Name: ______

Level E - Lessons 6 to 10

1. Each sentence has one or two words spelt incorrectly. Rewrite the sentences correctly:

a.  I thouhgt they were helples.


b.  We found a plase with a restfull view.


c.  Ninteen athletes exacised throughout the afternoon.


d.  The vase is brakeable.


2. Look at the morphographs below and spell the whole word correctly.

youth + ful + ness ______

value + able ______

un + fair + ness ______

thought + ful ______

fashion +able ______

doubt + ing ______

pain + ful + ness ______

eternal + al + ly ______

critic + al + ly ______

re + mark + able ______

re + fill + able ______

mis + spell + ing ______

mis + shape + en ______

re + source + ful + ness ______

guide + ed ______

3. Fill in the blanks to show the morphographs in each word.

______+ ______+ ______= painfulness

______+ ______+ ______= misspelling

______+ ______+ ______= replacing

______+ ______+ ______= helplessness

______+ ______+ ______= thoughtfulness

4. Underline the misspelt word and write it correctly in the space provided.

Mary is doubtfull about returning next year. ______

The treasure was wirthless. ______

Teachers are quite resorceful ______

Do you think that was reasenable advice? ______

The rain steadily tumbled threwout the morning. ______

Those goods are not returnible. ______

Chicken pox can be a painfull disease. ______

Despite her age she had a yoothfulness about her. ______

Their is a valuable diamond over there. ______

5. Circle the misspelled word in each group. Then write it correctly.

a. remarkable b. restlesness c. unfairness d. benevolent

restoring likable youthfullness superfluous

returning hopeless throughout victorious

resaurce helpless shameless mispelling


6. Put the following words into a sentence.

valuable refreshing weakness singing curable traced throughout lone














Extension Activity – Level F words

critisize ______phsysist ______

poisonious ______conscientous ______

finally ______separate ______