Douglas M. Browne

2301 Vanderbilt Place

Box 3917, Nashville, TN 37235

(513) 600-2918



Vanderbilt University – Bachelor of Engineering, May 2011 Nashville, TN

Double Major: Mechanical Engineering, Economics

Cumulative GPA: 3.49/4.00; Mechanical Engineering GPA: 3.60/4.00; Economics GPA: 3.60/4.00

London School of Economics – LSE Summer School 2010 London, England

Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy - Class of 2007 Cincinnati, OH

Salutatorian, National AP Scholar, National Honor Society

ACT: 33 SAT: 2190 (Critical Reasoning: 670, Math: 760, Writing: 760)


Design Synthesis System Dynamics Strategic Analysis

Engineering Management Design of Machine Elements Money and Banking

Applied Behavioral Science Modern Manufacturing Processes Sports Economics


Ellison Group, Cincinnati, OH

Marketing and Accounting Intern, Summer 2009

·  Collaborated directly with members of corporate marketing and accounting departments.

·  Performed research of the rapid prototyping industry for Ellison Group company Accelerated Technologies, Inc.

·  Identified potential industries for which Accelerated Technologies, Inc. could penetrate for business and from there identified individual companies within those industries to target.

·  Performed analysis of all of Accelerated Technologies, Inc.’s sales from January 2005-June 2009 and identified the companies, parts, regions of the country, and industries which generated the most sales

·  Analyzed sales data to determine pricing strategy for high volume parts vs. low volume parts and high volume customers vs. low volume customers

Technical Team Intern, Summer 2008

·  Worked at Ellison Surface Technologies plant in Hebron, KY

·  Learned Thermal Spray process; from masking, to spraying, to finishing

·  Developed tooling to hold parts during the spray process

·  Modified and updated technical plans


·  Vanderbilt Men’s Basketball Team manager

o  Provide logistical leadership and support for all practices and games

o  Time commitment of 10 hours a week in off-season to 40+ hours a week during the season (November-March)

·  American Society of Mechanical Engineering

·  Phi Delta Theta

o  Athletics Chairman/Brotherhood Chairman

·  Captain of High School Football, Basketball and Baseball Teams

o  Numerous All-State, All-City and All-League Awards

o  2005 Ohio Division V Offensive Player of the Year – Football