56 North State Street Orem, Utah

July 30, 2013

3:30 P.M. FIELD TRIP – Orem Fitness Center

CONDUCTING Mayor James Evans

ELECTED OFFICIALS Councilmembers Hans Andersen, Margaret Black, Mark E. Seastrand, Mary Street, and Brent Sumner

APPOINTED STAFF Jamie Davidson, City Manager; Greg Stephens, City Attorney; Richard Manning, Administrative Services Director; Bill Bell, Interim Development Services Director; Karl Hirst, Recreation Director; Charlene Crozier, Interim Library Director; and Rachelle Conner, Deputy City Recorder

EXCUSED Councilmember Karen McCandless

TOUR - Orem Fitness Center

Karl Hirst, Recreation Director, took those present on a tour of the Orem Fitness Center. He pointed out areas of concern and the items that will be upgraded in the remodel. Mr. Hirst advised the Fitness Center is thirty years old, and they have half a million people walk through the doors each year.

DISCUSSION – CARE Tax Renewal Time Line

Mr. Davidson indicated the voter approved CARE Tax is going to be on the November ballot. He asked Charlene Crozier, Interim Library Director, to give a timeline for the requirements in going forward with this. He noted he would like the representatives from the arts community and recreation community to give input on this as well.

Mrs. Crozier reviewed the timeline as follows:

·  Submit resolution of intent to Utah County

o  This has been done

·  Approve ballot language by August 22, 2013

o  Special City Council meeting on August 20th

Mrs. Crozier stated there is some specific language that is required in the ballot question.

Mr. Stephens noted there have been some changes in State law since 2005. They now allow the CARE funds to be used for recreational facility operational and maintenance expenses.

Those present discussed options for funding recreational equipment.

Mr. Davidson said they can choose different ways to “split the pie;” however, they need to realize the size of the pie will be the same as it has always been.

Mr. Davidson then stated this follows a standard ballot process that would have a voter information pamphlet with arguments for and against. He noted it is up to the City Council to determine who will provide the statements. If there are multiple people interested in submitting the argument, the City Council will choose who will write it.

Mr. Davidson asked the City Council whether August 20, 2013, at 5:00 p.m. will work for the City Council to have a special meeting to approve the ballot language. The Councilmembers said that would be fine.

Randy Park, Recreation Advisory Commission, noted the bottom line is that both arts and recreation are supportive of getting this CARE Tax passed. These groups are going to support the candidates that are in favor of renewing the CARE Tax. The people outside of Orem who come to the SCERA, the Hale, and to participate in the sports programs are all helping to fund the CARE Tax. He expressed his hope that the Council will support this and do whatever they can to get it passed. He noted they have proposed a fifty/fifty recreation and cultural arts split; however, they do not want to be so shortsighted that they let good opportunities go by in order to stick with that split. Both groups agree that reasonable thoughtfulness needs to prevail.

Lissy Sarvala, Fitness Center Manager, asked if they want the fifty/fifty language on the ballot. Mr. Park said they do. He expressed his opinion that if it is not there, they might lose the recreation vote.

Greg Stephens, City Attorney, noted if it is written in the ballot language, they are bound to the fifty/fifty split.

Adam Robertson, SCERA, asked whether they could leave the fifty/fifty split language off the ballot and just let everyone involved know the fifty/fifty split has been agreed upon. Mr. Park said that might work as long as there is an understanding with the Council that it would be a fifty-fifty split.

Mrs. Black noted the CARE tax is a competitive grant, and every year people can apply for the funds. They cannot tie the Council’s hands to the point that the application process goes away.

Mr. Park said the competitive nature of the grant is a problem. He does not like that the various organizations are pitted against each other.

Mr. Hirst indicated there two groups in recreation who have stated they want the fifty/fifty split on the ballot, or they will actively campaign against the CARE Tax.

