150th Celebratory Committee

Notes from August 4, 2015 meeting:

Members present:

·  Gerald and Theresa Williams, Fr. Steve, Gerry Humphrey, Jim Pitsch, Kristen Rewa, John Armock. Maureen Weick (Finance,) Les and Maxine Myers, Sandy Gill, Kayla Stephens, Chris and Denise Stephens. Special guest were Fr. Thomas Hack, Fr. Don Weber, and Fr. Chuck Fisher


  1. Welcome – introduce members and guests
  2. Opening Prayer by Fr. Steve
  3. Report what we know
  4. What did we learn
  5. Ideas from the guest priests
  6. Details for events
  7. List of things to do and who will do them
  8. Next meeting date – August 18, 2015 @ 6:30 PM


Fr. Hack, Fr. Don and Fr. Chuck were introduced to the group. They were invited by Fr. Steve to give us incite on how they have seen parish anniversaries celebrated.

Report of what we know:

·  New Date for Mass with the Bishops will be July 31, 2016

·  Website – link to 150th Celebration has been updated

What we learned:

·  Maxine was able to confirm the date with the Grand Rapids Diocese

·  We learned from Jim that St. Therese has not adapted a social media policy

·  Maxine was able to get the USCCB.org site that has the social media policy from the diocese.

·  Maureen stated that the committee needs a set plan and a preliminary budget before we can ask to have an envelope created for fundraising

·  Fr. Steve is working on a prayer for a memorial prayer card

·  Kristen worked on “save the date” magnet pricing – Staples or FedEx were about $200 per 1000 small/business card size and $500 per 1000 for postcard size. These could be handed out at masses, breakfasts… instead of the expense of a mailing

Ideas/thoughts from Guest Priests:

·  Fr. Hack – fundraising ideas:

o  Perpetual maintenance as a one-time donation to fix up the cemetery and money to go into an endowment.

o  Fr. Alber of St. John Vianney will possibly donate grouse and pheasants to the game dinner with proceeds to go to 150th. (It was not discussed in front of Fr. Hack out of respect, but the sharing of game dinner proceeds is probably not a possibility.)

o  Fr. Hack is willing to put on a “Pork and Sauerkraut” dinner at his expense with a good will offering and proceeds to go to 150th anniversary expenses.

o  Weekly announcement is necessary in the bulletin

·  Fr. Don

o  Suggested a “Spiritual Renewal” with possible speakers through lent…

o  Logo on our “Save the Date” magnets and use that logo through out the year in sermons, before meetings, on all correspondence, etc.

·  Fr. Chuck

o  Put logo on all “stuff” like T-shirts, caps, etc. and use items as a fundraiser

o  Speakers once a month for a spiritual addition

o  Put a SMV historical tidbits/story in the corner of the bulletin every week or month

o  SMV students collect oral histories and post to website

Details of events:

·  Mass Sunday, July 31, 2016

o  4:00 PM with Bishops, priests, K of C

·  Meal on Sunday, July 31

o  If mass is at 4:00, dinner at 6:00

o  Suggested that we do not use parishioners as caterers or workers so that all from parish can celebrate

o  This is not a fundraiser – either pay for meal or a free will offering

·  Monthly events

o  Spiritual speakers - start in lent and “end” at Easter

§  Possible speakers: Msgr Gus Ancona, Msgr. Duncan, Fr. Don Weber, Msgr. Mike Hazard (they have not been asked at this time)

o  Kick off Dinner by Fr. Hack in late October – free will offering

o  Wild Game Dinner in Nov.

o  Bulletin corner – history details of local and word wide events

o  Living Rosary

o  Parish Directory

o  Golf outing (not a fundraiser for 150th, but as a way to bring attention to 150th.)

·  Memorial “Thing” possibilities

o  Grotto

o  Time capsule

o  Rosary garden (example at St. Peters Douglas)

o  Stations of the Cross garden

o  Include students of SMV and CCD

·  Fundraising

o  Selling brinks/tiles for pathways in gardens and/or grotto

o  Set up an account through finance committee

o  Decide what is to be done with any extra dollars raised

o  “Challenge Program” where someone challenges another group to pledge. Example is SMV class of 1977 challenges classmates to match their pledge.

o  Sell small items that represent SMV

·  Picnic on Saturday, July 30, 2016 afternoon or after mass

o  Music stage

o  Games and bouncy toys

o  Potluck and/or hot dogs and snacks

o  Festival atmosphere

o  Possible camping at Fein’s pond or Lenhart’s

o  Use SMV tent and rent 2nd or 3rd if needed

List of Things to Do:

·  Create an invitation for priests, nuns, bishops, etc. Denise

·  Create a “save the date” magnet. Kristen

·  Get approval of the Social Media Policy from Pastoral Council. Jim

·  Set up a Facebook page and possible twitter account to reach the younger crowd. Kayla

·  Fr. Steve to write a prayer for a pray card

·  Sandy and Diane will work on updating parish list so that we can then start working on new parish directory

·  Invite John Stein to next meeting to discuss how the annual golf outing can help promote or be part of the 150th celebration. Denise

·  Checking on caterers – Jim and John and Sandy

·  Set a date in Oct. 2015 for Fr. Hack’s Dinner – Denise

·  Check on Herman Miller Picnic option for our picnic – Jim

·  Find examples of grottos from other churches – Kayla

·  Father and other priest discuss themes for the spiritual speakers/events

·  Check with Fein or Lenhart about possibly camping ????

·  COME UP WITH LOGO for the 150th anniversary EVERYONE

Next meeting date – August 18, 2015 at 6:30 PM (NOTE NEW TIME)


Committee members’ contact information:

Committee email smv150th@gmailcom

Chris Stephens 616-878-3105

Denise Stephens 616-878-3105

Fr. Steven Rodrigo 616-681-9701

Sandy Gill 616-896-1753

Les & Maxine Myers 616-681-9587

Jim Pitsch 616-292-1739

Diane Jones 616-896-6867

Gerald & Theresa Williams 616-862-3952

Kristen Rewa 616-212-8424

Gerry Humphrey 616-821-7961

John Armock

Maureen Weick (finance)