Delgado Community College



Friday, April 29, 2005 - 2:00 p.m.

City Park Campus - C.A.T.T. Conference Room (Building 10)

I. Call to Order

Curriculum Committee Meeting was called to order at 2:09 p.m. by Harold Gaspard, Chairman.

II.  Roll Call

Present were: Lester Adelsberg Estella Lain

Mary Bartholomew Debbie Lea

Wayne Chalona Mary Ellen Logan

Celyn Christophe Kathleen Mix/C. Christophe

Maria Cisneros/E. Wills Patrice Moore

Harolyn Cumlet Deborah Taylor Morgan

Jill Dapremont Cheryl Myers

Harold Gaspard Mike Nixon

Sheila Hickman Sallye Raymond

Joan Hodge Debra Redfearn

Leroy Kendrick/C. Christophe Dolores Smith

Linda Kieffer Sonia Taylor


to other business: Donna Alley Patricia Egers

Arnel Cosey Lauren Tarantino

Greg Dawson Dianne Thames

Chris Doyle Shountilez Williams

Guests were: Patrick Conroy Warren Puneky, Jr. Marceau Ratard

Leslie Knowles Tara Pembo Malene Arnaud

Randy Brien Ken Savoie Shelley Rheam

Iva Bergeron Jerry Sisk Linda Rice

Shannon Meadows Phil Denette Amanda Rosenzweig

Larissa Littleton-Steib

III.  Minutes of Meeting – April 1, 2005

The Minutes of the meeting of April 1, were moved for acceptance.

IV.  Debbie Lea’s Report

Items recommended at the last meeting had been approved by the Vice Chancellor for Learning and Student Development, Dr. Jeffery Smith except for:

Business and Technology/ACCT

Program Revision:

Under approved electives in the Accounting Program, delete the parenthetical phrase “(ACCT 212 or higher).”

V.  New Business (The agenda was re-ordered)

A.  Business and Technology/RLST

Course Revision: Change in course name from RLST 263 Real Estate Appraisal to RLST 263 Real Estate Appraisal/Residential [Mary Bartholomew/Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

New Course: RLST 264 – Real Estate Appraisal/Commercial [Mary Bartholomew/Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal pending amendments. Motion carried unanimously.

Concept for New TCA: Real Estate Appraiser [Sheila Hickman/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

B.  Office of Curriculum and Program Development

Course Deletions [Debbie Lea/Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

C.  Business, Mathematics and Technology/BUSG

New Course: BUSG 140 Principles of Bank Operations [Mary Bartholomew/Estella Lain] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

D.  Business, Mathematics and Technology/BUSG

New Course: BUSG 115 Entrepreneurship [Estella Lain/Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

E.  Business and Technology/CMIN

New Course: CMIN 255 Advanced Web Design Projects [Mary Ellen Logan/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

New Course: CMIN 206 Web Programming[Mary Ellen Logan/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

F.  Business and Technology/CMIN

Course Revision: CMIN 131 Photo Editing for Windows – removal of prerequisite. [Mary Ellen Logan/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

Course Revision: CMIN 209 Web Design using FrontPage – removal of prerequisite[Mary Ellen Logan/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

Course Revision: CMIN 220 Web Site Design and XHTML – name change and description[Mary Ellen Logan/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

Course Revision: CMIN 215 Web Design with Dreamweaver-removal of prerequisite[Mary Ellen Logan/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

G.  Business and Technology/CMIN

New Program: Web Site Design-Certificate of Technical Studies Program Curriculum and Description [Mary Bartholomew/Mary Ellen Logan] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

H.  Business and Technology/CMIN

Change course description by eliminating a prerequisite:

Remove the pre-requisite of CMIN 201 for the CMIN 202 course. [Sheila Hickman/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

I.  Liberal Arts/CCSS

New Course: CCSS 101 College and Career Success Skills [Patrice Moore/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal with amendments. Motion carried unanimously.

