Minutes of the Meeting of East Hanney Parish Council

2nd March 2016 – 7.30pm

  1. Attending: Cllr J Triffitt, Cllr J Long, Cllr D Kirk, Cllr S McKechnie, Cllr S Scott.

Apologies for absence: Cllr P Aram, District Cllr M Barber.

In attendance: G Langton (Clerk), County Cllr Melinda Tilley, Nanette Gills, Christine Thomas, Desmond Thomas, James Craddock, Eve Holding, Jason Lennard, Samantha Mace, Gareth Hudson and Karen Hudson (members of the public).

  1. Members Declarations of Interest.

No members declared a pecuniary interest in any of the items under discussion.

  1. To confirm: The minutes of the February 2016 meeting of the Planning Subcommittee.

The council resolved to agree these minutes at the next relevant meeting, which would be the meeting of the Planning Subcommittee, in April 2016.Cllr Kirk noted his concern that this could lead to unapproved minutes being published. The chairman noted that this was accepted practice and such draft minutes are required to be published within one month of the relevant meeting.

  1. To confirm: The minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 2nd February 2016.

The minutes were approved and signed by chairman.

  1. To receive: Update on matters arising from the minutes not otherwise on the agenda.

The council noted that the actions arising out of the minutes confirmed at item 4 had been carried out.

  1. Update from County Councilor Tilley.

Cllr Tilley noted that she had nothing to report regarding a pedestrian crossing on the A338 and would ensure the PC was informed when any progress had been made.

In response to a question from Cllr Kirk, Cllr Tilley noted that current expansion plans for St James School, Hanney would not require the Hanney Preschool to leave the site. This did not preclude the Vale Academy Trust requiring the Preschool to move in the future, however, and that the County Council had no control over the activities of schools after the had achieved academy status.

Cllr Scott noted that there were currently parking issues at the school when parents dropped off and collected their children. Cllr Tilley noted the issue and informed the Council that she would ask for the parking facilities to be taken into consideration as part of any expansion plans at the School. Cllr Kirk noted that drop-off provision would be relatively cheap, and without an improvement to this provision, the good work to provide solution for schooling in Hanney would be undone and that improvements to the parking facilities would have to undertaken immediately.

Members of the public reinforced this position, noting that many cars dropped children at the school and that this caused considerable danger for children crossing the road to the school. They hoped that a child would not have to be injured before any action was taken. Members of the public suggested road markings such as zig-zag or double yellow lines or a crossing guard to improve safety.

The Chairman noted that the identified access for planning application P16/V0364/O, to be considered later in the agenda, was via Cow Lane, opposite the school and that at the beginning and end of the school day, vehicles regularly blocked this access.

County Cllr Tilley noted the recently proposed change to a unitary authority model for Oxfordshire and that the County Council would be making a counter proposal for a single unitary authority in due course.

County Cllr Tilley left the meeting at 20.00.

  1. Public Participation Period.

Houses behind the Causeway.

Eve Holding noted that following the submission of application P16/V0364/O she had been advised that she should remove her house from the market or accept a significant reduction in the asking price. Her main objections to the development were: road safety, the potential of increased flood risk and overwhelming of the foul drainage system, and the density of the housing. She reported that she would be submitting her objections to the District Council.

James Craddock noted that he had been shocked to note the planned density behind the Causeway and was concerned with the resultant increase in traffic volume, especially as local roads were not suitable for increased traffic volume. He also noted that block paving was proposed for Cow Lane and that this was an inappropriate surface for this access route. He noted other areas of concern, including the installation of streetlights on the development and the plan to drain all water collected on the development to the existing drainage system, thus exacerbating the current situation. Mr Craddock asked a question as to the affect of the absence of a VWHDC housing land supply. Cllr Scott noted that according to the Planning Committee of the VWHDC, there was no limit to the number of houses Hanney would be expected to have. Cllr Kirk noted that the VWHDC Local Plan 2031 (phase 1) had allocated 200 houses to East Hanney but over 200 were already approved or built since the numbers were identified by VWHDC. Until the Local Plan was approved developers could submit any number of planning applications.

