
Simon Game – PowerPoint 2010

You will be creating a game using PowerPoint based on the classic Simon Game where the user will be asked to repeat a series of color changes.

End in Mind

●How use animations very carefully

●Using Hyperlinks to Slides

●Using Consistency Measures

●Logical Organization

Creating a Master Template

View > Slide Master

●Once in Slide Master View, select Insert Layout

●Shrink the width of the text box to about half the size using the sizing handle

●Rotate the text box 45° Clockwise using the rotation handle (green lollipop)

●Position the text box on the far left of the screen using the move tool

●Select Close Master View

Slide 1 - Welcome

●From the Home Ribbon, in the Slides section, select Layout > Custom Layout

  • This will be the layout of the Master Slide you just made

●Select “Click to add title” and type “Welcome”

●Using the Insert tab, add Text Boxes, Word Art and Clip Art

  • “Welcome to (Place Your Name Here) Simon Game”
  • Use your Imagination – have some fun

●Include a Picture or Clip Art to act as a Start Button

  • Should be obvious to user to Click Here to Begin

●Add a Background Color by selecting Design > Background Styles > Format Background

  • Do Not use a Theme
  • Check Apply to all

Slide 2 – Ready

●From the Home Ribbon, in the Slides section, select New Slide

  • If you use the drop down list, make sure to select Custom Layout as before

●Select “Click to add title” and type “Ready”

●Go back to Slide 1 and Right Click the Start Button and Choose Hyperlink

●On the left side double clickon Place in This Document

  • Choose the Ready Slide and then click OK

●Go back to Slide 2

●Using 3 separate WordArt or Text Boxes, Give your user a brief prompt that the game is beginning

  • “On Your Marks,” “Get Set,” “Go!”

●Animate the first Phrase

  • Select Animations > Choose an Entrance
  • Should be quick
  • Set to Start With Previous in the Animation Pane

●Animate the remaining phrases

  • Set to Start After Previous in the Animation Pane

●Select Transitions > check the box next to Advance Slide After and set to 00:01.00

  • You may have to choose a slightly longer amount of time to accommodate animations
  • This will prevent the user from having to click to move on.

Slide 3 – Base

●From the Home Ribbon, in the Slides section, select New Slide

  • If you use the drop down list, make sure to select Custom Layout as before

●Select “Click to add title” and type “Base”

●You will be creating the Base Game Interaction

●Choose a Shape that you would like to use from the Insert and Shapes menu

  • You can use 1 shape with 4 colors or 4 different shapes

●Select the 4 Shapes at once by using a large square or CTRL + Click

●Add a simple, quick EntranceAnimation like fade

  • This will differentiate when a new slide appears
  • Select Animation Pane, in the drop down arrow, select Start With Previous

Slide 4 – Show Red (Color 1)

●From the Slide Sorter (slides on the left), right click on Base and select Duplicate Slide

  • Make sure this new slide is moved to the last position on the left
  • If you use the drop down list, make sure to select Custom as before

●Change the title on the left from ”Base” to “Show Red”

●Select the Red (Color 1) Shape and select Animations > (Emphasis) Color Pulse

●Select Transitions > check the box next to Advance Slide After and set to 00:01.00

Slide 5 – Show Green (Color 2)

●From the Slide Sorter (slides on the left), right click on Base and select Duplicate Slide

  • Make sure this new slide is moved to the last position on the left
  • If you use the drop down list, make sure to select Custom as before

●Change the title on the left from ”Base” to “Show Green”

●Select the Green (Color 2) Shape and select Animations > (Emphasis) Color Pulse

●Select Transitions > check the box next to Advance Slide After and set to 00:01.00

Slide 6 – Show Blue (Color 3)

●From the Slide Sorter (slides on the left), right click on Base and select Duplicate Slide

  • Make sure this new slide is moved to the last position on the left
  • If you use the drop down list, make sure to select Custom as before

●Change the title on the left from ”Base” to “Show Blue”

●Select the Blue (Color 3) Shape and select Animations > (Emphasis) Color Pulse

●Select Transitions > check the box next to Advance Slide After and set to 00:01.00

Slide 7 – Show Orange (Color 4)

