CodeList LandUseClassificationValue – Czech example based on national legislation – Decree No. 501/2006 Col. on general land use requirements § 3 – 19

LandUseClassificationValue (abstract)
Name: / LandUseClassificationValue
Definition: / Specific indication on the land use defined in Czech legislation
Status: / Proposed
Stereotypes: / «codeList»
URI: / null
Value: 1_Residential
Name: / Residential areas (Plochy bydlení)
Definition: / Residential areas are usually delimited separately in order to assure conditions for dwelling in a quality environment that offers undisturbed and safe stay and everyday recovery and relaxation of its inhabitants, accessibility of public spaces and public services..
Value: 2_LeisureTimeActivities
Name: / LeisureTimeActivities areas(Plochy rekreace)
Definition: / Leisure time activities areas are usually delimited separately in order to assure conditions for recovery and relaxation within a quality environment..
Value: 3_PublicServices
Name: / PublicServices areas (Plochy občanského vybavení)
Definition: / Public services areas are usually delimited separately in order to assure conditions for suitable situation, accessibility, and use of public services constructions, and to create conditions for their utilisation in accordance with their purpose..
Value: 4_PublicSpaces
Name: / PublicSpaces areas (Plochy veřejných prostranství)
Definition: / Public spaces areas are usually delimited separately in order to assure conditions for adequate situation, extent, and accessibility of public spaces plots, and for their use in accordance with their importance and purpose..
Value: 5_MixedResidential
Name: / MixedResidential areas (Plochy smíšené obytné)
Definition: / Mixed residential areas are usually delimited separately if it is not reasonable, taking into account the development character, its urban structure, and way of its use, to segment an area into residential areas and public services, and it is necessary to exclude situating constructions and facilities, that degrade environment quality within the area, e.g. for mining, metallurgy, chemistry, heavy engineering, rehabilitation services..
Value: 6_TransportInfrastructure
Name: / TransportInfrastructure areas (Plochy dopravní infrastruktury)
Definition: / Transport infrastructure areas are usually delimited separately if the use of transport infrastructure and facilities areas due to heavy traffic and its negative impacts excludes ranking such areas among areas with other way of use, and further when delimiting of transport areas is necessary for transport accessibility assurance, e.g. production spaces, public services areas for retail shops, raw materials mining areas..
Value: 7_TechnicalInfrastructure
Name: / TechnicalInfrastructure areas (Plochy technické infrastruktury)
Definition: / Technical infrastructure areas are usually delimited separately when use of these technical infrastructure areas excludes their classification as areas of other land use type, and when other use of these areas is impossible. In other cases only the routes of technical infrastructure are delimited within the areas of other land use type.
Value: 8_ManufactureAndWarehousing
Name: / ManufactureAndWarehousing areas (Plochy výroby a skladování)
Definition: / Manufacture and warehousing areas are usually delimited separately if the use of areas for e.g. manufacture constructions and warehousing, and agriculture constructions, due to negative impacts over these areas borders, excludes classification of the areas with such impacts as areas of other land use type.
Value: 9_CombinedManufacture
Name: / CombinedManufacture areas (Plochy smíšené výrobní)
Definition: / Combined manufacture areas are usually delimited separately when it is not reasonable to segment the area, due to its character, into e.g. manufacture and warehousing areas, transport and technical infrastructure areas, minerals mining areas, and specific areas.
Value: 10_AquaticAndWaterResources
Name: / AquaticAndWaterResources areas (Plochy vodní a vodohospodářské)
Definition: / Aquatic and water resources areas are delimited in order to assure conditions for water management, protection against water harmful impacts or drought, regulation of area regimen, and other purposes stipulated by legal regulations dealing with water, landscape protection and preservation.
Value: 11_Agriculture
Name: / Agriculture areas (Plochy zemědělské)
Definition: / Agriculture areas are usually delimited separately in order to assure conditions for prevailing agriculture use.
Value: 12_Forests
Name: / Forest areas(Plochy lesní)
Definition: / Forestareas are usually delimited separately in order to assure land use conditions for forest.
Value: 13_Natural
Name: / Natural areas (Plochy přírodní)
Definition: / Natural areas are usually delimited separately in order to assure conditions for landscape protection and preservation
Value: 14_CombinedUndeveloped
Name: / CombinedUndeveloped areas (Plochy smíšené nezastavěného území)
Definition: / Combined undeveloped areas are usually delimited separately when it is not reasonable to segment the area, due to the undeveloped area character or its protection, into e.g. water areas, water resources, agriculture areas, and forests.
Value: 15_MineralsMining
Name: / MineralsMining areas (Plochy těžby nerostů)
Definition: / Minerals mining areas are usually delimited separately in order to assure conditions for economic minerals and raw materials use, and protection of environment at mining and minerals processing activities.
Value: 16_Specific
Name: / Specific areas (Plochy specifické)
Definition: / Specific areas are usually delimited separately in order to assure specific conditions required, in particular, for constructions and facilities of country defence and security, civil defence, prison service, storages of hazardous materials; related transport and technical infrastructure areas may be included in the specificareas.
Value: 17_Other
Name: / Other areas (Plochy ostatní)
Definition: / In special, justified cases, provided that the reasons are included in the rationalization of a general nature measure by which a plan is issued, there may be specified areas with different land use than stipulated above.