SBA Meeting #4

Date: 10/10/14

Location: Free House, Berkeley

Time: 8pm-10pm


Elaine, David, An An, Allie

  1. Elect
  2. Interview on Sunday, Oct 19th
  3. Location: Gather, 2200 Oxford St, Berkeley, CA 94704
  4. Time: 12:30pm-???
  5. David will send out the interview agenda/timeline next Friday after the deadline
  6. Cassandra will interview that one applicant in Sacramento
  7. Currently, we have 6 completed application with 6 pending. I have emailed all the pending applicants already and told them that all they will have to do is tell me which position they are interested in and provide a short paragraph why.
  8. Interview tactic is to do more listening, less talking.
  9. Ask about what their plans are for the position based on the position description
  10. SBA Fall Luncheon
  11. Lena is contacting the Food Truck (Me So Hungry)
  12. Please keep us updated
  13. Date: Thursday, Oct. 23rd
  14. Time: 11:30-2pm
  15. Location: Peralta Greenspace
  16. Helping: We are going to need people to help mend the table. So far the people that are available to help out are…
  17. Elaine: All day
  18. David: Possibly afternoon onward
  19. Allie: approx 11:30-1pm
  20. An An: Had another club meeting that he is hosting around the same time
  21. Cassandra: ???
  22. Lena:???
  23. New-elects:???
  24. Town Hall Meeting
  25. Date: Thursday, Oct 23rd
  26. Time: 4:30pm-???
  27. Location: Bectal
  28. Food: Lena has already placed an order at Chipotle. Either Elaine or David will pick up the food. Who did you place the order under?
  29. Drinks: Either Elaine or David will go pick up some drinks, cups, and ice
  30. Sharon Diaz will try to make the meeting from what we know.
  31. Social Media
  32. Allie is trying this new app that will give whoever like/follow us a coupon to redeem food during our event like the Luncheon.
  33. App cost $15/month
  34. Luncheon will be used to help increase followers on our social media
  35. Allie - Please start advertising the events for this month if it isn’t done yet. Thanks
  36. Allie is trying to delete the old SBA FB pages, but doesn’t have access to it. She will try to contact FB and ask them to delete it.
  37. Allie to contact IT department to look into how we get our ads on the screens at school
  38. Finance
  39. Since SBA is sponsoring a lot of activities, we would like to promote those success stories to help increase knowledge on campus what SBA is about, what we do, and what we can offer the student body
  40. The new elects will contact the group/people that SBA has given money to, and ask them to write us a brief paragraph/story of how the money has help them
  41. Then we will post those stories on our social media to promote SBA
  42. People to contact for stories
  43. IDC (Interdisciplinary Diabetes Club)
  44. Scrub-a-thon
  45. Clinica Tepati
  46. Suitcase Clinic
  47. Anyone else I missed?
  48. SMU changes in ownership
  49. Elaine and David have explained to An An and Allie what Craig has told them during the meeting earlier this week.
  50. A lot of the students seem to take the news fairly well. What most of the students are concern with are tuition - will it be increased?
  51. And “degree/certification” concerns