Wyndham Planning Scheme


This clause provides local content to support Clause 17 (Economic Development) of the State Planning Policy Framework.

Specific references to individual suburbs and towns are also included in Clause 21.11 (Local Areas).

21.08-1 Economic growth

Wyndham has a diverse local economy, including major industrial and logistics development in Laverton North, intensive agriculture at Werribee South, busy commercial precincts, an extensive new housing market, and a major tourism precinct. About one third of Wyndham’s resident workforce is employed within the municipality meaning that two thirds leave the municipality for work every day. This places significant stress on roads and public transport, impacts on expenditure leakage from local economic activity and has significant health implications arising from long commute times. Wyndham lacks a critical mass of employment opportunities for professional people and skilled tradespersons.

Attracting new investment and business to the region that meets the needs of these workers is critical to the city’s long term economic future. The 925ha East Werribee Employment Precinct (EWEP) is going to be a generator of high density white collar employment opportunities.

The West Growth Corridor Plan outlines significant employment nodes for future development:

§  The EWEP between Werribee and Point Cook.

§  South of Boundary Road between the Outer Metropolitan Ring Road and planned extension of Forsyth Road.

§  An area immediately west of the Regional Rail Link between Wyndham Vale station and a potential future station at Tarneit West (Davis Road).

§  An area bounded by Bulban Road, the Regional Rail Link and Outer Metropolitan Ring Transport Corridor.

Key issues

§  Ensuring sufficient land is available to attract investment and generate additional jobs.

§  Balancing blue and white collar employment opportunities.

§  Investing in “high value-adding” industries.

§  Increasing local employment opportunities for residents.

§  Promoting Wyndham as a place for long term business attraction and expansion.

Objective 1

To facilitate new development and employment opportunities in Wyndham.


1.1 Ensure adequate land availability for industrial and commercial growth.

1.2 Ensure that industrial and commercial development is of the highest quality especially at the interface with residential land.

21.08-2 Activity centres

Activity centres provide a range of functions including retail, commercial, community, cultural, transport, education, social, entertainment, leisure and civic services. These roles are vital to community and business development and to growth and diversification of local employment.

Wyndham is committed to the reinvigoration and redevelopment of the Werribee City Centre as its Principal Activity Centre as a major retail, commercial and residential hub. Wyndham’s other activity centres are identified on the Strategic Framework Plan at Clause 21.01. The Werribee City Centre Precinct Structure Plan 2013 sets out a vision and planning framework for the centre. Precinct Structure Planning for Wyndham North and Wyndham West provides for commercial and retail activities centres, community facilities and home based employment opportunities.

Key Issues

§  Consolidating activity centres as the focus for retail and commercial activity.

§  Creating functional, attractive and accessible activity centres that connect to surrounding communities including by cycling and walking routes.

§  Ensuring retail facilities and community services are not duplicated across communities.

§  Ensuring activity centres provide a mix of uses to create vibrant, attractive spaces.

Objective 2

To establish a network of activity centres which satisfy a range of retail, commercial, community and residential needs.


2.1 Encourage a mix of retail, office, commercial, entertainment, leisure and community uses, and higher density housing to locate within activity centres.

2.2 Encourage increased intensity and scale of development within defined activity centres.

Objective 3

To facilitate the growth of the Werribee City Centre.


3.1 Encourage a diverse range of land uses including accommodation, office, retail, food and drink, transport, leisure, civic and community uses.

3.2 Encourage high quality, accessible and environmentally sustainable design.

3.3 Provide coordinated walking, cycling, pedestrian and vehicular movement.

3.4 Encourage the development of an integrated high quality public transport interchange.

3.5 Provide well located and accessible car parking areas in the centre.

3.6 Enhance the ‘green heart’ of the centre and improve connections to environmental and open space assets in accordance with Map 6 Werribee City Centre Activity Land Use and Built Form Map).

