January 19, 2017

Approved Minutes

The Board met at 1:13 p.m. in the 3rd floor Conference Room of the Wallace Building with the following members present: E. J. Giovannetti, Urbandale; Keith Luchtel, Clive (by phone); Rick Morain, Jefferson; William Peard, Waukee; Julie Pottorff, Des Moines; Suzan Stewart, Sioux City; Renee Twedt, Story City; and Mary Ungs-Sogaard, Dyersville. Also present were IPIB Interim Executive Director Margaret Johnson and Administrative Assistant Cindy Meyerdirk.

Votes Taken

1) On a motion by Ungs-Sogaard, seconded by Twedt, the agenda was unanimously adopted.

2) On a motion by Luchtel, seconded by Ungs-Sogaard, the minutes of the December 15, 2016

meeting were adopted. New board members E.J. Giovannetti, Rick Morain and Julie Pottorff

Public Forum

No Comments

Items Discussed

1) Stewart updated the board on:

a. Introductions were made around the room for new board members E.J. Giovannetti, Rick
Morain and Julie Pottorff.

b. Stewart noted the deadline ends soon for applications for the Executive Director

Position. It may be possible to have recommendations to present at the

February 16, 2017, board meeting.

c. Johnson summarized two recent Appellate Court Decisions

◦ Chapter 22 – Dr. Allen Diercks and Patricia Lane vs City of Davenport Iowa

◦ Chapter 21 – James W. Olinger and Larry C. Meyer vs Harrison County and Utman

Drainage District

d. Presentations:

January 24 Drake Law Public Interest Career Fair, Des Moines

March 4 ISU 2017 Inaugural Extension Council Conference, Ames

March 9 ISAC Legislative Conference, Des Moines

2) Updates for the board:

a. 2017 Iowa Public Information Board’s Annual Report - acceptance. Motion by Twedt,

seconded by Peard, unanimously adopted.

b. Johnson discussed the website audience overview report, the information available on the
website, and the IPIB monthly column.

c. Meyerdirk provided a quarterly financial report. Second quarter ended with 52% of the

budget spent (4% over budget).

d. Johnson reported on the Burlington case. A status conference was held on January 6, 2017.

On Wednesday, April 19, 2017, a contested case hearing is scheduled before the
Administrative Law Judge. Discovery and motion deadlines are scheduled.

e. Emily Willits from the Attorney General’s office stated a ruling has not been received

regarding the Kilgore District Court case. The AG’s office filed a motion to dismiss.

f. Stewart reported she did not find any bills being introduced or requested at the Iowa

Legislature that involved the IPIB. Johnson stated the main focus is on the budget


g. Stewart and Johnson discussed the Legislative, Training, and Communications committees.
Stewart asked the board members to consider committing to one of the committees at the
February 2017 meeting.

Stewart will provide a description, information, and objectives for what the committees

could be doing to all board members. Also on the agenda for the February meeting will

be choosing a vice chair.

3) Withdrawn complaints that require no board action.

◦ Kress, Kenny (16FC:0106 – Chapter 22 – Blue Grass Police Department) withdrawn.

◦ Worthing, Ellen (17FC:0001 – Chapter 22 – West Des Moines Police) withdrawn.

4) The board was briefed on cases and took action as indicated:

◦ Bolten, Kathy (AO 2016 – Advisory Opinion – Chapter 22 – case numbers). Motion by

Twedt, seconded by Giovannetti, to table action pending further staff investigation,

unanimously adopted.
◦ Clayworth, Jason (14FC:0089 - Chapter 22 – University of Iowa) dismissal. Motion by

Ungs-Sogaard, seconded by Peard, unanimously adopted.

◦ Clayworth, Jason (16FC:0105 – Chapter 22 – Iowa State University) acceptance. Motion
by Twedt, seconded by Ungs-Sogaard, unanimously adopted.

◦ Kilgore, Kevin (17FC:0002 – Chapter 22 – State Appeal Board, Iowa Department of

Revenue and Iowa Department of Management) dismissal. Motion by Twedt, seconded

by Ungs-Sogaard, unanimously adopted.

◦ Klein, Adam (15MO:0017 - Chapter 22 - Des Moines County Attorney) dismissal. Motion

by Twedt, seconded by Ungs-Sogaard, adopted with Giovannetti abstaining.

◦ Krejci, Doug (16FC:0075 – Chapter 22 – University of Iowa) probable cause report.
Adwin Hesseltine, representing University of Iowa, commented on this case. Motion by
Twedt, seconded by Ungs-Sogaard, to table action for further investigation.
Unanimously adopted.

◦ Livingston, Robert (AO 2016 - Advisory Opinion – Chapter 22 – jail records) approval.
Motion by Twedt, seconded by Giovannetti, unanimously adopted.

◦ Taylor, Jerry (16FC:0082 – Chapter 21 – Chariton Water Board) dismissal. Motion by
Twedt, seconded by Ungs-Sogaard, unanimously adopted.

The next meeting date, to be held in the Wallace Building, 3rd Floor E/W Conference Room.

◦ February 16, 2017, at 1:00 p.m. for IPIB Board Meeting.

At 2:47 p.m. a motion by Ungs-Sogaard, seconded by Twedt, to adjourn was adopted unanimously.

Respectfully submitted

Cindy Meyerdirk, Administrative Assistant