Est.Circa 1900

Minutes of Monthly Meeting: Held In The Village Hall On:-

Monday 16th February 2004.

Commenced:7:45pm. - Closed:9:00pm.

In Attendance:- R.Mitchelmore. B.Smart. D.Kendall. W.Coleman. P.Stear.

R.Hann.I.Mulholland. C.Jones. J.Kane. P.Brimble.

Appologies:- A.Smart. I.Cuthbert. I.Johnson. S.Whiddon.

Minutes of Previous Meeting: Read & Agreed.

Matters Arising:Over 35’s deducted points & fined, to be payed by J.Kane.

Football Reports:-

Under 9’s:-

Both teams lost their only matches to date, short of players, making basic errors,can be ironed out with time.

Under 10’s:-

Lost 1st match in 3 months, some players not available,enjoying training.

Must play 7 a side only.

Under 11’s (boys):-

1st match for two months, close defeat after good fightback.

U11’s ( girls ):-

Nobody present.


No matches, still training,need to play.


Lost only match, played well, but missed chances. Paul Scott to help run team.


Still undefeated in leaguedespite Victories & bad language of players,needs to be sorted out.


Played a few matches, still top of league. Reached the semi-finals of “Devon Intermediate Cup”.



Over 35’s:-

Played 1stmatch for 4 months, missed chances which led to defeat, playing every week from now on.

Financial Report. Reports read, subs still outstanding.


All Tournament details handed out to managers.

Seniors presentation Evening tickets handed out to managers.

D.J.M. League Dinner to be held on Saturday 18th September 2004.

Limited to 2 members per club.( £20 each person. Commemorate 100 years)

Evening matches commence early April.

Clubs need to vet all newcomers about sex offenders list.

Child Protection Courses are available on the 3rd & 10th March.P.Scott & S.Whiddon to attend.


Charter Standard:-

Charter Standard has been awarded to our club.

Information has been added to our Website, we are now upgrading development plan.


Recreation Trust hoping to commence next year, Pushing through for planning & Finance.

Tenders to be obtained, when finance known.

New Plans, same size as before,but,two floors which means present planning permission acceptable.

Donations available from Football Foundation, Biff, Hanson Trust etc.

Presentation night for u15’s is:- Friday 30th April 2004 at the Red & Black club. Other dates as agreed.

Club has agreed to pay for the cost of Coach for the Devon Intermediate Cup semi-final.

Check cost of coaches with I,Mulholland & J,Kane.Polo shirts on order, delivery by 1st week in March.

Pennants may be available from Argyle shop.

Costings given for Dutch trip, need to commence Fundraising.

C.Jones to produce Quarterly Newsletter.

Outdoor Training to commence as soon as possible.

Vet’s kit in poor condition, to use seniors old kit.

Any parents who want to discuss problems, must, contact W.Coleman not managers.

We need to keep our managers & Assistants.