Name: Brandon White
Address:2515 Genesee, Houston Texas, 77006
Telephone Number:(646) 260-3630
Email Address:
-MFA-Creative Writing
University of Houston
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Teaching Experience
2013English Faculty
Houston Community College
Duties:Composition 1-Thesis statements and topic sentences were covered relentlessly however to keep the class from tuning out the lessons, sources outside of the text book were introduced. The students were asked to do light research in preparation for composition 2. Peer review was stressed and the students peer review comments were critiqued as well. This was done to help establish a classroom dialogue and gave the students a chance to look at their own comments in a critical light. Grammar was stressed throughout the draft process. (2 drafts per paper) If grammar was still an issue students had to take their work to the writing center. This gave students another perspective.
Composition 2- teaching methods echoed comp 1. The difficulty level of the subject matter intensified. (Reading comprehension growth was a goal) Scientific studies that dealt with relationships and social media seemed resonate with the students and lessons were based on those themes.
2013Developmental English Instructor
Prairie View A&M University
Duties: Taught 2 developmental English courses. The courses focused on reading comprehension, sentence structure, and argument. Created tests, midterms and final exams in order to assess students’ progress. Responsible for grading rubric and comprehensible grading spreadsheet at the end of the semester.
2011-2013Adjunct Faculty: English
Houston Community College
Duties:Multicultural Literature- Lectures incorporated outside fiction/films/narrative songs. This helped highlight cultures that are passed over by anthologies. Students were also asked to write their own short stories. Stories were ‘workshopped’, this helped them d them gain perspective on what it takes to make a story/poem successful.
Composition 1-Thesis statements and topic sentences were covered relentlessly however to keep the class from tuning out the lessons, sources outside of the text book were introduced. The students were asked to do light research in preparation for composition 2. Peer review was stressed and the students peer review comments were critiqued as well. This was done to help establish a classroom dialogue and gave the students a chance to look at their own comments in a critical light. Grammar was stressed throughout the draft process. (2 drafts per paper) If grammar was still an issue students had to take their work to the writing center. This gave students another perspective.
Composition 2- teaching methods echoed comp 1. The difficulty level of the subject matter intensified. (Reading comprehension growth was a goal) Scientific studies that dealt with relationships and social media seemed resonate with the students and lessons were based on those themes.
2008-2012Writing Instructor
Duties: Leaderof a community-writing program. The class had to maintain a certain number of students in order for funding to continue. This can be difficult if there is no academic motivation involved. The average age of students in the workshop was 60. The class focused on memoir but that focus eventually shifted to fiction. (The workshop lasted for five years) They wrote poems and short stories. Grammar and structure were issues but with enough critical reading and lectures on sentence structure final draft were in good shape before being submitted to Inprint.
2009-2010Teaching Assistant
University of Houston
Duties:Developed curriculum for daily classroom and online coursework, utilizing Blackboard software. Taught Freshmen Composition levels 1 and 2. Responsible for developing rubric grading scale for quizzes, major assignments and final grades.
2003-2007Teaching Instructor
Sealy Center UTMB
Duties: The YES program was a community outreach program funded by UTMB. Instructed "at risk" middle school students in an alternative learning environment. The students were diverse ethnically as well as economically. They all struggled with The TAKS test and had behavioral issues.
Houston Grand Opera: Songs Of Houston, “A Celebration of the Blues in Houston” Cite Magazine: “Old School Remix Workshop Houston’s Beat Shop” Graphic Content: Comics from the UH Graphic Novel Seminar: “Snow Angels” The Brooklyner: “The Race”