Hamilton City Council

1010 Broadway St.

May 18, 2015


The Hamilton City Council met in regular session at 7:00pm with Mayor Lowman, Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, Schlatter, and Summers answering roll call.

Mayor Lowman led everyone in the “Pledge of Allegiance”.

Mayor Lowman asked for a motion to approve the Minutes of the May 4, 2015 meeting. Boone made a motion to approve the minutes. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll was called with Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, Schlatter and Summers voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.

Mayor Lowman updated that Ameren is spending $850,000 on constructing an electric system tied between Hamilton and Warsaw. This will improve service reliability in our towns. Also Ameren will be adding smart switches in Hamilton’s substations. Projected to start mid June.

Mayor Lowman asked for a motion to advertise for bids to resurface Broadway. Bierbaum made a motion to approve. He noted that the bids would be opened at the June 15th Council meeting. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll was called with Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, Schlatter, Summers, and Eddings voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes. Mayor Lowman noted that the bids will be advertised in the Keokuk Gate City, Journal Pilot and Quincy Herald Whig.

Mayor Lowman presented his appointments and Council Committees for 2015 - 2016:

City Attorney - Stan Tucker

Chief of Police - Robert Bell

Sergeant – Nick Jamerson

Water/Sewer Superintendent - Tim Schilson until time of retirement

Street Superintendent – Ryan Boley

Fire Chief – Steve Helenthal

ESDA Coordinators – Jean Massey

Janitor – Leroy Agnew

Building Inspector – Tim Hempen

Animal Control Officer - Mike Wright

Library Board - Jim Noble, John Kolditz, John Phillips, Cecily Knowles, Katie DellaVedova, Robert Schneider, David Morgan, Wanda Hansen, and Sarah Warriner

(Thank you to Dan Reinhardt and Sharon Anderson for their past service)

Zoning Commission - Chairman Marvin Speckhart, Charles Mullens, David Francis,

Ed Richardson, John Phillips, Becky Summers and Bob Brobston

Banking Depositories - Marine Bank & Trust and First State

Finance & Appropriations

(Finance, Appropriations, Annual Budget & Economic Development)

Bob Eddings - Chairman

Debbie Summers

Bev Boone

Public Works & Buildings

(Street Dept., Water & Sewer Dept., & Building & Grounds)

Dave Bierbaum – Chairman

Steve Schlatter

Bill Johnson

Health & Safety

(Police Dept., Fire Dept., Permits & Zoning)

Debbie Summers – Chairman

Steve Schlatter

Bob Eddings

Eddings made a motion to approve the appointments. Bierbaum seconded the motion. Roll was called with Johnson, Boone, Schlatter, Summers, Eddings, and Bierbaum voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.


Eddings made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Schlatter seconded the motion. Roll was called with Boone, Schlatter, Summers, Eddings, Bierbaum and Johnson voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.

Eddings reported that the City had received the following deposits:

·  $6,235.00 Liquor Licenses

·  $3,145.78 Miscellaneous Income

·  $2,660.72 Personal Prop Replacement Tax

·  $15,646.57 State Income Tax

·  $11,565.89 State Sales Tax

Eddings made a motion to approve Ordinance #3 Addressing the payment of cable television franchise fees in the City of Hamilton, IL raising the percentage from 4% to 5%. Schlatter seconded the motion. Roll was called with Schlatter, Summers, Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson, and Boone voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.

Eddings made a motion to approve a full time employee merit wage increase of $.25/hour. Johnson seconded the motion. It was noted that employee must have worked the previous full year to be eligible for the increase. The increase would be effective May 1, 2015. Roll was called with Summers, Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, and Schlatter voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.

Eddings made a motion to approve the Engagement Letter from Arnold, Behrens, Nesbit, and Gray P.C. for the amount of $12,500. Summers seconded the motion. Roll was called with Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, Schlatter and Summers voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.



Bierbaum reported that the Public Works and Building Committee will hold a meeting on Tuesday, May 26th at 6:00 pm.

Bierbaum made a motion to approve the Third Reading of Ordinance #2 To Provide for Municipal Utility Tax at a rate of 5%. Johnson seconded the motion. Authorize Cindy DuPree, City Treasurer to set up a new Money Market Account for this tax to be deposited in called Street and Bridge Maintenance, Rehabilitation/Construction and will be used for this sole purpose. The authorized signers on this account will be Steven Lowman, Mayor; Michelle Dorethy, City Clerk; Cindy DuPree, City Treasurer; Jean Massey, Bookkeeper; and Trish Maerz, Water/Sewer Bookkeeper. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll was called with Eddings, Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, Schlatter and Summers voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.


Schlatter had nothing new to report.


Johnson reported would have the quote to approve for the street barn siding at the next Council Meeting.

Mayor Lowman noted that Chief Bell is remodeling the police department to get some of the evidence out of the basement due to the moisture problem. Robb is going to check into what can be done with the safe. It was manufactured in Quincy so it may have some major value.


Summers reported that the Health and Safety Committee will hold a meeting on Thursday, May 21st at 5:30pm.

Summers made a motion to approve the following building permits: 18’L x 11’W x 10’H Storage Shed to Bob Steinman at 110 Hillcrest, 14’L x 6’W x 10’H Storage Shed to Miles Neal at 209 Hillcrest, and 12’L x 6’W x 8’H Storage Shed to Brian and Brandi Mudd at 115 Crestview. Eddings seconded the motion. Roll was called with Bierbaum, Johnson, Boone, Schlatter, Summers, and Eddings voting aye. Motion carried with 6 aye votes and no nay votes.

Mayor Lowman asked City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to prohibit trucks over 2 axels on Main and Broadway Streets unless they are making a delivery on those streets. He noted that we will be spending money on Broadway and we don’t want to tear it up.

Summers asked where we were on the dilapidated structures in town. The council members have had several complaints regarding the house on 531 Main Street. Complaints have included an open well. Council members asked if we could put some type of snow fencing around the house. City Attorney stated it would be fine to put up the fence.

Discussion was held how we were going to handle the grass issues this year. Chief Bell noted that he would like for us to issue tickets. City Attorney reported that all fines are $75.00. Discussion was also held about the Whitaker property on Keokuk Street that now has a unlicensed car sitting on the property.

There being no further business to discuss Lowman entertained a motion for adjournment. Bierbaum made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 pm. Johnson seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.



Attest: ______

City Clerk Approved