Table 1 - Wyndham Activity Centres

Principal Activity Centre (PAC) – Werribee City Centre
Role and function: / Werribee City Centre comprises approximately 30,000 square metres of retail space and 15,000 square metres of commercial space. The precinct is primarily a mixture of business and personal services, banking, boutique shopping, restaurants and cafes. The Werribee City Centre Structure Plan (2011) outlines a vision for the development of a vibrant city centre that takes full advantage of its immediate connection to both the Werribee Employment Precinct and the Werribee River. Activated street frontages combined with multi-level commercial, retail and residential uses will secure Werribee City Centre as a major employment centre.
Establish Station Place as a major community and business focal point of the City Centre, connecting the centres public transport interchanges with its commercial and community facilities and recreation areas;
Reinforce the prioritisation of pedestrian traffic in the City Centre and strengthen pedestrian, bicycle and public transport access to the City Centre;
Ensure that new development adjacent to the River addresses and opens out onto it;
Investigate the potential for an elevated walkway overlooking the Werribee River, connected to the rear of businesses in Watton Street;
Housing growth: / Achieve a substantial increase in the number of dwellings by facilitating higher density, apartment style housing.
Scale of development: / Higher density mixed use buildings scaling down to medium density and lower density at the sensitive interfaces
Other Activity Centres (Map 5 – Activity Centres Map) /
Role and function: / Werribee Plaza is the largest retail centre in Wyndham comprising 70,000m2 of leasable floor space.
Williams Landing Activity Centre has a capacity to house 6,500 residents and will be supported by a rail station and bus exchange with an integrated retail and commercial activity centre.
Point Cook Town Centre comprises about 30,000m2 retailing, 5,000m2 of office space and an integrated Community Learning Centre and Library. The centre has potential for further investment in retail and office development.
Hoppers Crossing has up to 20,000m2 of retail uses.
Old Geelong Road Precinct, Hoppers Crossing is a mix of restricted retail homemaker stores and light industrial including manufacturing, engineering and service repair centres. It is also home to churches, gymnasiums, play centres and indoor sports. There is some additional capacity for future development along Old Geelong Road east of Skeleton Creek.
Provide for a range of mixed use developments at the Woodville Park centre.
New activity centres are planned for the growth areas including Manor Lakes (expansion of existing centre), Sanctuary Lakes, Tarneit Central (formerly Rose Grange), East Werribee, Truganina, Tarneit, Riverdale, Ballan and Westbrook.
Other centres have a mix of uses serving local needs and are dominated by shops, small businesses, and community services. These play an important community based role in serving the everyday and weekly needs of residents and provide an important community focal point. These are typically anchored by a supermarket of about 2,000m2.
Housing growth: / Achieve a substantial increase in the number of dwellings by facilitating a mix of housing with a large share of apartment style dwellings.
Scale of development: / Multi-level medium density buildings scaling down at the housing interface.
Other directions: / Confine the extent of retail activity in Hoppers Crossing to the eastern boundary of No. 76 Old Geelong Road.
Designate areas for large and bulky retail sales in Old Geelong Road, Hoppers Crossing and at Williams Landing.

21.08-3 Industry

The western region has good access to ports, airports, freeways and the Melbourne Central Business District. The Laverton North and Truganina Industrial Precincts, located within the western industrial node, are recognised as major manufacturing and logistics hubs. The precincts offer a large supply of relatively affordable zoned land.

Laverton North Industrial Precinct is the largest industrial precinct in the city and provides significant advantages in land availability and affordability with a future capacity for significant new investment and industrial development. The Truganina Employment Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) comprises 662 hectares located at the north-eastern edge of Wyndham to the immediate west of the existing Laverton North Industrial Precinct. It is anticipated that between 10,000 and 15,000 new jobs will be delivered in the Truganina Employment precinct providing significant capacity for the generation of high skilled employment opportunities. The Truganina Employment PSP proposes a high quality industrial and commercial area with strong architectural and landscape themes.

There are also a number of sites with licences for extractive industry within the municipality which should be protected.

Key issues

§  Providing sufficient land for industrial growth and expansion.

§  Encouraging a cohesive built form and high quality landscaping in industrial areas.

§  Ensuring that industrial precincts are protected from intrusion by inappropriate land uses that put pressure on lawful existing industrial activities.

