Conus macarae Bernardi, 1857

Picture Link: Holotype in MNHN Mike Filmer

Published in: J. Conchyl. 6, p. 56, pl. 2, f. 2
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Not known
Type Data: Holotype in MNHN deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 39 x 19.5 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Synonym colour form of Conus voluminalis Reeve, 1843
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Kioconus Species:-voluminalis macarae forma
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-E. Indian Ocean; W. Pacific
Habitat:-Intertidal to about 100 m
C. macarae refers to specimens with weak orange colour plain pattern which have very weak spiral lines.
Discussion:-No Data


Conus mackintoshi Petuch, 2013

Picture Link: Holotype in FMNH D. Sargent

Picture Link: Paul kersten

Published in: Biogeography and Biodiversity of Western Atlantic Mollusks; p. 223; p. 95, fg. D & E
Ocean geography: Western Pacific
Type Locality: off Little St. James Island, U.S. Virgin Islands
Type Data: Holotype in FMNHdeposited and catalogued
Type Size: 13.7 x 7.1 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Jaspidiconus Species:-mackintoshi
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:- W. Pacific
Habitat:-In clean carbonate sand and coral rubble, 10 m depth
Shell elongated, with straight sides; shoulder sharply angled, bordered by sharp carina; spire pyramidal, stepped, body whorl smooth and shiny, with numerous very fine, faintly

Incised spiral sulci which become larger and more prominent at anterior end; aperture narrow, becoming slightly wider at anterior end; shell color pale salmon-pink with variable amounts of amorphous orange flammules; orange and pink base color overlaid with 20-30 very fine, closely packed reddish-brown spiral hairlines and scattered small white patches; shoulder carina white, marked with lines of widely spaced large orange spots; spire whorls whitish-salmon with evenly spaced large pale orange flammules that correspond to carina spots; early whorls and protoconch white; interior of aperture pale salmon-pink; protoconch proportionally very large, mamillate, projecting, composed of 2 whorls.


Conus maculospira Pilsbry & Johnson, 1921

Picture Link: Holotype in NHMUK Mike Filmer

Published in: Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. 73, p. 330
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Not known (C. planiliratus Sowerby, 1870)
Type Data: Holotype in NHMUK deposited and catalogued (C. planiliratus)
Type Size: 41 x 20 mm
Nomenclature: An available name, a new replacement name (nomen novum) for C. planiliratus Sowerby, 1870.
Taxonomy: Synonym form of Conus inscriptus Reeve, 1843
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Asprella Species:-inscriptus maculospira forma
Synonyms:- planiliratus Sowerby iii, 1870
Geographic Range:-Burma, W. Thailand.
Habitat:-Found at depths of 10-80 m.
C. planiliratus and C. maculospira refer to shells from Burma and W. Thailand with a rather ventricose and prominently sculptured last whorl, a paucispiral larval shell, and a white aperture.
Discussion:-C. planiliratus was renamed C. maculospira.


Conus madagascariensis Sowerby ii, 1858

Picture Link: Lectotype in NHMUK Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Published in: Thes. Conch. iii, p. 43, pl. 210 (24), f. 582
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Madagascar (Dubious)
Type Data: Lectotype in NHMUK deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 44 x 23 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Family:-CONIDAE SubFamily:-CONINAE
Genus:-Darioconus Species:-madagascariensis
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-S. India
Habitat:-From the infralittoral fringe to about 50 m, more common below 20 m; on shallow-subtidal reef flats, in coarse sand and rubble, often among sea-weed and beneath rocks.
Description:-Source Living Conidae
Medium-sized to moderately large, moderately solid to solid. Last whorl ventricosely conical to conoid-cylindrical; outline moderately convex at adapical third, less so to straight below; left side often slightly concave near base. Aperture somewhat wider at base than near shoulder. Shoulder angulate. Spire low, outline slightly concave to slightly sigmoid, with a straight-sided apex. Larval shell of about 2 whorls, maximum diameter about 0.9 mm. Teleoconch sutural ramps flat to slightly concave, with 3-4 weak to obsolete spiral grooves and many spiral striae in late whorls. Last whorl with weak spiral ribs on basal third.
Ground colour white, often variably tinged with violet, sometimes more prominently so at base. Last whorl with a rather fine and regular network of dark brown lines edging numerous tiny to medium-sized ground colour tents. Overlying light brown to reddish brown spiral streaks, spots, flecks or blotches generally arranged in an interrupted spiral band on each side of centre and interspersed with spiral lines of alternating darker brown and white markings. Larval shell white. Early postnuclear sutural ramps immaculate white to pink. Following ramps matching last whorl in colour pattern. Aperture white.
Shell Morphometry
L 45-69 mm
RW 0.20-0.36 g/mm
(L 45-57 mm)
RD 0.55-0.60
PMD 0.77-0.83
RSH 0.07-0.12
Discussion:-C. madagascariensis resembles C. omaria and C. pennaceus. C. omaria has a reddish violet and narrower larval shell (0.7-0.8 mm), its aperture is not pure white, and Indian Ocean shells differ additionally in their narrower and consistently conoid-cylindrical last whorls (RD 0.45-0.56).


