AVID is a graded elective that is taught during the homeroomperiod. However, since I have you for science as well, they tend to overlap. This grade will be a part of the student’s overall report card average. AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination and is a college preparation and awareness program. The focus of the class is teaching organization and good study habits in order to prepare the students for a rigorous education pathway in high school and to set goals to attend a 4-year university. Additional focuses include note taking, reading, writing, and math as well as questioning and developing critical thinking skills. AVID students are expected to maintain a C or better average in all classes and to exhibit exemplary behavior at all times. It is possible to be placed on probation if improvement is needed and removed from AVID if that improvement is not maintained.
- 40% IANS, digital or spiral notebooks (Organization and daily C-Notes for all core classes)
- 30% Tutorials
- 30% Activities, Participation, Classwork
Digital notebooks using One Note will be used in Science and AVID. A two-pocket folder with prongs will keep any papers. Notebook checks (digital or spiral) will be done for all content classes and be included in the AVID grade.
Tutorials will be held twice a week, Mondays and Wednesdays. Students will be required to complete a Tutorial Request Form (TRF) to be ready for Monday’s tutorial and have it turned in by Friday.These are worth 25 points each week, points will be taken off for turning it in late. This is an opportunity for students to bring a question on a topic they are struggling with in their core classes. Questions will be worked through in groups to increase understanding. Tutorials are an essential component of AVID and students who continually refuse to complete TRFs can face probation and deselection from AVID.
Other Policies:
AVID grades can and will be taken for work in other classes. This also includes work from Math, Language Arts and Social Studies. Notebook grades specific for Science class will also count as notebook grades for AVID.
The AVID class grade is used in determining Honor Roll and Principals List.
AVID students must be on time to homeroom! When you arrive late to school, you miss AVID content and/or Science content. There will be days I begin teaching science during homeroom, generally Mondays and Wednesdays!
Behavior is very important for the AVID Student. We take frequent trips and are involved in many activities around the school. Students that can not maintain the expected behavior standards in all classes, the hallways, and the cafeteria will not be allowed to participate in activities and could face de-selection from the program.
I have read and understand the AVID Grading Policy. Notebooks are essential for AVID and count as 40% of the AVID grade.
I further understand that I can be de-selected from AVID for behavior reasons or for not maintaining my grades. A warning and probation period will be given prior to de-selection for improvements to be made and maintained.
Parent SignatureDateStudent Signature