Mr. Davidson said the City already has a good framework set up to make the decisions. The network they should go through should be the Recreation Advisory Commission and the Orem Arts Council. Otherwise there will be a lot of people saying that things were promised, and accusing the City of not fulfill those promises.

Linda Campbell, Citizens for CARE, noted the best thing the City can do is to bring both groups in and talk to them about it. She said she thinks it would do a lot of good.

Mr. Davidson noted that this is what they were trying to accomplish with this meeting.

Mr. Robertson said he thinks they can get closer to something of a fifty/fifty split if they get rid of a cultural arts facility bucket, which is approximately $300,000. If that money could go to recreation, they are already there.

Bob Wright, resident, indicated he is not in favor of the fifty/fifty split. The SCERA and Hale are private groups and recreation is the City. He expressed his opinion that people should still apply for the funds.

Mrs. Campbell noted this is about the quality of life in Orem. If they do not support this, they are telling people to go to other communities. They need to create a place for people to want to stay in Orem. She also indicated that people are saying this is a new tax, which it is not.


CONDUCTING Mayor James Evans

ELECTED OFFICIALS Councilmembers Hans Andersen, Karen A. McCandless, Mark E. Seastrand, Mary Street, and Brent Sumner

APPOINTED STAFF Jamie Davidson, City Manager; Greg Stephens, City Attorney; Richard Manning, Administrative Services Director; Bill Bell, Interim Development Services Director; Scott Gurney, Interim Public Safety Director; Karl Hirst, Recreation Director; Chris Tschirki, Public Works Director; Charlene Crozier, Interim Library Director; and Rachelle Conner, Deputy City Recorder

EXCUSED Councilmember Margaret Black


The Council and staff reviewed the agenda items.


The Council adjourned at 5:55 p.m. to the City Council Chambers for the regular meeting.


CONDUCTING Mayor James Evans

ELECTED OFFICIALS Councilmembers Hans Andersen, Margaret Black (joined the meeting via telephone at 6:00 p.m.), Karen A. McCandless, Mark E. Seastrand, Mary Street, and Brent Sumner

APPOINTED STAFF Jamie Davidson, City Manager; Greg Stephens, City Attorney; Richard Manning, Administrative Services Director; Bill Bell, Interim Development Services Director; Scott Gurney, Interim Public Safety Director; Karl Hirst, Recreation Director; Charlene Crozier, Interim Library Director; and Rachelle Conner, Deputy City Recorder

**Councilmember Black joined the meeting at 6:00 p.m.





City Council Meeting of July 9, 2013

Mr. Seastrand moved to approve the minutes of the July 9, 2013, meeting of the Orem City Council. Mr. Sumner seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Councilmembers Hans Andersen, Margaret Black, Jim Evans, Karen A. McCandless, Mark E. Seastrand, Mary Street, and Brent Sumner. The motion passed unanimously.


Upcoming Events

The Mayor referred the Council to the upcoming events listed in the agenda packet.

Upcoming Agenda Items

The Mayor referred the Council to the upcoming agenda items listed in the agenda packet.

Appointments to Boards and Commissions

There were no new appointments.

Recognition of New Neighborhoods in Action Officers

No new Neighborhood in Action officers were recognized.

AWARD – Recreation Volunteer of the Year – Sean Poynter

Mr. Hirst introduced Mark Resch, President of the Central Utah Recreation and Parks Association and Orem City employee. Mr. Resch indicated one of his jobs as president is to introduce and present awards for the volunteers for the various recreation programs in the State. For Volunteer of the Year, the City of Orem has chosen to recognize is Sean Poynter this year. Sean has been a girls softball coach for the past five years. He is the most requested coach and spends a lot of his time working with his team in helping them progress. Sean is also supportive of Orem Recreation’s philosophy. He understands the value of recreation, and he truly tries to help his players learn the fundamentals of the game, be team players, and have fun at the same time. Each year he works to improve his team. When he gets new players the next year, he gladly takes the new players and works with them. It would be easier to keep working with the same team from year to year, but because he is such a popular coach, they usually have to split the participants from his school into multiple teams. He never complains about starting over with some players or not getting ”his team” back. He regularly attends coaches meetings and offers suggestions and solutions to help improve the programs. Sean is a great example of sportsmanship. He never loses his cool. He is supportive of the umpires and encourages others to be supportive as well. He has a positive attitude and is happy to participate in the recreation programs.