J.  Liberal Arts/ASLS

Change of Social Science Requirement:

Delete SOCI 151 as a general education requirement and add SOCI 250 Studies in Cultural Diversity to Required Related Courses. [Mary Bartholomew/Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

K.  Liberal Arts/ASLS

Course Revision: Add the following prerequisites to these ASLS courses (see attached) [Mary Bartholomew/Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

L.  Business and Technology/ HORT

New Course: HORT 200 Practical Botany for the Horticulturist and add to Courses Required in Major. [Lester Adelsberg/Debbie Lea] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

New Course: HORT 204 Landscape Irrigation and add to Courses Required in Major. [Lester Adelsberg/Debbie Lea] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

M.  Business and Technology/HORT

Course Revision: Change HORT 212 Turf Grasses to HORT 114 and add HORT 114 to required courses in major Horticulture Technology Certificate Program. [Debra Redfearn/Mary Ellen Logan] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

Course Revision: Revise HORT 110 Soil Science by including and additional hour for lab activity. [Mary Bartholomew/Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal pending amendment. Motion carried unanimously.

Course Revision: Change HORT 103 Horticultural Certification to HORT 160 and add HORT 160 to courses required in major of the Horticulture Technology Certificate and Degree Programs. [Mary Bartholomew/Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

Course Revision: Change prerequisite requirements on HORT 213 Environment Landscape Improvement II. [Mary Bartholomew/Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

Course Revision: Change HORT 102 Landscape Integrated Pest Management to HORT 214 and delete HORT 102 (HORT 214) from the certificate program. [Debbie Lea/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

Course Revision: Revise prerequisite for HORT 222 Landscape Design and Management [Mary Ellen Logan/Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

Course Revision and Deletion: Delete HORT 220 Horticulture Professionalism II and change HORT 120 Horticulture Professionalism I to HORT 120 Horticulture Professionalism. [Sheila Hickman/Mary Ellen Logan] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

N.  Business and Technology/HORT

Course Deletion: Delete free electives for Horticulture Technology’s Degree Program [Sheila Hickman/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

Course Deletion: Delete ENGL 100 Applied Writing from Certificate in Horticulture Program. [Sheila Hickman/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal pending amendment. Motion carried unanimously.

Course Deletion: HORT 223 Fruit and Nut Production [Sheila Hickman/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

Course Deletion: BIOL 120/121 Introductory Plant Biology and Laboratory and add 3 hours of natural sciences to general education courses. [Sheila Hickman/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

O.  Business and Technology/CADD

Concept Proposal for TCA – Computer Aided Design & Drafting Technician [Sheila Hickman/Harold Gaspard] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

New Course: CADD 268 Animation & Presentation Topics in CAD [Sallye Raymond/Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

CADD Certificate. Add option of CADD 212 Arch CAD or CADD 231 [Sallye Raymond/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

P.  Business and Technology/CULA

Request for New Concentrations:

New concentration in Catering in Culinary Arts AAS [Lester Adelsberg/Mary Ellen Logan] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

Concentration for Chef Apprenticeship in Culinary Arts AAS [Lester Adelsberg/Mary Ellen Logan] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

Q.  Business and Technology/CULA

Revise prerequisites/co-requisites:

Add prerequisites and/or co-requisites to the Culinary Arts classes. [Sallye Raymond/Harold Gaspard] Motion to accept proposal as amended. Motion carried unanimously.

R.  Business and Technology/CULA

Program Revision:

Revise Hospitality AAS by offering 3 areas of concentrations:

a.  Hotel and Lodging Management

b.  Tourism

c.  Food & Beverage Management [Sheila Hickman/Sallye Raymond] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

S.  Business and Technology/CULA

Remove Fine Arts from the General Education Requirements for the Certificate of Applied Science in Culinary Arts. [Mary Ellen Logan/Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

T.  Business and Technology/CULA

Course Revision: Re-number PAST 104 and PAST 151 to the 200 level. [Lester Adelsberg/Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

U.  Science and Math/BIOL

New Course: BIOL 281/BIOL 283 Introduction to Ecology/Lab [Debra Redfearn/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal with amendments. Motion carried unanimously.

New Course: BIOL 231 Introduction to Evolution [Debra Redfearn/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal with amendments. Motion carried unanimously.

New Course: BIOL 272/BIOL 273 Natural History of the Vertebrates/Lab[Debra Redfearn/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal with amendments. Motion carried unanimously.

New Course: BIOL 204/BIOL 205 Plant Taxonomy/Lab[Debra Redfearn/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal with amendments. Motion carried unanimously.

New Course: BIOL 180 Biological Issues (lecture/lab/project) [Debra Redfearn/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal with amendments. Motion carried unanimously.

New Courses: BIOL 296, 297, 298, 299 Internship in Biology[Debra Redfearn/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal with amendments. Motion carried unanimously.