●From the Slide Sorter (slides on the left), right click on Base and select Duplicate Slide

  • Make sure this new slide is moved to the last position on the left
  • If you use the drop down list, make sure to select Custom as before

●Change the title on the left from ”Base” to “Show Orange”

●Select the Orange (Color 4) Shape and select Animations > (Emphasis) Color Pulse

●Select Transitions > check the box next to Advance Slide After and set to 00:01.00

Time to Test…

Push the F5 button on the top row of the keyboard. You should see:

  1. Start Screen
  2. Click the “Start Game” button
  3. Ready Screen
  4. Should advance automatically
  5. Base
  6. You will have to click to get through this, we’ll fix later
  7. Show Color 1
  8. Appropriate color pulses and slide advances automatically
  9. Show Color 2
  10. Appropriate color pulses and slide advances automatically
  11. Show Color 3
  12. Appropriate color pulses and slide advances automatically
  13. Show Color 4
  14. Appropriate color pulses and slide advances automatically

Slide 8 – Game Over

●From the Home Ribbon, in the Slides section, select New Slide

  • Make sure this new slide is moved to the last position on the left
  • If you use the drop down list, make sure to select Custom Layout as before

●Select “Click to add title” and type “Game Over”

●Add the appropriate ClipArt, WordArt, Text Boxes, other Graphics and Animations to show that the player has lost the game

●Have a lot of fun with this slide as it will require little interaction from the user.

●Do they want to play again?

Slide 9 – Select Red (Color 1)

●From the Slide Sorter (slides on the left), right click on Base and select Duplicate Slide

  • Make sure this new slide is moved to the last position on the left
  • If you use the drop down list, make sure to select Custom as before

●Change the title on the left from ”Base” to “Select Red”

●Select all 4 Shapes at once (big box, or CTRL + click)

●Add a Fade entrance in the Animations tab

●Right click the Red (Color 1) Shape and select Hyperlink

●Select Place in This Document on the left and then choose Next Slide

●Right click on each Non-Red Color (Color 2, 3, 4) Shape and select Hyperlink

  • Select In This Document on the left and then choose Game Over

Slide 10 – Select Green (Color 2)

●From the Slide Sorter (slides on the left), right click on Select Red and select Duplicate Slide

●Change the title on the left from ”Select Red” to “Select Green”

●Right click the Green (Color 2) Shape and select Edit Hyperlink

  • Select In This Document on the left and then choose Next Slide

●Right click on the Red (Color 1) Shape and select Edit Hyperlink

  • Select In This Document on the left and then choose Game Over

Slide 11 – Select Blue (Color 3)

●From the Slide Sorter (slides on the left), right click on Select Red and select Duplicate Slide

  • Make sure this new slide is moved to the last position on the left

●Change the title on the left from ”Select Red” to “Select Blue”

●Right click the Blue (Color 3) Shape and select Edit Hyperlink

  • Select In This Document on the left and then choose Next Slide

●Right click on the Red (Color 1) Shape and select Edit Hyperlink

  • Select In This Document on the left and then choose Game Over

Slide 12 – Select Orange (Color 4)

●From the Slide Sorter (slides on the left), right click on Select Red and select Duplicate Slide

  • Make sure this new slide is moved to the last position on the left

●Change the title on the left from ”Select Red” to “Select Orange”

●Right click the Orange (Color 4) Shape and select Edit Hyperlink

  • Select In This Document on the left and then choose Next Slide

●Right click on the Red (Color 1) Shape and select Edit Hyperlink

  • Select In This Document on the left and then choose Game Over

Time to Test…

Push the F5 button on the top row of the keyboard. You should see:

  1. Start Screen
  2. Click the “Start Game” button
  3. Ready Screen
  4. Should advance automatically
  5. Base
  6. You will have to click to get through this, we’ll fix later
  7. Show Color 1
  8. Appropriate color pulses and slide advances automatically
  9. Show Color 2
  10. Appropriate color pulses and slide advances automatically
  11. Show Color 3
  12. Appropriate color pulses and slide advances automatically
  13. Show Color 4
  14. Appropriate color pulses and slide advances automatically
  15. Game Over
  16. Click through this for now
  17. Select Color 1
  18. Shapes flash and pause, click appropriate color
  19. Select Color 2
  20. Shapes flash and pause, click appropriate color
  21. Select Color 3
  22. Shapes flash and pause, click appropriate color
  23. Select Color 4
  24. Shapes flash and pause, click appropriate color

Slide 13 – My Turn

●In the Slides section, select New Slide

  • If you use the drop down list, make sure to select Custom as before

●Select “Click to add title” and type “My Turn”

●Add a text box or word art to the Page that Says “My Turn” so that the user can read it.

