Studies for dry Ports / Logistics Centres in The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 71\ 2011RFP
Central Tender (71/2011)Studies for dry Ports / Logistics Centers in The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Request for Proposal
Section 1 – Letter of Invitation...... / 3Section 2 – Terms of Reference...... / 5
Background information...... / 5
Objectives, Purpose & Expected Results...... / 9
Assumptions & risks...... / 11
Scope of the work...... / 12
Specific activities...... / 15
Project management...... / 20
Logistics and timing...... / 21
Requirements...... / 21
Reports...... / 24
Monitoring and evaluation...... / 27
Instruction to Bidders……………………………………………………………… / 28
Section 3 – Technical Proposal – Standard Forms...... / 39
TECH-1Technical Proposal Submission Form...... / 40
TECH-2Comments or Suggestions on the Terms of Reference and on Counterpart Staff and Facilities to be Provided by the Client...... / 41
TECH-3Description of the Approach, Methodology and Work Plan for Performing the Assignment...... / 43
TECH-4Team Composition and Task Assignments...... / 44
TECH-5Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Proposed Professional Staff...... / 45
TECH-6Staffing Schedule...... / 47
TECH-7Work Schedule...... / 48
Section 4 – Financial Proposal – Standard Forms...... / 49
FIN-1Financial Proposal Submission Form...... / 50
FIN-2Summary of Costs...... / 51
FIN-3Breakdown of Costs by Activity...... / 52
FIN-4Breakdown of Remuneration...... / 53
FIN-5Reimbursable expenses...... / 54
Section 5 – Standard Forms of Contract...... / 55
Form of Contract...... / 56
General Conditions of Contract...... / 58
Special Conditions of Contract...... / 70
Appendices...... / 74
Central Tender (71/2011)
Studies for dry Ports / Logistics Centres in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (RFP)
Section 1 : Letter of Invitation
Dear Mr......
- The Ministry of Transport through the Government Tenders Directorate (GTD) now invites The Pre –Qualified Short-Listed Firms to provide proposals forconsulting services of Studies for dry Ports / Logistics Centres in The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in the Ministry of Transport. Details on the services are provided in the Terms of Reference.
- The RFP can be downloaded from the GTD website starting on Monday March 5th , 2012 .
- The RFP includes the following sections:
Section 1 – Letter of Invitation
Section 2 – Terms of Reference and Instructions to Bidders.
Section 3 – Technical Proposal – Standard Forms
Section 4 – Financial Proposal – Standard Forms
Section 5 – Standard Forms of Contract.
- Short listed Firms are requested to inform GTD in writing at the following address that they received the Letter of Invitation or downloaded the RFP Document and whether they will submit a proposal or not :
H.E Mohammad Khaled Alhazaimeh
General Director
Government Tenders Department
Ministry of Public Works and Housing
2nd Floor
8th Circle/ King Abdullah II Street
Tel: +962 6 5858311,12,13
Fax: +962 6 5857583 and +962 6 5857639
E-mail :
Website :
And copy to the Beneficiary address:
H.E. Laith Dabaneh
Secretary General
Ministry of Transport
Saád Ben Abi Waqqas Street
P.O.Box. 35214
Amman-11180 Jordan
Tel. +962-6-5518111 / Fax.+962-6-5527233
- Any enquires shall be received not later than Monday March19th, 2012 in writing , fax or e- mail , to the Government Tenders Directorate (GTD) at address listed above .No enquiries will be responded to after that date .
- The two parts of the proposal ( Technical and Financial ) should be wraped and sealed seperatly and clearly marked as follows :
- Tender No. ( 71/2011 ) / Technical Proposal
- Tender No. ( 71/2011 ) / Financial Proposal
- Bidders are requested to keep follow up (GTD) official web site as all enquiries will be responded to in a form of addenda published at (GTD) web site listed above .
- The Employer has the right to cancel the Tender without bearing any financial or legal obligations.
