2010 THT Halloween Splash

IMX Challenge

October 22-24, 2010


Terre Haute Torpedoes


Terre HauteSouthHigh School

3737 South 7th

Terre Haute, IN47802


This Meet is sanctioned by USA Swimming and Indiana Swimming. Sanction #IN11027


Cynthia Cammack

1903 E. 1780 S.

Clinton, IN47482


John Newhouse

2547 Washington Ave.

Terre Haute, IN47803



All swimmers must be current members of USA swimming. Age as of the first day of the meet will determine age for the entire meet.Current USA and Indiana Swimming rules will govern this meet. Start rule 102.14, .4, & .5 will apply for this meet. The no recall procedure will be observed for all events in this meet. Fly over starts may be used at the discretion of the referee. Coaches must constantly display their USA Swimming Coach credentials to gain deck access. The meet referee reserves the right to ask for coaches to display their credentials and or deny deck access if a coach does not comply.USA Swimming rule 203.3.2 states that at a sanctioned competitive event, USA Swimming athlete members must be under the direct supervision of a USA swimming coach during warm-up, competition, and warm down. The Meet Director or Meet Referee shall assist any athlete without proper supervision.Any swimmer entered in the meet, unaccompanied by a USA Swimming member coach, must be certified by a USA Swimming member coach as being proficient in performing a racing start or must start each race from within the water. It is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer’s legal guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement.

USA Swimming Swim Suit Rule (102.9.1 B)

In swimming competitions, the competitor must wear only one swimsuit in one or two pieces except as provided in 205.10.1. All swimsuits shall be made from textile materials. For men, the swimsuit shall not extend above the navel nor below the knees, and for women, shall not cover the neck, extend past the shoulder, nor extend below the knee.


The competition course has not been certified in accordance with 104.2.2C(4). The water depth measured for a distance of 3 feet 3 ½ inches (1.0 meter) to 16 feet 5 inches (5.0 meters) from the turn end is 3.5 ft and at the start end it 12 ft. Reference Rule 102.2.3


All Events will be timed finals. Events #1,2,77,&78 will be swam as open and scored and awarded by age group(8&u,9-10,11-12,13-14,15&O) as allowed by USA Swimming rule 102.14.87 . Open events will be scored as 15 & Over for the IMX/IMR Awards. THT reserves the right to limit any event in order to adhere to the 4 hour rule to maintain a reasonable timeline. Refunds will be given for those events that are limited.


Swimmers are limited to five (5) events per day plus relays.

Entries may be submitted via E-mail, overnight mail, or regular mail service to the entry chair listed above. Deck entries may be accepted if the meet is not full.


Entries may be sent not beforeSeptember 21, 2010 and no later than October 12, 2010. We will extend the deadline if the meet is not full.


Entry fees will be $4.00/ Individual Event and $5.00/Relay, plus a $1.50 per swimmer Indiana Swimming Surcharge. Deck entries will be $8.00/ individual event and $10.00/ relay Please make checks payable to THT. All entry fees must be received by the first day of the meet.


All swimmers must sign in 45 min. prior to the start of the session or they will be scratched.


There will be a clerk for 8 & Under swimmers only. All other swimmers report to the blocks for their events. Seeded heat sheets will be posted throughout the pool prior to the start of each session.


12& Under

Medals 1st-3rd and Ribbons 4th -12th for Individual Events and Ribbons 1st -6th for Relays.

13& Over

Ribbons 1st -12th for Individual Events and Ribbons 1st -6th for Relays.

IMX/IMR Awards will be given to the top swimmers in each age group( 6&U, 7,8,9,10,11,12, 13,14, 15&O).A Team Trophy will be awarded to the top team excluding THT.

Athlete must swim the required IMX (9 & Over) or IM Ready (8&Under) events to be eligible for the IMX awards.

IM Ready Events

8 & Under- 100 Free, 50 Bk, 50 Br, 50 Fly, 100 IM

IMX Events

9-10 – 200 Free, 100 Bk, 100 Br, 100 Fly, 200 IM

11-12 – 500 Free, 100Bk, 100 Br, 100 Fly, 200 IM

13 & Over – 500 Free, 200 Bk, 200 Br, 200 Fly, 400 IM/


Warm-up/Start times may be adjusted based on entries for the meet. THT will inform all teams entered if changes are made.


Warm-ups 5:00pmStart 6:00pm

Saturday/ Sunday AM

Warm-ups 7:00 amStart 8:00am

Saturday/ Sunday PM

Warm-ups Not before 11:30amStart Not before 12:30pm

Saturday Distance Session

30 minute warm-up immediately following the Afternoon Session. The 1650 will be swam Fastest to Slowest alternating Girls and Boys heats


Anyone who would like to help officiate please contact the Meet Director prior to the meet with the sessions you would be willing to work or you may contact the meet referee at the meet upon your arrival. Officials meetings will be held one half hour prior to the start of each session.


