Supplementary Material
Value, pleasure, and choice in the ventral prefrontal cortex
Fabian Grabenhorst1 and Edmund T. Rolls2
1 University of Cambridge, Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, Cambridge, UK.
2 Oxford Centre for Computational Neuroscience, Oxford, UK.
Corresponding author: Rolls, E. T. ()
Table S1. Principles of operation of OFC and ACC in reward processing, and their adaptive value
Operational principle / Adaptive value1. Neural activity in OFC and ACC represents reward value and pleasure on a continuous scale[S1-6]. / This type of representation provides useful inputs for neural attractor networks involved in cost-benefit analysis and decision-making.
2. The identity and intensity of stimuli are represented at earlier cortical stages that send inputs to OFC and ACC: stimuli and objects are first represented, then their reward and affective value is computed in OFC[S1, S7, S8]. / This separation of affective and sensory processing is highly adaptive for it enables us to identify and learn about stimuli independently of whether we currently want them and find them rewarding.
3. Many different rewards are represented close together in OFC and ACC, including taste, olfactory, oral texture, temperature, touch, visual, social, amphetamine induced, and monetary rewards[S3, S9]. / This organization facilitates comparison and common scaling of different rewards by lateral inhibition, and thus provides appropriately scaled inputs for a choice decision-making process [S9].
4. Spatially separate representations of pleasant stimuli (rewards) and unpleasant stimuli (punishers) exist in OFC and ACC[S1, S7]. / This type of organization provides separate and partly independent inputs into brain systems for cost-benefit analysis and decision-making.
5. The value of specific rewards is represented in OFC: different single neurons respond to different combinations of specific taste, olfactory, fat texture, oral viscosity, visual, and face and vocal expression rewards. / This type of encoding provides a reward window on the world that allows not only selection of specific rewards, but also for sensory-specific satiety, a specific reduction in the value of a stimulus after it has been received continuously for a period of time.
6. Both absolute and relative value signals are present in OFC [S10-S13]. / Absolute value is necessary for stable long-term preferences and transitivity[S12]. Being sensitive to relative value may be useful in climbing local reward gradients as in positive contrast effects[S10].
7. Top-down cognitive and attentional factors, originating in lateral prefrontal cortex, modulate reward value and pleasantness in OFC and ACC through biased competition and biased activation[S8, S14-17]. / These top-down effects allow cognition and attention to modulate the first cortical stage of reward processing to influence valuation and economic decision-making.
Supplementary legend to Fig. 2. a. Maps of subjective pleasure in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC, ventral view) and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC, sagittal view). Yellow: sites where activations correlate with subjective pleasantness. White: sites where activations correlate with subjective unpleasantness. The numbers refer to effects found in specific studies. Taste: 1 [S8], 2 [S14]; odor: 3, 4 [S1]; 5 [S10]; 6, 7 [S18]; 8, 9 [S19]; 10 [S20]; flavor: 11, 12 [S3]; 13 [S8]; 14 [S21]; 15 [S4]; 16 [S22]; oral texture: 17, 18 [S3]; chocolate: 19 [S23]; water: 20 [S24]; wine: 21 [S25]; oral temperature: 22, 23 [S26]; somatosensory temperature: 24, 25 [S7]; the sight of touch: 26, 27 [S27]; facial attractiveness: 28, 29 [S28]; erotic pictures: 30 [S29]; laser-induced pain: 31 [S30].
Supplementary legend to Fig. 3. From valuation to choice in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Left: Activations associated with 1: (economic) subjective value during intertemporal choice [S31]; 2: immediate vs delayed choices [S32]; 3 immediate vs delayed primary rewards[S33];4: expected value during probabilistic decision-making [S34]; 5: expected value based on social and experience-based information [S35]; 6: expected value of chosen option [S36]; 7: price differential during purchasing decisions [S37]; 8: willingness to pay [S38]; 9: goal value during decisions about food cues [S39]; 10: choice probability during exploitative choices [S40]; 11: conjunction of stimulus- and action-based value signals [S41]; 12: goal value during decisions about food stimuli [S17]; 13: willingness to pay for different goods [S42]; 14: willingness to pay for lottery tickets [S43]; 15: subjective value of charitable donations [S44]; 16: decision value for exchanging monetary against social rewards [S45]; 17: binary choice vs valuation of thermal stimuli [S2]; 18: binary choice vs valuation of olfactory stimuli [S5]; 19: easy vs difficult choices about thermal stimuli [S46]; 20: easy vs difficult choices about olfactory stimuli [S46]; 21: value of chosen action [S47]; 22: difference in value between choices [S48]; 23: prior correct signal during probabilistic reversal learning [S49]; 24: free vs forced charitable donation choices [S44].It is notable that some of the most anterior activations in VMPFC (activations 17-19) were associated with binary choice during decision-making and not just with valuation during decision-making.
Supplementary references
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