Jason Leonard noted that the current and proposed developments in West Hanney would also increase traffic and water and drainage problems.

Gareth Hudson noted that traffic was already a problem and that this would only get worse as the density of the proposed development was double that of the Causeway currently.

In response to a question from the Chairman, no residents noted their support for the development.

Nanette Gills left the meeting at 20.15

  1. To receive: Invoices paid since last meeting and the current statement of account.

The Council accepted the paper and noted dates of receipt of precept monies for 2016-17, with half of the amount coming in the first weeks of April and September respectively.

  1. To consider: Request for donation from Hanney War Memorial Hall.

The Council considered the request for funding towards the purchase of a fridge-freezer for the Hanney War Memorial Hall. The request was refused with the Council noting that no full quotations for planned works had been received from the management committee for submission as section 106 requests to developers.

In response to a request from Cllr Kirk for an update regarding the section 106 to the outside door for the bar area the Clerk gave the update noting that works were due to commence by the end of March 2016.

  1. To consider: Grass cutting quote (P5 (03.16)).

The council accepted the quote as circulated, this was proposed by Cllr Kirk and seconded by Cllr Long. It was noted that the County Council had confirmed that the Parish Council would be awarded a grant of £858 to undertake the cutting of all highway verges.

Action Clerk to finalise the details.

  1. To consider: Road sweeping.

Cllr Scott noted his proposal for a road sweeper to work its way round both East and West Hanney with the cost being split between the Councils and the Flood Group. It was agreed that Cllr Scott would present a paper to the next full meeting of the council to indicate the need for this action..

  1. To consider: Commissioning a Parish tree survey.

The Chairman noted that Council could be liable if any damage was caused by trees on Council land. The council resolved to undertake the survey, dependent on quotes. Action Cllr Scott to prepare a map of all relevant trees and send to the Clerk to obtain quotes.

  1. To consider: Repairs to playground equipment.

The Chairman noted that Cllr Aram had provided written feedback and had suggested replacing the loose-fill round the large piece of equipment, and to remove and replace the ‘motorbike’ and remove the basketball hoop.

The Council resolved to arrange removal of these two items and to ask the villagers, through the council’s monthly Hanney News article, what items should be provided as replacements.

Action Clerk to draft the article and to obtain quotes to remove the identified items.

  1. To consider: Issues with grass verge (corner of Main Street and Snuggs Lane).

The Council agreed that the situation be reviewed by the Council and that the Clerk seek options for the type of street furniture that could be installed. Cllr Kirk noted that section 106 monies may be available to assist with funding the work.

  1. To consider the Parish Council’s response to the following planning applications:
  2. P16/V0256/HH

Hazelwood Main Street East Hanney Wantage OX12 0JF

Single storey porch extension, and extension to existing kitchen under existing roof. Window enlarged to doorway.

Registered 4th February 2016

Respond by 4th March 2016

Target decision date 31st March 2016.

The Council noted that a walnut tree identified in the application should be retained. Otherwise, the Council had no objections to the application. Action Clerk to respond.

  1. P16/V0286/FUL

Sovereign Vale Oxford Road East Hanney Wantage OX12 0HP

Erection of a temporary portacabin office unit for a period of five years P11/00113/FUL Conditions(s) 1 variation

Registered 4th February 2016

Respond by 8th March 2016

Target decision date 31st March 2016.

Noted that this was to extend the time, not to add the building. The Council had no objections to the application. Action Clerk to respond.

  1. P16/V0364/O

Land south of The Causeway East Hanney

Outline application for the construction of up to 30 dwellings with all matters reserved except access (40% affordable)

Registered 15th February 2016

Respond by 23rd March 2016 – extension applied for.

Target decision date 16th May 2016.

  1. The Chairman noted that the Council had heard from members of the public earlier in the meeting regarding this application. The Chairman noted his agreement with the statements and the sentiments of the public. It was noted that no member of the Council was in favour of the development.

Cllr Scott noted that this was an outline proposal and thus was thin with regard to the detail. Cllr Kirk noted that any response needed to highlight the lack of clarity in the application as to the final housing mix or the actual number that the site could be used to develop.