Conus madecassina Bozzetti, 2012

Picture Link: Holotype in MNHN Luigi Bozzettti

Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Published in: Malacologia 74, 5
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Lavanono, Madagascar
Type Data: Holotype in MNHN deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 32 x 18 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Asperella Species:-madecassina
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Madagascar
Habitat:-No Data
Description:-Source Original Description
Species with a shell of small size for the genus, profile conical, spire low, moderately stepped, with slightly concave outline, shoulder subangulate, body whorl sides almost straight. Aperture uniformly narrow, body whorl walls smooth with the exception of thick axial growth striae, and 4 spiral basal grooves. Background colour white, last whorl evenly covered by spiral rows of orange/brownish dots, sometimes fused in axial flames and blotches and forming one irregular, interrupted spiral band on the anterior third.


Conus magdalenae Kiener, 1845

Picture Link: Holotype in MHNG Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Published in: Spec. Gen. Icon. des Coq. Viv. 2, p. 293, pl. 69, f. 4

Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Not known
Type Data: Holotype in MHNG deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 54 x 26 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Synonym colour form of Conus floccatus Sowerby, 1841
Current Group Names:-
Family:-CONIDAE SubFamily:-CONINAE
Genus:-Textilia Species:-floccatus magdalenae forma
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:- Japan to Solomons and New Caledonia
Habitat:-In 1-80 m; from lagoon pinnacles to the outer side of barrier reefs, living in sand pockets and caves, beneath rocks and on diverse reef substrate
C. magdalenae refers to the yellow colour form of C. floccatus, and C. circumsignatus seems to be based on a subadult shell of the same shape and similar colour with prominent dark blotches and spiral rows on its last whorl.
Discussion:-No Data


Conus magellanicus Hwass in Bruguiere, 1792

Picture Link: Lectotype in MHNG Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Published in: Encyc. Meth. Hist. Nat. des Vers., Vol. 1, p. 633
Ocean geography: West Atlantic and Caribbean
Type Locality: Strait of Magellan [erroneous]
Type Data: Lectotype in MHNG deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 26 x 15 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Purpuriconus Species:-magellanicus
Synonyms:- maculiferus Sowerby ii, 1833; ornatus Sowerby ii, 1833; cidaris Kiener, 1845; colombianus Petuch, 1987; hilli Petuch, 1990
Geographic Range:-Martinique, Guadeloupe
Habitat:-Found at depths of 1-6 m
Description:-Source Vink
The type specimen (26 x 15 mm) is light yellow with a white shoulder and a white midbody band, both with scalloped edges. In addition there are scattered brown dots and markings. The spire is very low (and deformed in this specimen), the shoulder roundly angled with obsolete coronation, the body whorl smooth.
The colour pattern is quite variable: shells can be yellow, red or red brown. In addition to a white mid-body band there often are longitudinal white 'flames'; other specimens are nearly entirely red. Various shells have spiral rows of very small dots. Most of the cones pictured are juvenile specimens of nearly 16 mm length with about 15 small but distinct nodules on the shoulder of the body whorl. Adult specimens of some 25 mm length have a very short spire, the coronation becomes obsolete. Walls (1979) erroneously identified C. flavescens Sowerby, 1834 from Florida with C. magellanicus
Discussion:-No Data