- Afirm will be selected under Quality –and Cost – Based Selection method , as per the procedures described in this RFP.
- Offers shall be deposited in the Tenders Box at the offices of the Government Tenders Directorate (GTD) NOT later than 12:00 hrs Jordan local time on Monday April 2nd, 2012 and the Technical offers will be publicly opened at 15: hrs Jordan local time , at the same date mentioned above ,and it will be transmitted live at GTD website .
Yours sincerely,
Chairman of the Central Tender Committee
General Director
Eng. Mohamad Khaled Alhazaimeh
Cc: H.E. Minister of Transport
Cc: Biddings Director
Cc: Internal Monitoring Unit Director
Cc : Central Tender No.(71/2011 ) File
Section 2
Terms of Reference and Instructions to bidders
Project Particulars
- / Project Title / : / Studies for dry Ports / Logistics Centres in The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan- / Project Location / : / Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
- / Sector / Subsector / : / Transportation / Infrastructure
- / Implementing Agency / : / Ministry of Transport
- / Beneficiaries/End Users / : / The direct beneficiary is the Government of Jordan represented by the Ministry of Transport
Beneficiary country
The beneficiary country is the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
Contracting Authority
The contracting Authority will be Ministry of Transport of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
Relevant country background
Following the world wide changes in global transport and logistics including the establishment of global supply chains the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is striving to modernize and develop the national infrastructure and prepare the country for the challenges of the future.
Some of the major regional factors of far reaching importance for Jordan are the developments in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region where large transport infrastructure projects are on the way, creating new possible corridors and connections between the Gulf region and the Mediterranean and Europe. In fact, a new railway network is being created on the Arab peninsula; the port and road infrastructure is being enlarged and extended.
Within the country, efforts are underway to promote investment and modernise the transport infrastructure of Jordan. Studies for an ambitious Jordan National Railway Network Project have been prepared, the proposed railway network will link the port of Aqaba and the whole country to the existing or planned railway networks in Syria, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf and Iraq, respectively. The total length of the planned network is about 1,000km.
Besides Aqaba Special Economic Zone (ASEZ), development zones are being established on the basis of a special law regulating their legal status and incentives for tenants; the most progressed being the The King Hussein Bin Talal Development Area at Al Mafraq;
In addition, Jordan is integrated in the LOGISMED initiative, connecting the countries of the North African Arab countries and the countries of the Middle East to Europe, based on the Motorways of the Sea concept and extended to the hinterland by logistics platforms.
The EIB has prepared a detailed study about the future development of logistics platforms throughout the region. This study, financed by the FEMIP (Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership) Trust Fund, proposes to establish a network of Euro-Mediterranean logistics platforms covering all the Mediterranean Partner Countries, the LOGISMED network, aimed at helping to develop a private sector-friendly environment. This proposal, which forms part of the EuroMed Transport programme, provides for the creation of centres of excellence in logistics management, with the public authorities playing a support and coordination role.
Current state of affairs in the relevant sector
The transport sector in Jordan is witnessing major changes. The most important of which is the liberalisation of transport policies and the increased private sector involvement in transport service delivery. In this paradigm, the public sector has a major role to play in ensuring transport safety, monitoring the condition and performance of the transport system, and setting sector policies. The private sector has the responsibility for providing the services. Key drivers for developing a strategic and comprehensive capacity building programme at the Ministry of Transport include:
Globalisation and continued growth in the level of international trade
Heightened international awareness of the costs associated with complying with inefficient trucking systems and border formalities
Increased investment by the private sector in the transport sector infrastructure (railway systems, modern logistics, inventory control, manufacturing and information systems)
Increased use and availability of new information and communication technologies
Greater policy and procedural requirements directly associated with international commitments (e.g. WTO-World Trade Organisation)
Increased international competition for foreign investment
Proliferation of regional trading agreements which significantly increase the complexity of administering border formalities and controls
The Government of Jordan (GoJ) has decided to organise the transport sector as follows:
The elaboration of policies and the monitoring of their implementation should be carried out by the Ministry of Transport (MOT)
The regulatory functions such as the publication of safety rules for the transport sector, the publication of operating rules, the licensing of transport operators, the licensing of specialised personnel (such as air pilots) should be carried out by autonomous regulatory bodies
The transport of freight and passengers should be done by private transport companies
A number of regulatory bodies have been established, including the following:
Land Transport Regulatory Commission (LTRC)
Civil Aviation Regulatory Commission (CARC)
Jordan Maritime Authority (JMA).