Course Deletion and Course Revision:

The Biology faculty teaching Biology 120 would like to revise the course description for Biology 120 and rename the course as Botany.

The Biology faculty teaching Biology 121 would like to revise the course description for Biology 121 and rename the course as Botany Laboratory.

Delete Biology 201 Botany.

Delete Biology 203 Botany Laboratory

(Pulled from the agenda)

Prerequisite standards for biology courses

Biol 120/121: for all succeeding biology courses using Biol 120/121 as a prerequisite. [Mary Bartholomew/Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried with one abstention.

Biol 141/143: for all succeeding biology courses. [Mary Bartholomew/Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried with one abstention.

Biol 142/144: for any course requiring Biol 142/144 as a prerequisite[Mary Bartholomew/Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried with one abstention.

Biol 161/163: for any course which allows Biol 161/163 as a prerequisite (i.e. Biol 211) [Mary Bartholomew/Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried with one abstention.

Biol 251/253: for any course requiring Biol 251/253 as a prerequisite[Mary Bartholomew/Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried with one abstention.

Biol 252/254: for any course requiring Biol 252/254 as a prerequisite (i.e. Biol 271) [Mary Bartholomew/ Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried with one abstention.

Additional classes to serve as prerequisites for Biology 211

The Biology faculty teaching Biology 211 would like to accept Biology 120 or above, as prerequisites in addition to the prerequisites listed in the college catalog. [Mary Bartholomew/Mary Ellen Logan] Motion to accept proposal with amendments. Motion carried unanimously.

Change the prerequisites for Biology 212

Any of following Biology Laboratories: Biol 143, Biol 121, Biol 203 or their equivalent; together with any 3 hour Biology lecture except Biol 072, Biol 095, Biol 101, Biol 102, or Biol 180 may serve as the prerequisite. A composite ACT score of 22 with a “B” in high school biology and a passing grade on the Biology Placement Exams, part 1 and part 2 (Lecture proficiency/Laboratory skills) [Debra Redfearn/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal but tabled for meeting of next academic year.

(Tabled for meeting next academic year)

V.  Science and Math/Liberal Arts and Sciences/SCIE

Course Revision: Change course number of current SCIE 101 to SCIE 105 [Mary Bartholomew/Sheila Hickman] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

W.  Science and Math/Liberal Arts and Sciences/SCIE

New Course: SCIE 101 Physical Science 1 [Sheila Hickman/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

New Course: SCIE 102 Physical Science II [Sheila Hickman/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

New Course: SCIE 103 Physical Science I Laboratory [Sheila Hickman/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

New Course: SCIE 104 Physical Science II Laboratory[Sheila Hickman/Mary Bartholomew] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

X.  Liberal Arts/ECED

Program Revision:

Required Courses in Major:

i.  Change to required ECED 112 or ECED 115 [Mary Bartholomew/Harold Gaspard] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

ii.  Change to add 6 hours of any EDUC/ECED [Mary Bartholomew/Harold Gaspard] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

General Education Requirements:

Change MATH 118 and MATH 120 or above to: MATH 118

Delete Social Science Requirement – 3 hours [Mary Bartholomew/Sallye Raymond] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

Y.  Nursing/NURS

New Course: NURS 260 - Registered Nurse Refresher, Theory [Mary Bartholomew/Harold Gaspard] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

New Course : NURS 101 - Nursing School Success [Mary Bartholomew/Harold Gaspard] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

New Course: Survey of Nursing and Healthcare Careers (Item removed from agenda)

Z.  Business, Mathematics and Technology/LOGT

. New Courses:

LOGT-101 Introduction to Logistics [Sonia Taylor/Debbie Lea] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

LOGT-110 Supply Chain Management [Sonia Taylor/Debbie Lea] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

LOGT-115 Warehouse and Inventory Control [Sonia Taylor/Debbie Lea] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

LOGT-120 Transportation and Distribution [Sonia Taylor/Debbie Lea] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

LOGT-125 Logistics Support Analysis [Sonia Taylor/Debbie Lea] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

LOGT-130 Production Planning and Cost Analysis [Sonia Taylor/Debbie Lea] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

New Program: Certificate of Technical Studies Program Curriculum and Description in Logistics Technology [Sonia Taylor/Debbie Lea] Motion to accept proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

VI. Old Business

VII. Adjournment 5:15 p.m.