Preliminary Mathematics Revision Card

Locus – Preliminary Math Basic Arithmetic – Preliminary Math / Locus – Preliminary Math
Locus / Circle Locus
Centre (0,0)
G Dear© 2008 / G Dear© 2008
Describes the path
of a single moving point. / x2 + y2 = r2
Locus – Preliminary Math / Locus – Preliminary Math
Circle Locus
Centre (a,b) / Parabola Locus
G Dear© 2008 / G Dear© 2008
(x-a)2 + (y-b)2 = r2 / A point equidistant from a fixed point
and a fixed line.
Locus – Preliminary Math Basic Arithmetic – Preliminary Math / Locus – Preliminary Math
For a parabola locus the fixedpoint is called … / For a parabola locus the fixedline is called …
G Dear© 2008 / G Dear© 2008
Focus / Directrix
Locus – Preliminary Math / Locus – Preliminary Math
Parabola Locus
Vertex (0,0) / Parabola Locus
Vertex (h,k)
G Dear© 2008 / G Dear© 2008
x2 = 4ay
(a is focal length) / (x-h)2 = 4a(y-k)
(a is focal length)
Locus – Preliminary Math Basic Arithmetic – Preliminary Math / Locus – Preliminary Math
Latus Rectum? / For x2 = 4ay
G Dear© 2008 / G Dear© 2008
The horizontal line passing through the focus (y = a). / y = -a
Locus – Preliminary Math / Locus – Preliminary Math
For x2 = 4ay
Vertex / For x2 = 4ay
G Dear© 2008 / G Dear© 2008
(0,0) / x = 0
Locus – Preliminary Math Basic Arithmetic – Preliminary Math / Locus – Preliminary Math
For x2 = 4ay
focus / For (x-h)2 = 4a(y-k)
G Dear© 2008 / G Dear© 2008
(0,a) / y = k - a
Locus – Preliminary Math / Locus – Preliminary Math
For (x-h)2 = 4a(y-k)
Focus / Gradient of Normal
G Dear© 2008 / G Dear© 2008
(h, k+a) /