Descriptive Astronomy: The Solar System

PHYS 1052.004 Fall 2012

Lecture : TuTh 12:30pm – 1:50pm in ENV-130

Class Notes:

"PHYS 1052 Solar System – Section 004 (Fall 2012)"


Instructor: Dr. Reiko L. Zrnic

Office: PHYS 114

Phone: (940) 891 6859


Office Hours: TuTh 10:30 am - 12:00 pm or by appointment

Course Content: This introductory astronomy course offered by the UNT Physics Department provides a brief history of astronomy, gives an overview of the techniques and principles important in astronomy, and examines the Solar System’s planets and minor bodies. The course may be used to satisfy the laboratory science requirement for the College of Arts and Sciences or the core laboratory science requirement of the University.

Course Expectations: You are expected to have thoroughly read the chapter in your text before coming to class. The reading assignment is listed in the schedule of the course that follows, and you will be held responsible for the information contained therein. You are expected to have thoroughly read the chapter in your text and complete the corresponding assignments in WebAssign prior to attending class.

The reading/homework assignments are listed in the schedule of the course that follows, and you will be held responsible for the information contained therein.

Course Website:

"PHYS 1052 Descrip Astronomy – Section 004 (Fall 2012)"

Text: Required Materials: Text, WebAssign access, Laboratory Manual

Text: The required text may be purchased in any one of three styles: loose leaf, e-book, or hard back.

The e-book and hard back styles contain the chapters for both PHYS 1052 and PHYS 1062.

The loose leaf version contains only the chapters covered in PHYS 1052.

Loose leaf: The Solar System, 8th Edition, by Michael A. Seeds & Dana Backman

(Brooks/Cole-CENGAGE Learning, 2013)

Book bundled w/ on-line homework access: ISBN: 978-1-285-15282-0

E-book: Foundations of Astronomy, 12th Edition, by Michael A. Seeds & DanaBackman

(Brooks/Cole-CENGAGE Learning, 2013)

E-book bundled w/ on-line homework access: ISBN: 978-0-538-73810-1

Hard back: Foundations of Astronomy, 12th Edition, by Michael A. Seeds & DanaBackman

(Brooks/Cole-CENGAGE Learning, 2013)

Book only: ISBN: 978-1-133-10376-9

Book bundled w/ on-line homework access: ISBN: 978-1-285-04248-0

WebAssign Access: Homework assignments are posted and must be completed on the WebAssign website. Access to the website may be purchased bundled with the e-book or loose leaf version of the text, in local bookstores or from the publisher’s website,, or directly from

Laboratory Manual: The required lab manual PHYS 1052 Astronomy Laboratory Manual is available only in local bookstores and must be purchased prior to attending the first lab meeting.

Laboratory: Eight self-scheduled labs are offered during the semester. The laboratory component of the course is described in a separate syllabus: PHYSICS 1052 – SOLAR SYSTEM LABORATORY Fall 2012. Labs are scheduled through Blackboard, via the “PHYS 1052 Laboratory” class link, “Lab Scheduler” icon. The overall point total you receive for lab coursework will count twenty percent (20%) of your course grade.

Attendance: Lectures are designed to supplement and complement the material in the textbook.

Missing lecture will likely have a direct negative effect on your ability to do well on quizzes, exams and homework assignments. Although the course notes will be posted in Blackboard, class demonstrations, supplemental lecture material (including videos), and daily quizzes will only be available during class.

Homework: Fifteen assignments (one introductory math review and one for each chapter covered in the course) will be posted on the WebAssign website. WebAssign access will be available beginning Tuesday 9/04/2012 and will be free for 14 days.

Beginning Tuesday 9/18/2012, you must have purchased an access code to complete homework assignments. Each assignment will consist of multiple choice questions to be answered online and submitted for grading. Multiple attempts per assignment will be allowed with the highest score of the attempts recorded. The homework should assist you in studying for exams and help you assess your understanding of the concepts. The best twelve (12) homework assignment scores (out of 15 possible) will be used to calculate your homework points for fifteen percent (15%) of your course score.

No makeup will be given for missed homework assignments.

Exams: As listed in the course schedule that follows, two (2) examinations will be given during the regularly scheduled class meetings and a comprehensive final exam as scheduled in the official UNT Final Exam Schedule.

Exam questions will be taken from class notes, homework, in-class quizzes, and the textbook. Exams questions will consist primarily of multiple-choice and True/False questions. Some questions may require short calculations.

Current picture ID required on exam days.

Scantrons are provided by the instructor.