Current Human Skills in the Transport Sector
In general, human skills in land road transport (freight and passenger) sector (public and private) are lacking. There is insufficient human resource capacity in nearly all fields. These fields include: financial modelling and benchmarking; procurement of transport services; operational and monitoring aspects; statistical modelling and data collection; legal and regulatory issues; contract management and trade facilitation. Furthermore, there are insufficient training facilities for the transport sector in Jordan.
More specifically, the MOT staff lacks the skills and experience in trade and transport negotiations, policy design and management, transport planning, project management, practical knowledge in the areas of logistics sector, best practices in Public and Private Partnership (PPP) management, management and monitoring and financial and operational management. The lack of human skills in transport issues is likely to impede the progress in the transport sector and hence affect Jordan's effort to facilitate trade and transport.
The MOT has attempted to address these problems and has developed a three-year (2009-2011) training plan aimed at enhancing and developing the capacity of existing and newly appointed staff. This is an initial step and primarily uses the services of local consultancy firms.
National Transport Strategy (2009-2011)
Building upon the 2005-2007 National Transport Strategy and Action Plan, the new National Transport Strategy for 2009-2011 was presented to all relevant stakeholders at a major Workshop held in Amman in January 2009. On the basis of their comments, a final Strategy was prepared and approved by the Cabinet in June 2009. This strategy evaluates the capacity of the existing transport network in Jordan against anticipated demand. It provides a detailed assessment of each of the transport modes (Aviation, Rail, Maritime, Road) and identifies key actions and initiatives that need to be undertaken to develop an efficient, environmentally sustainable and competitive transport system that will support trade initiatives.
It also identifies key measures to be undertaken in the area of Trade and Transport Facilitation and in the development of an institutional framework to underpin these initiatives. These include the strengthening and restructuring of the Ministry of Transport especially with respect to its strategic, regulatory and policy making mandate; further reinforcing the overall regulatory framework especially with respect to the road freight sector, the maritime and the rail sector; improving procedures and practices at the border crossings to reduce waiting times and accelerate transit through the country; supporting PPP arrangements in the development of the transport network; and promoting regional cooperation on the harmonisation of customs procedures and the synchronisation of investment planning.
The transport infrastructure in Jordan can be summarized as follows:
One sea portlocated in Aqaba on the Red Sea.
Two railway corporations, the Aqaba Railway Corporation (ARC) which transports phosphate and other mining product from the mines to the port of Aqaba and the Jordan Hijaz Railway Corporation (JHRC) which is not in operation for the time being
A road network totaling 8 002 km
-Main road 3 440 km (including a four lanes highway between Aqaba and Amman)
-Side road 2 127 km
-Rural road 2 435 km
Three international airports (Queen Alia International, Amman International and King Hussein International)
There exists an international rail connection between Jordan and Syria, which is presently not inoperation, all the international connections, including with Syria are by road.
Except for the transport of some phosphate (which is done by rail on the ARC), all transport,national and international, is made by road.
The construction of a railway network is planned for the near future. Dry Ports and Logistics centres do not exist in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan at the moment although there are some projects working and in the pipeline (Logistics Village Aqaba, installations of private companies around Amman).
Related programmes and other donor activities:
The EU is a key actor in the transport sector in the region, thanks to its continuous support to the sector, Trade and Transport Facilitation instruments and the close coordination with other donors' initiatives and international financing institutions.