Mr. Resch presented Mr. Poynter with a plaque for his efforts and thanked him for everything he does for the City of Orem.

RECOGNITION – Life Saving Efforts – Life Guard, Eric Brown

Mr. Hirst recognized Eric Brown for his lifesavings efforts as a lifeguard for the City of Orem. Eric was working one day and noticed that an individual was on the bottom of the pool and was having a seizure. Eric dove to the bottom and was able to bring the individual up to safety. The paramedics were called, and they said Eric had done everything right.

Mayor Evans presented Eric with a certificate for his efforts.


There were no consent items.



ORDINANCE – Amending Section 22-11-33(E) of the Orem City Code as it Pertains to Permitted Uses in the PD-21 Zone Located Generally at 1100 South Geneva Road

David Stroud, City Planner, presented an applicant request that the City Council, by ordinance, amend Section 22-11-33(E) of the Orem City Code to add two additional permitted uses in the PD21zone located generally at 1100 South Geneva Road.

The PD-21 zone was originally envisioned as a large student housing development with upwards of 7,000 students. Over the last several years, amendments have been made to the uses and the concept plan, which has changed the original intent of the zone. The applicant requests 2 additional uses to be included as permitted in the PD-21zone. The 2 uses to be added are SLU 4824 Gas Pressure Control Stations and SLU 5530 Gasoline Service Stations With/Without Store.

Questar needs a location in this area of Geneva Road to install a gas pressure control station and a developer desires to locate a natural gas refueling station for vehicles. The location for these two sites would be just east of Mike’s Chevron and west of the recently approved two-tenant building that contains Subway. Easements would be granted to permit vehicular passage between all lots, including Mike’s Chevron.


·  Compatible with the gas station to the west

·  Vehicular access between lots is provided

·  Low-impact use will have little effect on the nearby hotel or Subway


·  None determined

The Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve this request.

Roger Dudley, applicant representative, noted Mr. Stroud has done an excellent job in reviewing what they want to do there. Mr. Dudley indicated this probably will not be done until next year; however, Questar is anxious for this site.

Mayor Evans opened the public hearing. No one came forward to speak, so Mayor Evans closed the public hearing.

Mrs. McCandless moved, by ordinance, to amend Section 22-11-33(E) of the Orem City Code to add two additional permitted uses in the PD-21zone located generally at 1100 South Geneva Road. Mrs. Street seconded the motion. Those voting aye: Councilmembers Hans Andersen, Margaret Black, Jim Evans, Karen A. McCandless, Mark E. Seastrand, Mary Street, and Brent Sumner. The motion passed unanimously.


ORDINANCE – Amending a Portion of Section 14-3-3 of the Orem City Code as it Pertains to Billboards

Mr. Stroud presented an applicant request that the City Council, by ordinance, amend Section 14-3-3 of the Orem City Code as it pertains to billboards.

The City recently considered a request to create the PD-36 zone on the former Williams Farm property. Included in that preliminary request was language that would allow two additional billboards adjacent to I-15. The City’s current sign ordinance does not allow any new billboards in the City. The City’s legal staff felt it would be difficult to allow new billboards on the Williams Farm property without opening the door to new billboards on other potential locations along the I-15corridor. Therefore, legal staff suggested that if allowing any new billboards along I-15 was going to be considered, it ought to be done in the context of a change to the general sign ordinance that would open up the entire I-15 corridor to new billboards rather than in the context of allowing new billboards on just the Williams Farm property.