Job Title: Academy Teacher Leader
Description of Duties:
- Inventory books and equipment, and textbook selection.
- Coordinate book usage with comprehensive school department heads and textbook clerk.
- Coordinate book and equipment distribution and sharing within the academy.
- Work with Technology support resources on the site and in the district, as well as ROP (where appropriate) to maintain and update technology resources. Coordinate use of those resources.
- Manage budget, including planning, determining spending priorities for textbooks, supplemental books and equipment, as well as significant resources for career technical education and grants for specific programs and activities.
- Maintain relationships with accounting office on the site and in the district, as well as with grant-making agencies.
- Order books, supplies and materials.
- Process all budget paperwork – transportation forms, timesheets, purchase orders, etc. Ensure proper coding on all forms and monitor spending in all accounts.
- Coordinate fundraising activities and determine priorities for expenditure of funds raised.
- Develop grant proposals to support program goals, coordinate grant-funded programs, collect data to evaluate the success of those programs and prepare follow-up reports for granting agencies.
- Complete all grant reports (such as forCalifornia Partnership Academies), which usually includes comprehensive data gathering and extensive reporting.
- Coordinate outreach and recruitment for the Academy.
- Coordinate subs for field trips and retreats to reduce impact on sub pool.
- Develop and maintain relationships to local businesses and community partners, and incorporate their contributions into Academy programs including internship programs, mentorship programs, classroom involvement, and an Advisory Board in the Academy focus area.
- Attend and represent the Academy at Academy community activities.
- Communicate with local community, including handling phone inquiries, developing publicity, and representing the Academy at public events.
- Participate in articulation process with middle schools and institutions of higher education, specifically related to Academy focus.
- Maintain master calendar of activities, and communicate calendar to all constituencies in the Academy (staff, parents and students).
- Attend and represent Academy at monthly Academy Leadership meetings and intermittent retreats.
- Attend and represent Academy at a maximum of two (2) Shared Governance meetings per month lasting no more than one and three quarters (1.75) hours each.
- Attend and represent Academy at two two-day Shared Governance retreats (one at the beginning of the school year, one at the end of the school year) as well as other Shared Governance responsibilities as necessary.
- Prepare for and chair Academy staff meetings and professional development.
- Prepare annual goals and objectives for approval by staff and Leadership Council.
- Act as liaison to parent council, including at least one meeting per month. Facilitate family involvement and community building.
- Develop and coordinate student extra-curricular programs, such as Leadership Class, grade-level retreats, and Student Council.
- Organize and lead development of a representative Leadership Council, including staff, parents, students, counselor, and administrator, including at least one meeting per month.
- Work with Leadership Council to define annual achievement and equity goals, to allocate resources for programs to achieve those goals, and to monitor progress toward them.
- With Leadership Council collaboration, plan Academy policies and programs including advisories, school-wide philosophy of education and common instructional practices, integration of curriculum, access to advanced academic classes, core classes, Special Education and ELL inclusion plans.
- Coordinate program development to implement Academy goals, including acquiring funding, establishing community support, mobilizing participants, monitoring progress, and evaluating programs.
- Provide ongoing support to Academy teachers, including initial support to new teachers.
- Coordinate Academy professional development to facilitate school focus, curriculum integration and articulation, and development of common teaching strategies and philosophy, including no more than two staff meetings per month, and at least one Academy retreat per semester.
- Prepare annual professional development plan and establish funding sources to support professional development that addresses particular needs of Academy given its stage of development and focus.
- Coordinate collaborative alternative teacher evaluation activities in conjunction with professional development focus each year.
- Create Academy master schedule and room assignments
- Collaborate with Academy counselor to schedule students, monitor individual attendance and student progress, and develop appropriate interventions.
- Establish and maintain academic support structures that ensure success for all students, such as after-school programs, tutorial support, and summer school.
- Write grants or develop other funding sources for academic support structures that ensure success for all students, such as after-school programs, tutorial support, and summer school.
- Work closely with administrator to manage Academy discipline issues, including developing Academy discipline protocols, conferring about specific students and developing appropriate discipline alternatives.
- Coordinate (in conjunction with administration) WASC Action Plan implementation.
- Ensure that facilities are scheduled for all school activities.
- Establish and maintain data-based program planning processes involving all constituencies.
- Coordinate accountability systems to ensure accurate and timely reporting on progress to the school administration, the district, the State Department of Education, and all grant funders.