●Select Transitions > check the box next to Advance After and set to 00:00.50

Slide 14 – My Turn

●In the Slides section, select New Slide

  • If you use the drop down list, make sure to select Custom as before

●Select “Click to add title” and type “Your Turn”

●Add a text box or word art to the Page that Says “Your Turn” so that the user can read it.

●Select Transitions > check the box next to Advance After and set to 00:00.50

Slide 15 – You Win

●In the Slides section, select New Slide

  • If you use the drop down list, make sure to select Custom as before

●Select “Click to add title” and type “You Win”

●Add the appropriate ClipArt, WordArt, Text Boxes, other Graphics and Animations to show that the player has won the game

●Have a lot of fun with this slide as it will require little interaction from the user.

●Do they want to play again?

Build the Game

●Change your view to slide sorter by selecting the View > Slide Sorter

●You will use the 15 Slides you have made to create the entire game.

●Use the copy and paste functions to build (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, Right Click Copy/Paste, or Drag and hold the CTRL key)

●Below is a pattern for the game, make yours whatever you like, as long as you follow a pattern.

●The pattern must grow and build off of itself.

Simon Game - 1Save as Hour# Last Name Simon


  1. Slide 1 - Welcome
  2. Slide 2 - Ready
  3. Slide 13 – My Turn
  4. Slide 4 – Show Red
  5. Slide 14 – Your Turn
  6. Slide 9 – Select Red
  7. Slide 13 – My Turn
  8. Slide 4 – Show Red
  9. Slide 5 – Show Green
  10. Slide 14 – Your Turn
  11. Slide 9 – Select Red
  12. Slide 10 – Select Green
  13. Slide 13 – My Turn
  14. Slide 4 – Show Red
  15. Slide 5 – Show Green
  16. Slide 6 – Show Blue
  17. Slide 14 – Your Turn
  18. Slide 9 – Select Red
  19. Slide 10 – Select Green
  20. Slide 11 – Select Blue
  21. Slide 13 – My Turn
  22. Slide 4 – Show Red
  23. Slide 5 – Show Green
  24. Slide 6 – Show Blue
  25. Slide 7 – Show Orange
  26. Slide 14 – Your Turn
  27. Slide 9 – Select Red
  28. Slide 10 – Select Green
  29. Slide 11 – Select Blue
  30. Slide 12 – Select Orange
  31. Slide 13 – My Turn
  32. Slide 4 – Show Red
  33. Slide 5 – Show Green
  34. Slide 6 – Show Blue
  35. Slide 7 – Show Orange
  36. Slide 4 – Show Red
  37. Slide 14 – Your Turn
  38. Slide 9 – Select Red
  39. Slide 10 – Select Green
  40. Slide 11 – Select Blue
  41. Slide 12 – Select Orange
  42. Slide 9 – Select Red
  43. Slide 15 – You Win

Simon Game - 1Save as Hour# Last Name Simon


Finishing Touches

●Change your view to slide master by selecting the View > Slide Master

●Select the title box on the left side by clicking on the edge of the box.

●Select Drawing Tools / Format and select Text Fill > No Fill

  • This will make your slide labels invisible
  • This should be the last thing you do after testing for any errors.

Simon Game - 1Save as Hour# Last Name Simon


Above and Beyond

There is so much fun for you to have with this. Try adding any of the following:

●Additional slides / Longer Game

●Additional Animations

●Special Buttons


●Sound Effects

●A Movie

Turn it In!

Save as Hour# Last Name Simonand drop it in my inbox.

Simon Game - 1Save as Hour# Last Name Simon