Makeup Exams:

For documented, University excused absences, contact the instructor (e-mail, phone, or personal conversation), as soon as possible, preferably prior to the exam.

Course Extra Credit: Up to two (2) points of extra credit may be earned to be added to final course point total by attending two different public shows at the UNT Sky Theater and submitting a summary for each.

Public shows cost $3.00 w/ Student ID and are usually held on Saturdays at 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. The exact times/dates are listed in the course calendar below or may be obtained from the website:

To receive credit (up to 2 points)

(1) your name & EUID must appear on public show attendance log, and

(2) a 300-word, typed summary of the program must be submitted to the course instructor.

Papers must be printed and submitted on paper. E-mail submissions will not be accepted. If you are unable to attend Saturday shows, please contact instructor for an alternative assignment.


Extra-credit paper must be turned in by noon Tuesday December 1, 2012.


Grading: Laboratory 20 points

Attendance Quizzes and

Homework 15

Exam 1 20

Exam 2 20

Final Exam 25

Total 100 points

Extra credit < 2 points

Final point total = Point total + Extra Credit

Tardiness: If you arrive late, please enter quietly and sit down. Do not walk in front of speakers or disrupt the class in any other way.

On cell phones and laptops: Cell phones must be off at all times during class meetings. Inappropriate use (i.e. checking e-mail, checking social networks, researching for something unrelated to the class, etc.) of a laptop or smart phone, I-pad, etc, will not be tolerated; you will be asked to put it away and your participation grade will be affected.


If you are having trouble with this class, come by my office during office hours or make an appointment. If you have a problem with anything related to your course (textbook, instructor, testing, etc.), it is your responsibility to discuss the problem first with your instructor. Most problems or misunderstandings can be dealt with effectively and efficiently if the people most directly involved can discuss the problem and communicate honestly with each other.

Disabilities Accommodation:

The University of North Texas is on record as being committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation; reference Public Law 92-112 – The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended. With the passage of new federal legislation entitled Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), pursuant to section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, there is renewed focus on providing this population with the same opportunities enjoyed by all citizens.If you believe you have a disability requiring accommodation, please see the instructor and/or contact the Office of Disability Accommodation at 940-565-4323 during the first week of class.

Academic Dishonesty: UNT’s policy on academic dishonesty can be found at:

Dropping a Course: Drop information is available in the schedule of classes at:

Course Evaluations: Student Evaluation of Teacher Effectiveness (SETE) will be conducted on-line at this address:

The Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness (SETE) is a requirement for all organized classesat UNT. This short survey will be made available to you at the end of the semester and will remain open through the week of finals, providing you a chance to comment on how this class is taught.

I consider the SETE to be an important part of your participation in this class.

Week of / TOPICS / TEXT
August 27 / Introduction, Distribution of PHYS 1052/ Lab syllabus / Chapter 1
Units, Measurements, Scale, Scientific Notation / Chapter 1
September 3 / Locating objects in the Sky / Chapter 2
Motions of Objects in the Sky / Chapter 2
September 10 / The Cycles of the Moon, Eclipses / Chapter 3
Ancient Astronomy, Models Of the Solar System / Chapter 4
September 17 / Scientific Method, Kepler's Laws / Chapter 4
Newton's Laws of Motion / Chapter 5
September 24 / Newton's Law of Gravity / Chapter 5
October 1 / Electromagnetic Radiation, Spectroscopy / Chapter 6
Optical Telescopes, Other Telescopes / Chapter 6
October 8 / Origin, Formation of the Solar System / Chapter 19
October 11 / EXAM 1: Chapters 1-6
October 15 / Planetary Geology, Earth- Surface and Interior / Chapter 20
Earth – Magnetosphere and Atmosphere / Chapter 20
October 22 / Moon / Chapter 21
Mercury / Chapter 21
October 29 / Venus / Chapter 22
Mars / Chapter 22
November 5 / Mars / Chapter 22
Jovian Characteristics / Chapter 23
November 12 / Jupiter, Jovian Moons / Chapter 23
November 15 / EXAM 2: Chapters 19-22
November 19 / Saturn, Saturn Moons / Chapter 23
Uranus / Chapter 24
November 22-25 / Thanksgiving Holiday - NO CLASS
November 26 / Neptune / Chapter 24
Asteroids, Meteors, Comets / Chapter 25
December 1 / Last day to accept EXTRA CREDIT
Meteorites, Asteroids,Comets - Interactions with Earth
Course Review
December 13 / FINAL EXAM : Cumulative and Required
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in ENV-130