Conus magellanicus f. colombianus Petuch, 1987

Picture Link: Holotype in USNM Mike Filmer

Published in: New Carib. Moll. Faunas. p. 114, pl. 17, f. 11 & 12
Ocean geography: West Atlantic and Caribbean
Type Locality: Off Islas del Rosario, Colombia; 35 m
Type Data: Holotype in USNM deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 22 x 13 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Synonym form of Conus magellanicus Hwass in Bruguiere, 1792
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Purpuriconus Species:-magellanicus colombianus forma
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Colombia
Habitat:-Found around 35m
Description:-Source Original description
Shell small for genus, stocky, broad across shoulder; spire low, flattened; shoulder sharp-angled; body whorl smooth, with 10 small spiral cords around anterior end; spire with 4 spiral threads; shell pale yellow with 4 closely- spaced brown lines around body whorl just below {anterior of) mid- body; brown flammules and white blotches run through 4 lines and extend over anterior tip; body whorl above (posterior of) mid- body line without markings or pattern; spire marked with large, evenly-spaced orange-tan flammules; spire flammules extend onto sharp edge of shoulder, giving shoulder checkered appearance; interior of aperture white.
Discussion:-Filmer has as synonym of C. magellicanus but Western Atlantic DB has as synonym of C. amphiurgus.
Although dead- collected and quite faded, enough characteristics remain to show that Conus colombianus is quite different from any other known Caribbean cone shell. In shape, and in having a smooth, sharp-angled shoulder, it somewhat resembles C. mayaguensis Usticke from Puerto Rico (endemic to that island), but differs in having a two-toned color pattern, with an unpatterned posterior half and a flammuled and lined anterior half. Conus colombianus appears to belong to the C. magellanicus Hwass species complex and is the only species of the group to have such a two-toned color pattern. A fresh specimen would probably be orange with darker orange- brown markings. This new species may be endemic to the coral reef areas around the archipelago of the Islas del Rosario.
Tucker suggests a grouping with C. havanensis.

Conus magellanicus f. hilli Petuch, 1990

Picture Link: Holotype in USNM Alan Kohn

Published in: Nautilus. 104 (2), p. 68, f. 36 & 37
Ocean geography: West Atlantic and Caribbean
Type Locality: Portobelo, Panama.
Type Data: Holotype in USNM deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 21 x 12 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: According to Filmer a synonym form of Conus magellanicus Hwass in Bruguiere, 1792
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Purpuriconus Species:-magellanicus hilli forma
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-E. Panama
Habitat:-Found at depths around 25 m
Description:-Source: Original description
Shell stocky, broad across shoulder; spire low, flattened; shoulder sharply-angled, subcarinated; shoulder and spire whorls obsoletely coronated, with low, evenly-spaced undulations along periphery; body whorl very smooth, polished, shiny; anterior tip with 10 small, slightly raised spiral cords; shell color deep purple-blue with blotchy, light blue band around midbody; light blue midbody band marked with 4 rows of tiny, closely-spaced reddish-brown dots; spire whorls white with evenly-spaced, large dark brown crescent-shaped flammules; protoconch mammillate. protracted, light orange in color; aperture narrow, purple within.
Discussion:-Conus hilli is most similar to, and apparently is a close relative of, Conus kulkulcan Petuch, 1980 from the Bay Islands of Honduras. The new species differs from C. kulkulcan, however, in having a lower, flatter spire, and in having a squatter, less elongated shape. The spire whorls and shoulder of C. kulkulcan are marked with numerous fine, dark brown hairlines, but these are absent on C. hilli. Conus kulkulcan is also a textured shell, having spiral rows of tiny pustules around the body whorl. Conus hilli, on the other hand, is an untextured shell, having a highly polished, shiny body whorl. Conus hilli forms an interesting species trio with closely-related Honduran and Colombian species. This complex, then, includes C. kulkulcan from Honduras, C. hilli from Panama, and C. colombianus Petuch, 1987 from northern Colombia. Other related species in this close-knit Caribbean complex include C. jucundus Sowerby,1887 (= C. abbotti Clench, 1942) and C. inconstans E. A. Smith, 1877 from the Bahamas, C. arangoi Sarasua, 1977 from Cuba, Cay Sal, and Turks and Caicos, C. cardinalis Hwass, 1792, mayaguensis Nowell-Usticke, 1968 from the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, C. harasewychi Petuch, 1987 from Palm Beach, Florida, and possibly C. abrolhosensis Petuch, 1987 from the Abrolhos Archipelago of Brazil.
John Tucker proposes that this is a species close to C. arangoi.