Objective 4

To facilitate new development and employment opportunities.


4.1 Ensure Laverton North is the preferred location for industrial uses.

4.2 Develop a high quality business park and industrial precinct within the Truganina Employment Precinct.

4.3 Protect existing extractive industry sites by separating incompatible land uses and by physical separation.

21.08-4 Tourism

Wyndham City is home to a range of tourism experiences including the Werribee Open Range Zoo, Werribee Park Mansion, National Equestrian Centre and the Point Cook Coastal Park Council’s Tourism and Events Strategy articulates the vision for tourism growth and development in the City. New opportunities for tourism investment have been identified including water based activities, accommodation, sporting and recreational activities and wild life tours.

Objective 5

To identify and promote new tourism investment.


5.1 Encourage new tourism operations in the Werribee South Tourism and Harbour precincts.

5.2 Ensure that the siting of tourism operations minimises the potential for conflict with farming activities.

5.3 Ensure new tourism operations within the Intensive Agriculture Precinct are agriculture related or have a significant agricultural component.

5.4 Link tourism and recreational assets across the Green Wedges.

21.08-5 Gaming

Within Wyndham, there are currently limited facilities for cultural and arts activities. Conversely, the city is well represented by electronic gaming machines (EGMs). While these are legitimate forms of leisure, problem gambling can cause significant community harm and planning is required to ensure that any proposed new gaming venues are established in appropriate areas. Activity centres and shopping areas are often highly accessible locations and may not be appropriate for gaming venues.

Key issues

§  Ensuring the impacts of gambling on the health and wellbeing of the community are minimised.

Objective 6

To identify locations where electronic gaming machines are encouraged or discouraged.


6.1 Encourage responsible development that promotes a healthy, safe and diverse community.

6.2 Assess gaming applications on the basis of the social and economic impacts on the community in accordance with Clause 22.03.

21.08-6 Implementation

The strategies will be implemented through the planning scheme by:

Application of zones and overlays

The objectives, strategies and policy guidelines in the Planning Scheme are implemented through the application of appropriate zones and overlays.

§  Apply Development Contributions Plan Overlays to properly plan for infrastructure provision.

§  Apply Schedule 1 to the Design and Development Overlay to maintain the boulevard appearance of the Princes Highway.

§  Apply Design and Development Overlays to areas requiring specific design solutions.

§  Apply Schedule 11 to the Design and Development Overlay to ensure development of the Boundary Road Office and Industrial Precinct as a high quality industrial/office precinct and to respect residential and other sensitive interfaces.

Policy Guidelines

The objectives, strategies and policy guidelines in the Planning Scheme will be implemented through the application of the following local planning policy.

§  Clause 22.01 (Non-Residential Uses in Residential Zones Policy) seeks to provide direction on a range of discretionary use and development options in residential zones.

§  Clause 22.02 (Advertising Signs Policy) seeks to provide direction on a range of advertising applications that are permitted under Clause 52.05.

§  Clause 22.03 (Gaming Policy) seeks to protect the community from the adverse effects of gaming machines by ensuring they are located only where there will be a net community benefit.

§  Use the Schedules to Clause 52.28 to prohibit gaming machines in identified activity centres or shopping strips where gaming venues would not be appropriate.

Further strategic work

§  Investigate transport corridor reservations for precinct structure plans for selected activity centres.

§  Investigate the need for further planning controls on the operation of licensed premises.

§  Develop design criteria for commercial facilities in support of key tourist locations.

§  Develop a strategy to reinforce tourism through planning for urban development and renewal.

Reference documents

§  Economic Development Strategy 2012-2016.

§  Tourism and Events Strategy 2011-2016.

§  Laverton Employment Node and Major Activity Centre (2006).

§  Werribee City Centre Structure Plan (2013).

§  Responsible Gambling Strategy (2012-2014).

§  Boundary Road Design Guidelines (2016).

Map 5–Activity Centres Maps

Map 6 – Werribee City Centre Activity Land Use and Built Form Map

Municipal Strategic Statement - Clause 21.08 Page 1 of 1