Finance Committee Minutes
April 20, 2016
8:00am– 9:00am
Sharla Rollins / Board Member / √
Julie Reynolds / CEO / √
Paul Drager / Treasurer, Board Member / √
Susan Gaudiello / Board President / O
Kerrie Landry-MacBride / Director of Finance / √
Brian Gasbarro / Board Member / √
TJ Jean / Board Member / O
Meeting called to Order / 8:00am / Paul Drager
Minutes Approved / January minutes were approved in February, however not noted in the minutes. / Motion made to accept both January and March Minutes
So moved / Sharla
March Financials / March not a good month
  • Training new employees
  • Many expenses
  • Home Care costs are high
  • Lots of variables come into play as it relates to MM cost per HH cost per visit and Medicare reimbursement
  • HOS census down
Recommendation by Sharla to have an incentive program or motivation
Paul asked about growth in the Portsmouth area / Working on projects to reduce costs. Will not happen overnight but should show improvement over the course of time
  • Less RN visits per episode
  • Additional Staff to work with QI for training on Oasis
  • Telehealth will save RN visits
  • Wrote a grant to Cardinal Health to purchase more Telehealth units – if this does not come through will write another
  • Need to still provide excellent care but in a more efficient way
  • Working with QI to come up with ways to be more efficient
  • Less time spent in home, less visits, less overhead – increase in productivity
Separate dashboards for each team to use as a visual
Still about the same as it was, more growth in Southern Maine/York Hospital. Not ready to pull out of the area as yet – still a lot of potential / Julie/Kerrie/June/Jen
403b / Changing over from Metlife to BPAS (Trilogy) as Metlife is getting out of the retirement business. BPAS has better customer service, audits done weekly. Only con is there is a one-time fee of $500.00 and an annual fee of $2500.00. Agency will pay for fees / Sharla and Paul approved and Susan will vote via email
To be presented at the May Board meeting / Kerrie
New Business /
  • Changing payroll from Mass Pay to Dominion. Still will go through Isolved. Using same platform, different vendor
  • One of the accounts CD’s at Piscataquawill be maturing in June
/ Kerrie

** Next meeting is May 18th – will be “Go to Meeting” format

** Please refer to Summary and Financials on Portal

Respectfully submitted,

Suzan Leone