mostly positive
- A pleasure to have around.
- Accepts responsibility.
- Accepts the recommendations of peers and acts on them when appropriate.
- All work is neatly and accurately done.
- Always cooperative.
- Always uses time wisely.
- Answers well in class.
- Anxious to please.
- Appears well rested and ready for each day activities.
- Arrives on time for school (and/or class) every day.
- Asks for clarification when needed.
- Assumes responsibility well and has a fine attitude.
- Attitude toward school is excellent.
- Avoids careless errors through attention to detail.
- Bubbles over with enthusiasm.
- Can be very helpful and dependable in the classroom.
- Can compose several related sentences.
- Can follow directions.
- Can make a logical and persuasive argument.
- Can write an original story of (one or two sentences, of a few sentences).
- Cell phone is a distraction.
- Checks work thoroughly before submitting it.
- Chooses to spend free time with friends.
- Chooses words with care.
- Completes assignments in the time allotted.
- Consistently completes homework assignments.
- Cooperates consistently with the teacher and other students.
- Cooperates well.
- Displays good citizenship by assisting other students.
- Does good work.
- Doing strong work in all areas.
- Encourages other members of the group.
- Enhances group discussion through insightful comments.
- Enjoys conversation with friends during free periods.
- Enjoys discussing the stories.
- Enjoys doing neat careful work.
- Enjoys dramatization.
- Enjoys listening to poetry.
- Enjoys listening to stories.
- Enjoys participation in conversation and discussion.
- Enthusiastic about participating.
- Enthusiastic about work in general.
- Exceeds expectations with the quality of their work.
- Excellent attitude is reflected in the work does.
- Excels in writing original stories and poems.
- Exhibits a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom.
- Exhibits creativity.
- Exhibits excellent attitude.
- Expresses ideas clearly, both verbally and through writing.
- Extremely conscientious.
- Faithfully performs classroom tasks.
- Follows classroom rules.
- Follows directions.
- Frequently discusses concepts about which they have read.
- Generates neat and careful work.
- Good attitude.
- Good worker and attentive listener.
- Grasps new ideas readily.
- Handles disagreements with peers appropriately.
- Has a flair for dramatic reading and acting.
- Has a good attitude towards school.
- Has a good oral vocabulary
- Has a keen interest that has been shared with the class.
- Has a pleasant personality.
- Has a sense of humor.
- Has a tendency to be quiet during discussions, and prefers to listen to others' opinions and comments.
- Has a vibrant imagination and excels in creative writing.
- Has a well-developed sense of humor.
- Has a well-developed vocabulary.
- Has an excellent attitude.
- Has an impressive understanding and depth of knowledge about their interests.
- Has compassion for peers and others.
- Has found his/her voice.
- Has good organization of thoughts.
- Has great potential and works toward achieving it.
- Has made many fine contributions to our class and is an inspiration to classmates.
- Has strong skills.
- Has the ability to follow directions.
- Helps others.
- Helps to keep the work group focused and on task.
- His friendly, sincere way has made him a very popular member of the class.
- I hope you enjoy your new home!
- Is a big help in seeing that our room looks clean and pleasant.
- Is a clear thinker.
- Is a conscientious, hard-working student.
- Is a fine citizen and takes a keen interest in school.
- Is a gifted performer.
- Is a good citizen.
- Is a good student who appears to be a deep thinker.
- Is a model student and I am so glad that/is in my class!
- Is a pleasant, conscientious student.
- Is a self-motivated student.
- Is a steadfast, conscientious worker.
- Is a talented artist.
- Is a valued member of the class.
- Is able to place periods and question marks correctly
- Is able to print on the lines.
- Is able to read sentences back.
- Is an attentive student.
- Is an enthusiastic learner who seems to enjoy school.
- Is an enthusiastic worker.
- Is committed to doing their best.
- Is concerned about the feelings of peers.
- Is cooperative and happy.
- Is courteous and shows good manners in the classroom.
- Is eager to learn.
- Is friendly and cooperative
- Is hard-working.
- Is honest and trustworthy in dealings with others.
- Is interested in books and reading.
- Is kind and helpful to everyone in the classroom.
- Is learning to be a better listener.
- Is learning to be careful, cooperative, and fair.
- Is pleasant and friendly.
- Is self-confident and has excellent manners.
- Is sensitive to the thoughts and opinions of others in the group.
- Is showing interest and enthusiasm for study.
- Is showing interest and enthusiasm for the things we do.
- Is thoughtful in interactions with others.
- Is very helpful about clean-up work around the room.
- Is very thoughtful.
- Is well-liked by classmates.
- Is well-prepared for class each day.
- Is willing to take part in all classroom activities.
- Learns new vocabulary quickly.
- Listens attentively to the responses of others.
- Listens carefully.
- Listens to the comments and ideas of others without interrupting.
- Making steady progress academically.
- Offers constructive suggestions to peers to enhance their work.
- Often completes work early.
- Oral reading is very expressive and oral reporting is excellent.
- Paces work on long-term assignments.
- Participates well in class.
- Pleasant student to work with.
- Possesses good self-discipline.
- Provides background knowledge about topics of particular interest to them.
- Puts words in the appropriate order.
- Rate of achievement makes it difficult for to keep up with the class.
- Readily grasps new concepts and ideas.
- Reads extensively for enjoyment.
- Reads extensively.
- Reads for pleasure.
- Regularly volunteers to assist in classroom activities.
- Remains focused on the activity at hand.
- Resists the urge to be distracted by other students.
- Respectful of others.