Conus magister Doiteau, 1981

Picture Link: Lectotype in MNHN Bill Fenzan

Published in: Rossiniana no. xiii, p. 3
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: New Caledonia; 20 m on muddy bottom
Type Data: Lectotype in MNHN deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 97 x 51 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Synonym form of Conus crocatus Lamarck, 1810
Current Group Names:-
Family:-CONIDAE SubFamily:-CONINAE
Genus:-Darioconus Species:-crocatus magister forma
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Noumea, New Caledonia
Habitat:-Reported from from about 20 m
Description:-Source Living Conidae C. crocatus
Shell Morphometry
L - (-form magister 70-110 mm)
RW –

RD -(-form magister 0.55-0.64)
Discussion:-RKK consider C. magister to represent a large local form of C. crocatus from the Noumea area, New Caledonia.


Conus magnificus Reeve, 1843

Picture Link: Lectotype in NHMUK Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Published in: Conch. Icon. I, Conus, pl. 6, sp. 32
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Matnog, Island of Luzon, Philippines
Type Data: Lectotype in NHMUK deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 91.7 x 42.1 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Family:-CONIDAE SubFamily:-CONINAE
Genus:-Darioconus Species:-magnificus
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Okinawa, Philippines, Solomon Is., Queensland (Low Is.), Tahiti, Marquesas, Samoa, and Marshall Is.
Habitat:-In 5-50 m; on lagoon pinnacles, reef flats and the outer slope of reefs, in sand or rubble often beneath rocks, or in caves.
Description:-Source Living Conidae
Moderately large to large, solid. Last whorl usually conoid-cylindrical to ventricosely conical or conical; outline slightly convex to straight, convex below shoulder. Shoulder subangulate to rounded, sometimes indistinct. Spire of moderate height; outline slightly concave to straight, with domed early postnuclear whorls. Larval shell multispiral and projecting, maximum diameter 0.6-0.7 mm. Teleoconch sutural ramps flat, often slightly concave in late whorls, with numerous obsolete spiral striae. Last whorl with closely spaced, rather weak spiral ribs basally and spiral threads above; surface with a high gloss.
Ground colour white, suffused with red. Last whorl overlaid with brown to red brown, leaving many tiny to medium-sized, separate or overlapping tentlike to rounded ground-colour markings; tents concentrated in 3-4 axial bands from base to shoulder, and in 3 spiral bands, below shoulder, below centre, and near base. Some shells with a rather regular network of brown lines and few small brown blotches. Brown zones interspersed with dark brown spiral lines articulated with small white dots or tents. Larval whorls and first postnuclear sutural ramps pinkish violet. Following ramps matching last whorl in colour pattern. Aperture white.
Shell Morphometry
L 55-92 mm
RW 0.30-0.71 g/mm
(L 55-76 mm)
RD 0.49-0.60
PMD 0.75-0.90
RSH 0.13-0.19
Discussion:-C. episcopatus is so similar to C. magnificus in shell characters and body colouration that they cannot always be unequivocally distinguished and are often considered conspecific. The latter species differs in having a finer reticulate pattern on the last whorl with a larger proportion of small ground-colour tents and in a usually higher spire (RSH 0.13-0.19). In the Pacific, where both species occur sympatrically, C. episcopatus lacks pink shades in the ground colour and the surface of its shell has a lower gloss. RKK therefore provisionally favour the status of separate species.