As previously mentioned, the EIB has prepared a detailed study about the future development of logistics platforms throughout the region in 2010. This study, financed by the FEMIP (Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership) Trust Fund, proposes to establish a network of Euro-Mediterranean logistics platforms covering all the Mediterranean Partner Countries, the LOGISMED network, aimed at helping to develop a private sector-friendly environment. This proposal, which forms part of the EuroMed Transport programme, provides for the creation of centres of excellence in logistics management, with the public authorities playing a support and coordination role. (See /LogisMed_Study.pdf).
The World Bank, mainly involved in the energy and ecology sectors in Jordan, has recently prepared the Mashreq Trade Facilitation and Infrastructure Regional Project with recommendations for future improvement of the situation in the sector. In each of the Mashreq countries, the Project aims to provide a combination of technical assistance, equipment and civil works, around the themes of: (i) policy and regulatory trade and transport facilitation measures; (ii) institutional capacity building and strengthening; (iii) skills and technology development; as well as (iv) strategic infrastructure investments to develop fluid and efficient rail-road corridors. Within these four main components the following topics were covered:
- Modernization and harmonization of Customs and related services
- Regulation and competitiveness of logistics and transport services
- Regional Technical Cooperation Strengthening
- Business Plan for the North South railway
- Study of the design and implementation of a Mashreq Trade Corridor Management Agency
- Upgrading and expansion of Border crossing facilities
- Upgrading of roads in the north south corridor
- Upgrading of roads in East –West corridors
- Technical studies and ESIA of the major investments
Within the five-year Fiscal Reform II project (FRP II) sponsored by USAID, one of the project goals is to ease the flow of goods across Jordan’s borders in working with Jordan Customs.
Overall objective
The overall objective of the project is as follows:
The overall objective of the project is to support international trade and facilitate the movements of goods to and from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and within the country through improving logistics capabilities, interoperability and multimodal transport.
The specific objective of this project is to develop the technical, financial and institutional conditions and studies for Dry Ports/Logistics centres in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
The Consultant will provide pre-feasibility studies for previously identified Dry ports/logistics centres to be developed in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, with a focus on public private partnerships and efficient customs services.
The study will include needs assessment and surveys of the current logistical capacities, the preliminary design for different categories of required services, equipment and investment, business and organisation plans, financial and economic analyses in order to promote realistic and sustainable projects for further investment.
Results to be achieved by the Consultant
The results to be achieved by the Consultant of this assignment are to determine the technical feasibility and economic viability for Dry ports/Logistics centres). The expected results are the following:
Results Work package A: Analysis of the Jordanian logistics network and of the related operations of transport and logistics within the existing network
A1 Context
- A detailed assessment is provided on the relevant trade patterns/corridors, traffic flows and infrastructure condition/status of the main Jordanian transport links and nodes .
- The capacities of the existing entities (port of Aqaba, road network, border crossing points, facilities of private companies, warehousing space) to perform all the array of logistic operations needed in the network is assessed.
- An assessment of the current regional and Jordanian infrastructure development projects in the railway, road and port sectors with relevance to future traffic flows and the future transport and logistics network is provided.
- Areview of the legal/regulatory framework: assessment of the existing or planned legislation and investment promotion schemes in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (i.e. PPP-Law, Law on Development Zones, Code Regulating Goods Road Transport Facilities Services, etc.) with relevance to the freight transport and logistics sector is provided. Recommendations concerning the legal framework based on best international practice are presented and discussed with the relevant public authorities of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for further implementation.
A2 Demand Assessment
- A description of main issues encountered by operators is provided along with a related action programme for the improvement of the performance of logistic activities (legal framework adaptation, customs related issues, technical standards, public policies, training and capacity building). This is discussed with the relevant public authorities of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for further implementation.
- The future demand pattern for logistics services, multi-modal transport chains other functions of the future Dry ports/Logistics centres is developed for each of the identified projects.
Results work package B: Identification, characteristics and promotion of Dry port/Logistics centres’ projects