Minutes of the CAPPA Annual Business Meeting
Manhattan, KS
October 14, 2015
President Glen Haubold called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the 2015 Annual Meeting were distributed for review. Motion to accept made by Mike Johnson seconded by Ron Tarbutton. Motion carried.
John Bernhards presented the APPA report.
Treasurer report was presented by Glen Haubold.
Additional reports presented:
Second Vice President’s report was presented by Ian Hadden.
Third Vice President’s report was presented by Angela Meyer.
APPA Senior representative’s report was presented by Bob Eckels.
APPA Junior representative’s report was presented by Shelton Riley.
Membership report will be posted on website.
Newsletter report was presented by Angie Mitchell.
Professional Development report was presented by Lee McQueen.
Information Services report was presented by Marcus Hogue.
Motion to accept reports made by Mike Johnson and seconded by Lalo Gomez. Motion carried.
New Business
President Haubold presented a proposed change to the by-laws. Motion to accept made by Mike Johnson and seconded by Shelton Riley. Motion carried.
Nominating committee presented Robert Wall with University of Arkansas at Pine Bluffas candidate for Third Vice President. President Haubold opened nominations from the floor. Lee McQueen moved nominations cease. The membership cast a unanimous vote for affirmation.
Nominating committee presented Tim Stiger with Oklahoma Public Schools as candidate for Treasurer. President Haubold opened nominations from the floor.
Nominating committee presented Markus Hogue with University of Texas at Austin as candidate for Information Services Chair. President Haubold opened nominations from the floor.
Nominating committee presented Priscilla Carabajal with New Mexico State University as candidate for Professional Development Co-Chair. President Haubold opened nominations from the floor.
Committee member appointments were made by President Haubold.Lee McQueen with University of Nebraska at Kearney as Professional Development Co-Chair;Sheila Awalt with University of Texas at El Paso as Secretary (unexpired term).
Motion by Mike Johnson to accept nominations and appointments as presented. Vote by affirmation to accept.
John Bernhards, representative from APPA, performed the swearing in ceremony for all CAPPA executive committee members.
President Haubold gave his outgoing report and passed the gavel to incoming President Ed Heptig.
Travel certificate winner was Jim Packard.
Motion to adjourn made by Shelton Riley and second by Lalo Gomez. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeanne Hanson, CAPPA Secretary