Parish Clerk: Carole Crisp, Alfords Mill Cottage Woolhope Herefordshire HR1 4RB
Tel 01432 861046

Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 1st November 2016at 7.30pm


Councillors Matt Slocombe M Windham,K Williams,,G Chapman and R Rolt

In attendance

Carole Crisp – Parish Clerk

Councillor Durkins



1.  To accept any Apologies for Absence and Note the Reason

Joe Brant Work commitments

2.  To Record any Declarations of Interest and consider any Requests for Dispensation


3.  Approval of Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on 4th October 2016 (copies previously circulated)

Approved and signed.

4.  Public Participation Session for Local Residents to raise matter relevant to the Parish Council (Please note: decisions cannot be made on items not on the agenda.) This item to be limited at the discretion of the chairman.

5.  To receive a Brief Report from Ward Councilor Barry Durkin

Councillor Durkin went through his report which can be viewed in full on our website

6.  Report on meeting attended in October

6th MW The main point from the meeting was that The Streering group needed to be sure that there was no conflict of interest.

10th JB/GC they went through a Power Point presentation which did not add much to what we already know.

7.  Planning

a)  Any new planning applications


b)  Discussion re handling planning

It was decided that if a planning application to build is received with comment due before the next meeting an extraordinary meeting should be called to discuss .

c)  Neighborhood Plan update on meeting

Balance of £1000 needs using before the 6 months are up

Clerk to purchase refreshment items/Stamps/Stationery ready for the next public meeting.

8.  Internet and Website

How do we move forward?

If information and events for the site is not forthcoming then there is no need to chase. It is only mandatory to keep the Parish Council information up to date.

9.  Highways/Footpaths

To list any new Highways issues .

Many pot holes are already on the web site and Clerk is un able to re report these. Anybody can report potholes on the Council web site.

To receive an update on the Lengthsman/ P3 Contracts

Winter gritting MW agreed that KW could use her vehicle to get to the Pudges for Gritting. Mr Pudge was happy to keep the equipment there.

GC has now walked all footpath (Thank you George for all your hard work). He will make a list and bring to next meeting re materials needed. Materials that are needed for work on private land the landowner should be asked to contact Balfour Beatty direct.

2016/17 Lenghtsman scheme plus 2017/18 scheme how we move forward

We need to all think about how we wish to proceed with this as we have to enter in to match funding for the scheme next year. Once the leaves have all fallen it was agreed that we should organize a sweep of the village.

10.  Precept

Setting budget for next year

This was discussed with regard to Lenghtsman scheme/ Playground Broadmoor Common and commitments already made. The Councillors deferred decision till next meeting.

11.  Finance

a)  To consider payments of outstanding accounts

Parish Clerk Wages

000659 £236.21

000660 £59 PAYE

Parish Hall invoice

000658 £40.00

Materials used for repairs sign and bench( invoice not available)

b)  To agree finance report and bank balance

Agreed and signed


To Note and Review Information Sheet & Outstanding Actions Sheet (previously circulated)

Information Section / Correspondence / Discussion

No discussion as already covered

13.  Raise items for next scheduled Parish Council Meeting .

None raised

To confirm the date of the next meeting as Tuesday 6th December 2016

Meeting was closed by Chairmen at 9.15

Signed: …………………………………………………………. Dated: ………………………………..