- Responds appropriately when corrected.
- Responds to what has been read or discussed in class and as homework.
- Responds well.
- Seeks additional information independently about classroom topics that pique interest.
- Seeks information.
- Seeks new challenges.
- Seeks responsibilities and follows through.
- Seems comfortable in new situations.
- Seems eager to improve.
- Seems to be more aware of activities in the classroom.
- Sets achievable goals with respect to time.
- Sets an example of excellence in behavior and cooperation.
- Shares personal experiences and opinions with peers.
- Shows enthusiasm for classroom activities.
- Shows fairness in distributing group tasks.
- Shows great interest and enthusiasm when discussing and offering opinions.
- Shows initiative and looks for new ways to get involved.
- Shows respect for teacher and classmates.
- Shows self confidence in writing.
- Speaks clearly.
- Speaks in good sentences.
- Speaks with confidence to the group.
- Stays on task with little supervision.
- Tackles classroom assignments, tasks, and group work in an organized manner.
- Takes a keen interest in all works and is most agreeable and a willing worker.
- Takes an active role in discussions.
- Takes on various roles in the work group as needed or assigned.
- Takes pride in work well done.
- Takes responsibility for their learning.
- Treats other students with fairness and understanding.
- Uses (complex, simple) sentences.
- Uses class time wisely.
- Uses colorful words.
- Uses free minutes of class time constructively.
- Uses individual dictionary to find unfamiliar words.
- Uses instincts to deal with matters independently and in a positive way.
- Uses punctuation correctly.
- Uses vivid language in writing.
- Volunteers frequently and makes wonderful contributions to class.
- Volunteers often.
- Wants responsibilities and follows through.
- Welcomes leadership roles in groups.
- With ability to apply self to each task, should receive much satisfaction from school experiences.
- With friendly, cooperative attitude, will always be a pleasant addition to any class.
- Work in the areas of has been extremely good.
- Working to full capability.
- Works at an appropriate pace, neither too quickly or slowly.
- Works democratically with peers.
- Works independently on assignments.
- Works independently.
- Works well in groups, planning and carrying out activities.
- Writes clearly and with purpose.
- Writes with depth and insight.
- Writing has a refreshing sense of voice, clarity, and style.
problem areas
- Although is trying very hard, is having difficulty writing smooth, fluent sentences.
- Assignments/Homework incomplete/late.
- Comprehends well, but needs to work more quickly.
- Confuses words which look alike.
- Difficulty understanding the material.
- Disorganized.
- Disruptive in class.
- Does not complete assignments in the allotted time.
- Does not form letters correctly.
- Does not put enough time into assignments.
- Does not work up to/ ability.
- Excessive absences.
- Excessive talking.
- Excessive tardiness.
- Experiences difficulty following directions, when unsure needs to ask questions
- Fails to finish independent assignments
- Gets upset easily.
- Has difficulty remembering the spelling of non-phonetic words.
- Has difficulty using (pronouns, verbs) correctly.
- Has had difficulty with learning.
- Interrupts others.
- Is capable of much better work.
- Is inconsistent in efforts.
- Is too easily distracted.
- Lacks independence.
- Low quiz/test scores.
- Low rate of achievement makes it difficult to keep up with the class.
- Makes careless errors.
- Makes little effort when not under direct supervision.
- Makes little effort when not under direct supervision.
- Needs better study skills.
- Needs frequent encouragement.
- Needs lots of repetition and practice in order to retain reading vocabulary.
- Needs to actively participate in classroom discussion.
- Needs to apply skills to all written work.
- Needs to attend class more.
- Needs to be urged.
- Needs to develop a better sense of responsibility.
- Needs to improve classroom attitude.
- Needs to improve reading speed and comprehension.
- Needs to improve respect for others.
- Needs to improve self-discipline.
- Needs to increase speed and comprehension in reading.
- Needs to listen to directions.
- Needs to participate in more independent reading.
- Needs to pay attention in class.
- Needs to proofread work.
- Needs to spend time on task.
- Needs to take/ time and think about what/reads.
- Needs to work democratically with others in groups.
- Often seems tired at school.
- Requires incentives.
- Requires too much supervision.
- Sacrificing accuracy for unnecessary speed in written work.
- Seems unable to finish required work.
- Speaks very well in front of the class. However, written work needs much improvement.
- Tends to work too quickly, which results in many careless errors.
- Works too slowly.
- Would benefit from practicing reading fluency and comprehension skills.
save for final report
- Classroom attitude shows improvement.
- Has been consistently progressing.
- Has improved steadily.
- Has made nice progress this reporting period.
- Has shown a good attitude about trying to improve.
- Has shown strong growth.
- Helped to make my year a pleasant one.
- Is becoming more dependable during work periods.
- Is becoming more self-reliant.
- Is becoming more self-reliant.
- Is building a good vocabulary.
- Is continuing to grow in independence.
- Is developing a better attitude toward class.
- Is gaining self-confidence.
- Is learning to concentrate.
- Is learning to listen carefully.
- Is learning to listen to directions more carefully.
- Is learning to occupy time constructively.
- Is learning to share and listen.
- Is making progress in all academic areas.
- Is now able to write a complete sentence independently.
- Noticeable improvement in study habits this reporting period, which is very encouraging.
- Now accepts responsibility well.
- Quality of work is improving.
- Reading is becoming (not yet becoming) automatic.
- School work has shown improvement over the past quarter.
- There has been a noticeable improvement in study habits this reporting period, which is very encouraging.
- Work habits are improving.