The Clerk noted that the Council had requested and received an extension to respond to the application until the 8th April 2016.

The Council noted the following aspects to include in the objection:

The site was 1 hectare, and the indicated number of houses would be more than double the density of the immediate surroundings.

There would be an unavoidable increase in traffic around the entrance to the school and that the likely number of cars using the entrance was incorrect. That the land was at the edge of the village and should therefore have a lower density than the centre of the village.

That no open space had been identified on the plan.

The Chairman noted that the Council would consider this application again at the next meeting but the members of the Council should draft their responses to the application in the meantime. Cllr Kirk encouraged residents to provide statements and comments to the PC to assist in this work and to copy the PC in to any submission they made themselves.

All remaining members of the public left at 20.35

  1. P15/V1379/FUL

Land adjacent to Yew Tree Barn, The Paddocks East Hanney

Erection of nine dwelling (including affordable housing) with associated parking and amenity space (as amended by plans and documents submitted on 1 February 2016).

Registered 17th June 2015

Respond by 4th March 2016 – extension applied for.

Target decision date to be confirmed.

The council noted that it was not content with the application’s approach to issues of archaeology and footpath connection with the village.

Cllr Kirk noted that the original objections the Council submitted remained still stand, including access to the site (off the A338), the density on the fringes of the village and footpath access to the village.

The Council noted that it’s objection to the development remained.

The proposed extension of response date was noted, though it was reported that the Clerk was away at the time of submission and so unable to submit the response. The Council agreed that the Chairman could submit the response. Action Chairman.

  1. To receive: An update on the response to planning appeal APP/V3120/W/16/31/3142562 (P15/V1616/FUL).

The Council noted that the barrister advised the submission of only a single document. The cost of this would be £1000+vat for the whole draft or he would check and edit the Council’s draft for £300+vat.

The council resolved to instruct the barrister to compile the draft at the quoted price of £1000+vat.

  1. To receive: An update on revised Standing Orders for the Parish Council.

The Council noted the draft standing orders would be reviewed in time for annual meeting, which was to be held before May meeting.

Action Chairman and Clerk.

  1. To receive: An update on applications to the land registry.

The Clerk provided an update as follows:

The Council would be retaining the services of Simon Escreet to assist the Clerk in completing the work required.

For items 1-3 below, an extension to the date of reply of 10 working days had been successfully applied for, taking this to 24th March 2016.

For items 1-4, the address of the PC has been clarified.

1. Land at Ebbs Lane

An up to date plan had been sourced from OCC Highways, which showed that the piece of green land in front of Kings Farm Cottages was not highway. This would be supplied to Land Registry. Both owners at Kings Farm Cottages and the prospective owners of the new houses to be built by Ede would require access across this land. Then Council agreed to grant this permission.

2. Land lying to the East of Oxford Road (Constables Piece)

The sublet agreements had been requested from Sovereign Vale.

The boundary of the letting agreement (BK47126) was to be applied for to ensure registration is sought for the correct land.

Land Charges Searches were being applied for.

3. Land at The Green

The deeds were being sought.

Land Charges Searches were being applied for.

4. Land at the Iron Bridge

Land Registry had contacted adjacent landowners to see if there were any issues with the registration.

5. Land on Main Street

This application was yet to be resubmitted. Correspondence from the Land Registry indicated that the whole portion of the land could not be registered contiguously. Each portion would need to be applied for, to include the green land opposite the Black Horse, outside Hazelwood and the bus stop.

Action Clerk to undertake the works required alongside the outside contractor.

  1. To receive: An update on the application for Resilience Funding.

The Council heard that there was no progress to report.

  1. To receive: OALC training for 2016.

The Council received the paper. All requests for training should be sent to the Clerk.

  1. To receive: An update from the Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan steering group.

Cllr Scott reported that the Group had agreed an interim contract with Community First Oxfordshire for support during the first phase at a cost of approx. £1068.

He had arranged for a page in Hanney news and for use of the main room in the Hall for the public Plan event on the17th April2016.

The meeting closed at 21.30.

Guy Langton, Clerk to East Hanney Parish Council ()1