
Grand Isle Cemetery

Minutes of Feb 7, 2017 meeting

The meeting was opened by Chair Merritt Vantine at 6:59 pm. Present were: Merritt Vantine, Lucille Campbell, Arthur Goodrich, Ilyo McCray and Sue Lawrence. Guest present: Carolyn McCray.

Minutes of the December 13, 2016 were reviewed. Art made motion to accept minutes as written. Ilyo seconded. Motion carried.

We discussed the sign for the Quaker Cemetery. The sign will be made of a hard plastic with 4x4 post with commercial vinyl covering. The sign will have a green background with white lettering using the option 2 font. The quote for the sign, which will be made by Vermont Correctional Industries, will be $1,118.36. This price includes 3 signs being made from the scrapes left over. Signs will say Quaker Cemetery, Hoag Cemetery and Macomber Cemetery. We will be using the Quaker and Macomber signs but will save the Hoag sign as it does not need replacing now. Sue made motion to approve purchase of signs. Art second. Motion carried. Lucille will contact Mike Lacoss of VCI to finalize the order.

The minutes of the Dec. 13 were reopened. The minutes reflected the budget amount to the Town as being $37,100 which was not correct as we had level funded the appropriation amount we were asking from the Town that being $33,600. The $37,100 was the total budget amount we would need. Lucille made the motion to approve the appropriation and the budget amount coming from spendable surplus funds of the Cemetery. Merritt second. Motion carried.

The Commissioners asked to have an explanation of where investment funds – interest monies from gains and losses are from. Art made motion to have Secretary get an explanation on paper so we can have a copy for review. Merritt second. Motion carried.

Lawn maintenance contract was discussed. The contract this year will run from April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018 to match a season for the maintenance. Bid request will go out in February for publication on the 21st, 28th, and March 7th. Proposal will ask for hourly rate only with Bids to be in by March 24th at the Town Office by 3 P.M. Notification of contract award will be on the 29th of March by phone.

A discussion was had about the cost of lots, cornerstones, and grave openings in our cemetery. It was suggested to call a few cemeteries in our area to see what they charge, and revisit this subject at the next meeting.

The Cemetery Commission Report for the annual Town Report was finalized.

Arthur made motion to adjourn at 9 p.m. Ilyo second. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Sue Lawrence