Concessions will be available throughout the meet. Hospitality will be provided for Coaches and Officials.


All swimmers, coaches, officials and spectators are asked to treat the facility like it was their own.

1. Smoking is NOT PERMITTED on school property.

2. Do not go or let your children go into unauthorized areas.

3. Lost and found is located by the glass doors at the entrance to the pool.

4. Please Do Not remove chairs from the cafeteria.

Anyone caught abusing the building or facility will be asked to leave the meet.

Session # 1 Friday Evening Events

Warm-ups- 5:00pm

Start – 6:00pm


1Open 500 Yard Free 2

310& Under 200 Yard IM4

511-12 200 Yard IM6

713-14 400 Yard IM8

9Open 400 Yard IM10

Session # 2 Saturday Morning Events

Warm-ups – 7:00am

Start – 8:00am

116&Under 25Yard Free12

137-825Yard Free14

159-10 100 Yard Free16

176& Under 25 Yard Back18

197-8 25Yard Back20

219-10 50 Yard Back22

236& Under 25 Yard Breast24

257-8 25 Yard Breast26

279-10 100 Yard Breast28

296& Under 25 Yard Fly30

317-8 25 Yard Fly32

339-10 50 Yard Fly34

358& Under 100 Yard IM36

379-10 100 Yard IM38

3910 & Under 200 Medley Relay40

Session #3 Saturday Afternoon Events

Warm-ups – Not before 11:30am

Start – Not Before 12:30pm

4111-12 100 Yard IM42

4313-14 200 Yard IM44

45Open 200 Yard IM46

4711-12 100 Yard Back48

4913-14 200 Yard Back50

51Open 200 Yard Back52

5311-12 50 Yard Breast54

55 13-14 100 Yard Breast56

57Open 100 Yard Breast58

59 11-12 50 Yard Free60

6113-14 50 Yard Free62

63Open 50 Yard Free64

6511-12 100 Yard Fly66

6713-14 200 Yard Fly68

69Open 200 Yard Fly70

71 11-12 200 Yard Med. Relay72

7313-14 200 Yard Med. Relay74

75 Open 200 Yard Med. Relay76

Session # 4 Saturday Distance Session

30 minute- warm-up – Immediately after Session #3

77Open 1650 Free78

Session #5 Sunday Morning Events

Warm-ups – 7:00am

Start – 8:00am

798& Under 50 Yard Free80

81 9-10 50 Yard Free82

838& Under 50 Yard Back84

859-10 100 Yard Back86

878& Under 50 yard Breast88

899-10 50 Yard Breast90

91 8& Under 50 Yard Fly92

939-10 100 Yard Fly84

958& Under 100 Yard Free96

979-10 200 Yard Free98

9910 & Under 200 Yard Free Relay100

Session #6 Sunday Afternoon Events

Warm-ups – Not Before 11:30am

Start – Not Before 12:30pm

10111-12 100 Yard Free102

10313-14 100 Yard Free104

105Open 100 Yard Free106

10711-12 50 Yard Back108

10913-14 100 Yard Back110

111Open 100 Yard Back112

11311-12 100 Yard Breast114

11513-14 200 Yard Breast116

117Open 200 Yard Breast118

11911-12 50 Yard Fly120

12113-14 100 Yard Fly122

123Open 100 Yard Fly124

12511-12 200 Yard Free126

12713-14 200 Yard Free128

129Open 200 Yard Free130

131 11-12 200 Yard Free Relay132

13313-14 200 Yard Free Relay134

135Open 200 Yard Free Relay136

Summary of Entries

Please supply the information below and mail with your entry and check to:

John Newhouse

2547 Washington Ave.

Terre Haute, IN47803


Make Checks Payable to THT

Club Name: ______Club Code:______

Total # of I.E.’s ______@ $4.00 = ______

Total # of Relay Entries ______@ $5.00 = ______

Total # of swimmers ______@ $1.50 Indiana Swimming Surcharge = ______

Total Due = ______

Club Official Submitting Entry:Coaches Names:



City, State, Zip :______

Phone: ______

How would you like to receive your final results ?

____Hard Copy ( snail-mail of pdf. Emailed)

____MM Backup ( E-Mailed)

____TM .cl2 file (E-Mailed)

____All of the above

E-Mail Address for results______

In consideration of our acceptance of this entry . I herby waive and release any and all claims for damage to coaches, all swimmers covered by this entry, and my self for any and all injuries at this meet.

Signature of club official : ______

Date: ______Title: ______

Area Hotels

Comfort Suites812-235-1770

Drury Inn812-238-1206

Econo Lodge812-234-9931

Fairfield Inn812-235-2444

Hampton Inn812-242-2222

Holiday Inn812-232-6081

Knights Inn812-238-1586

Pear Tree Inn812-234-4268

Ramada Limited812-232-8006

Signature Inn 812-238-1461

Super 8 Lodge812-232-4890
