Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) / Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs)

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s) are the only disease of choice!!! You choose to have a STD… your future children can pay consequences for your actions too!!!

STD’s are the only disease of choice! Unlike cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s, etc…. Unfortunately, in your generation –you are choosing not just for yourself, but also for your children. So many STD’s are passed on through pregnancy to the unborn child, either through blood or during childbirth. This can at times be avoided with C-section instead of vaginal birth, but in many cases cannot be avoided.

There are different types of diseases. Some are bacterial and others are viral.Who knows the difference between a bacteria and a virus?

Bacteria are very simple life forms, each consisting of a single cell

Antibiotics can cure most bacterial diseases

Bacterial diseases can be cured, but contracted over and over (ie. strep throat)

Who has ever had strep throat? Can it be cured? Can you get it again? (yes, yes, yes)

The same is true for bacteria STD’s. There are many STD’s that can be cured, but how do you know you have one? Many times there are no signs or symptoms. The only way you know you have a STD is to be tested. A window of opportunity exists, approximately 9 – 12 months, in which you can take some form of medication to be cured of a bacterial STD. These diseases can be permanently damaging your body while you have no idea you have it.

Viruses are cellular life forms and are much smaller than bacteria

Diseases caused by viruses cannot be cured (for example HIV) – the goal is to treat the symptoms

An example is the common cold – a cold is caused by a virus. Your doctor will treat by telling you to rest, take Tylenol and get plenty of fluids. Eventually, your body with its healthy immune system will control the virus. Some viruses your body cannot control.

Some bacteria diseases that can be cured if detected within a short amount of time:

Chlamydia [AL ranks 5th of 50 States from 2011]

Syphilis [AL ranks 13th of 50 States, 42nd of 3140 Counties in USA & 5th by State of infants]

Gonorrhea [AL ranks 3rd of 50 States from 2011]


Some viral STDs which CANNOT BE CURED [Only symptoms can be treated] include:

Genital Herpes


HPV – Genital Warts

Hepatitis B

Anyone who has been sexually active in any way needs to be tested. Let’s make sure we know what sex means! Sex is any genital contact. If you have had any genital contact, you have had sex, you are at risk for multiple STD’s. You need to be tested! This includes anal sex, oral sex, vaginal sex and any hand to genital contact. If you have experimented or experienced any of the above, you are at risk for STD’s and you need to be tested! Diseases are spreading like wildfire, and teenagers are claiming to be virgins. Most individuals do not know that they have a STD. They are not necessarily lying to their partner(s), they truly do not know since they have no symptoms and they have never been tested.

Most prevalent Bacterial STD’s…

Chlamydia – Most commonly reported notifiable [required by law to be reported to official health authorities] disease in the U.S. and most commonly occurring bacterial STD. {Recent increases can be attributed to expanded efforts to screen women for Chlamydia, more sensitive tests, and more complete national reporting. They may also reflect a true increase.}Transmitted via body fluid exchange – oral, anal or vaginal sex.

  • Very common, “silent” with usually no signs or symptoms.
  • May cause permanent damage to female reproductive organs.
  • May lead to male and/or female infertility.
  • Can lead to PID [pelvic inflammatory disease], infertility and potentially fatal ectopic pregnancy

Many young couples are not able to have children of their own as a result of chlamydia. Knowing this, Adoption is awesome choice for young people in unplanned pregnancy situations. Chances are very favorable that you could be that young married couple one day wanting children, and not able to because of contracting Chlamydia, even in high school. If given a chance, influence anyone to give up 9 months of their lives to help a young couple complete a family!

In 2011, Alabama ranked 5th for Chlamydia in U.S.

Syphilis– Second most commonly reported notifiable disease in the U.S. Passed from person to person by direct contact with a syphilis sore {mainly on genitals, vagina, anus, rectum, on the lips and in the mouth}. No exchange of body fluid is necessary to contract Syphilis.Untreated syphilis in pregnant women can result in stillbirth, death soon after birth, physical deformity and neurological complications in children who survive. No symptoms for years since sores are unrecognized, yet remain at risk if not treated. Transmission may occur from persons unaware of their infection.

Primary Stage – A single sore (chancre), may be multiple sores. The time between infection and first sore is from 10 to 90 days (average 21 days). The chancre is usually firm, round, small and painless. It appears at the spot where syphilis entered the body. The chancre lasts 3-6 weeks and heals without treatment. If adequate treatment is not received, the infection progresses to the secondary stage.

Secondary Stage – Rash(s) appear on one or more areas of body. Rash appears usually several weeks after chancre heals. Characteristic rash appears as rough, red or brown spots on palms of hands or bottoms of feet. Sometimes so faint that they are not noticed. In addition to rashes, symptoms may include fever, swollen glands, aches, weight loss, etc. These symptoms also resolve with or without treatment. Without treatment, infection will progress to latent stage [existing in hidden or dormant form].

Late and Latent Stage – Begins when primary and secondary symptoms disappear. Infection remains in the body and latent stage can last for years. Late stage can appear 10-20 years after infection was first acquired. In the late stages there are no symptoms. The disease may subsequently damage the internal organs including the brain, nerves, eyes, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones, joints. Signs and symptoms include difficulty coordinating muscle movements, paralysis, numbness, gradual blindness and dementia. May cause death.

A single injection of penicillin or other medication will cure a person who has had syphilis for less than a year! Additional doses are needed if longer than a year. Allergic to penicillin? Other antibiotics treat syphilis. Can be passed even if using condoms…not effective!

In 2011, Alabama ranked 13thfor Syphilis in U.S.

Jefferson County ranked 42ndout of all [3140] counties in the United States of America.

Alabama ranked 5th for reported cases of infants at birth in the U.S!

Most prevalent viral STD’s…

Genital Herpes – Typically 1 or more blisters, 2-4 weeks after virus is transmitted. These blisters take 2-4 weeks for the first occurrence to heal. People diagnosed can expect to have 4-5 outbreaks a year. This virus will remain in your body. The number of outbreaks decrease over a period of years. Medications only make it bearable.Transmitted via skin to skin contact, no body fluid exchange is necessary.

HPV [Human Papillomavirus] – There are over 100 strains of HPV and 30+ are sexually transmitted and 15 can lead to cervical cancer. Highly contagious and the most common viral STD. 50% of sexually active people have HPV. Transmitted via skin to skin contact.

Low Risk – “Genital Warts” – cauliflower shaped. In order to get rid of, they must be burned or frozen off by a doctor. Warts often come back, so several treatments may be needed.

High Risk – No symptoms and often leads to cancer in the cervix, vulva, anus or penis.

Gardasil is formulated to protect against 4 HPV types [6 & 11 associated with genital warts, 16 & 18 associated with cervical cancer], which together cause 70% of cervical cancers and 90% of genital warts in the U.S.

HIV [Human Immunodeficiency Virus] – Leads to AIDS [Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome] The presence of other STD’s increases the likelihood of both transmitting and acquiring HIV. Spreads through the exchange of body fluids, blood or breast milk. AIDS is the only 100% fatal STD. It doesn’t kill you, but kills your immune system, so a simple infection or cold could kill you.

HIV is 450 times smaller than a sperm. If a condom fails against the sperm, you have new life; if it fails against HIV, you have death.

Protect yourself and your future spouse. The only SAFE SEX is NO SEX until you are in a committed marriage relationship! If you have had any sexual encounter, you should be tested. Don’t wait. Write these numbers down to leave class today…. for STD testing!

North Jefferson Women’s Center 808-9001

*FREE TEST Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis & HIV

1209 Decatur Highway, Fultondale, AL 35068

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