Control Theory ProjectOutline


This is a guideline outlining the details, rules and general requirements for the control theory course project. The goal of the projects is to give you examples of how to implement control systemmethodsandtechniquesdevelopedduringthecourse.YouareencouragedtouseMatlab to develop model or figures or any other parts of the project. However, you can also prepare everything by hand. Use of Matlab/Simulink is not necessary. Only hardcopy submission isacceptable.

2.Project organization andrules:


i.Each group will consist of maximum of two members (no exceptions). However, if you want you can pursue the projectindependently.

ii.You are responsible for finding your ownpartners.

-You may complete the reports on your own if you wish, or if you are unableto locate apartner.

-If your partnership is dissolved at any time before the deadline, you areeach responsible for submitting areport.

iii.Contribution of both group members: Your project report should include a mandatory section summarizing the contribution of each member to theproject.


-Project grading: The criteria to be used for the evaluation of the final report will be technical accuracy, engineering insight, and quality of the report writing, figures and conclusion. It is not requiredthatstudentstypetheirreports.Clearhandwrittenreportsareacceptable.

-Late submissions: It is your responsibility to submit on time. 10% per school days will be deducted for late submissions up to last day of class Dec 07, zero will be assigned after that. 3. Suggested steps to complete theproject:

There are many ways to solve each one of the suggested problems. Each one of the projects will consist of the following majorsteps:

1.Dynamic modeling (showing full steps of finding governingequations)

2.Development of transfer functions and block diagram (development of transfer function relating input to output for the open loopsystem)

3.Developmentofblockdiagramshowingthedynamicsoftheclosedloopsystemand thecontroller.

4.Selection of controller structure. All groups will first implement a Proportional control law. If the group is not satisfied with the P-control, the group may move to an alternativestructure.

5.Selection of controlparameter(s)

6.Characterization of performance of closed-loopsystem

7.System type, Root locus for a proportional controller, Bode phase plots and discussions, transientcharacteristics.

8.Conclusion on the system and controllercharacteristics/performance