Small Group Report/Registration Form

Small Group Registration for the Period:

Group Information

Leader: / Apprentice: / Host: / Host Home Address / Area:
Coach: / Director / Pastor: / Day, Time, and Duration of Meetings:
Original Group Formation Date: / Last Group Re-covenant Date: / Next Multiplication Target Date:
I would describe my group as a (include type and age range of participants, e.g. couples 35-45) …
Our study/discussion plans for this period include…
Child Care Provided? / If yes, how?

Member Information

No. / Name (adults) / Email/ Phone / Joined or Last Visited Date / Code
Total Adult Participants / Total Children
CODE: M = Group Member AND attending Crossroads, N = Group Member but NOT attending Crossroads, P = Group Prospect
(Please list leader and apprentice member information again – this helps the Small Group Office!)

Other Information

(Anything else you would like to share about yourself or your group)

Annual Ministry Partnership Agreement

(Sign or type your name below to indicate your partnership with Crossroads in ministry)

I , commit, as God leads me and confirms my steps, to be a Crossroads Small Group Leader that:

Do These Things in this Role

  • Lead by casting vision, planning & facilitating meetings, and empowering others in the group
  • Shepherd by guiding the group as it builds community, cares for one another, prays, and helps each other grow in Christ
  • Manage by making sure the group fosters a sense of hospitality, invites/welcomes visitors, and communicates with the Church

Agree To These Requirements

  • Be willing to serve one year while taking into account his/her specific life schedule
  • Be willing to be mentored by a ministry Coach through 7 interactions annually
  • Be willing to grow by pursuing small group training as applicable for his/her situation
  • Pursue completing a membership class, leader application, and growth plan as applicable

Time Commitment

  • 2 hours/meeting – Facilitate, attend, and participate in group meetings (typically weekly)
  • 2 hours/week – Prepare for, contact, pray for, and work with members as schedule permits
  • 2 hours/month – Meet for church-wide, departmental, or Coach mentoring

As your Crossroads Small Groups Coach, I , commit to partnering with you to fulfill the God-given calling God has placed on you for this coming ministry year in the role of Crossroads Small Group Leader.


Version 10-28-11/JWF