College of Humanities and Social Science / LEAVE OF ABSENCE REQUEST FORM
Postgraduate students may apply for leave to move away from their normal (term time) residence to continue their studies for temporary periods at a more remote location. Authorisation may be given by colleges and schools provided that such a temporary move does not conflict with any other requirement of the student’s programme of study, including any obligations to be physically available for on-campus activity.
This form should be completed by the student’s supervisor (PGR) or programme director (PGT) and sent to the School Postgraduate Office for further action. Supporting information (such as letters from supervisors, letters from employers) should be attached as appropriate.
The maximum leave of absence that may be authorised by the school is 15 months and this is given in periods of full months, starting from the first day of the month. Leave of Absence in excess of 15 months requires authorization by the CPGSC and should be sought through the College Postgraduate Office.
School PG Offices should email a copy of the completed form to the College PG Office at
(with scans of supporting documents) as soon as the school has approved the leave request,
or if leave is requested for longer than 15 months.
School Name: / School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Students’ Name: / UUN:
Programme of Study: / Qualification Sought:
Programme Start Date: / DATES OF LEAVE REQUESTED (Whole months only, start at 1st of the month)
Programme End Date: / Start Date / End Date / Total Months
REASONS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE(space will expand with text)
Leave of absence type: / No Exchange
Erasmus Exchange
Other Exchange
Name of Supervisor (PGR) or Prog Director (PGT) / Date:
Name of School PG Staff Member Co-ordinating Request[1]: / Linda Grieve / Date:
Email Address: /
Tel Number: / 650 4114

LoA Form – CHSS 27Jun 14

[1]Once approved by School Postgraduate Studies Group on behalf of the Head of School