ELECDEM - Secondment application form
Please submit this application in plenty of time in order to allow for the appropriate approvals to be made.
- ESR to complete part A of this and then pass the form to their supervisor at their host institution.
- Supervisor to review part A, complete part B, and then return to the ESR.
- ESR to email the form to the lead scientist at the potential secondment location. Email should be copied to supervisor at host location and network administrator ().
- Secondment location to review form, complete part C and email back to the ESR, copied to supervisor at host location and network administrator ().
Part A – for completion by the ESR seeking a secondment.
First name: / Last name:
Current location / host institution:
Work package title:
Email address:
Requested secondment location:
Requested duration of secondment: If you have a preferred start/end date please include these details here.
Skills or experience sought from secondment location Please explain your reasons for applying for a secondment at this institution, including how this will help with your research.
Date completed: Please date this section and forward it on to your supervisor.
Part B – for completion by the supervisor at the ESR’s host institution
First name: / Last name:
Email address:
Statement of support: Please explain why you support this application.
Date completed: Please date this section and return the form to the ESR so they can forward it on to the secondment location.
Part C – for completion by the lead scientist at the secondment location
First name: / Last name:
Email address:
Response: Would you be able to accept this ESR at your institution for the duration that is requested? If not please suggest an alternative time period for the secondment.
Does the ESR have the necessary skills to complete the work/course? If not please explain what training should be completed before making a subsequent application.
Secondment request recommended? Yes or No
Date completed: Please date this section and return the form to the ESR at their host institution.
Next steps
If your secondment request has been successful please ensure that both your supervisor and the network administrator () are aware of this.
It is now the decision of the secondment location to confirm the start/end dates of your visit and to inform you of any registration processes that may need to be completed in advance.
Your expenses incurred whilst on secondment will be financed by your existing ESR budget allowances. You may wish to use category D for these expenses and if this is the case please ensure that you keep all your receipts as you will need to submit these to your host institution in order to claim a reimbursement from this budget.
If your secondment request was not successful on this occasion do you know why? Ensure that you discuss this with your supervisor in order to understand the reasons for this and what you will need to do before making a subsequent application.