]
[Type the document subtitle]
Type authors

Abstract: Type your single-spaced, one paragraph Abstract. Complete this as your last step, but include it here in the beginning. Have one or two sentences from each section: Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion

Key Words: list key wordshere .


A.Background Information and Research. Type a two page, double spaced report. You should use your textbook and two other SCHOLARLY sources to collect background information on the topic and on previous research. Be sure to cite all sources using APA style.

B.The last paragraph of your Introduction should include the purpose or objective of the research and your hypothesis. Based on the research you have done, you will be writing an answer or solution – your best educated guess – to your question. Make sure you write down your hypothesis before you begin your experiment. Consider using an If…..then ……. Format. For example: If inattentional blindness is affected by gender, then women will be less likely than men to experience inattentional blindness when presented with a video showing an obvious anomaly.


A.Subjects (include description of population and method of selection of subjects)


  1. Independent: State the independent variable with an operational definition.
  1. Experimental Group: Describe the group and how the group was selected.
  1. Dependent:Describe the dependent variable with an operational definition.
  1. Control Group: Describe the group and how the group was selected.


Describe all materials and apparatus used. If necessary include a copy in the Appendix. Include any necessary references to the Appendix here.

D.Procedures (List all steps so that another researcher could replicate your experiment)




A.Observations (Type any observations, do not include analysis)

B.Data (Import charts, graphs, tables; be sure they are clearly labeled)


Write one paragraph analyzing the results. Relate your findings to your hypothesis and the theories you investigated. Did your data support your hypothesis? A null hypothesis is one where no effect is expected. You may need to explain why you did not get the results you expected. Were there confounding variables, experimenter bias, etc.? Identify new or additional questions raised by your study.


  • Your references page should begin on a new page
  • Requirement: two SCHOLARLY sources in addition to textbook
  • Alphabetize by author’s last name
  • You need to use the APA style for the references page