Queen’s University Of Belfast Students’ Union


Management Committee

4th Meeting / 6th March 2001


Members Present

Noel Griffin (Union Council Rep.)

Brian Lacey (S.C.A. Officer)

Conor McAuley (Volunteers’ Rep.)

Tim Mairs (Co-Opted Member)

Annette Page (Union Council Rep.)


Grainia Long (Deputy President)

Catherine O’Rourke (Union Council Rep.)


Paul Callaghan (President)

Kerrie Lodge (Volunteers’ Rep.)

Allison Redmond (Union Council Rep.)

Anna Bower (Volunteers’ Rep.)

Gareth Briggs (Union Council Rep.)

Tim Lavin (Volunteers’ Rep.)

1. Minutes

Noel queried the reference in the minutes concerning his having canvassed for election at the last meeting. Brian stated Noel had made a statement concerning his intention to stand for election and the date of that election, and that such a statement had no real relevance to the meeting. He therefore concluded that this was canvassing.

The Committee approved the Minutes.

2. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

3. Communications

There were no communications.

4. S.C.A. Officers’ Report And Chair’s Business

Brian informed the Committee that a S.C.A. stall had been set up in the foyer on the same day as the Careers’ Fair in the Whitla Hall. Tim enquired as to the success of the stall, and Brian stated that it had raised awareness of S.C.A. and that a number of application forms and information leaflets had been handed out.

Brian went on to inform the members that he, Conor and Catherine had attended the national S.C.A. Conference in Liverpool organised by Student Volunteering UK. He produced photos of the event and showed them to the Committee.

Brian pointed out to the Committee that he and Catherine had reorganised the S.C.A. Office. Tim suggested that Brian was “well ahead” for the tidiest, most organised Officer in the Union. Noel complained that it kept changing too much. Nonetheless, both Noel and Tim expressed their preference for the current layout of the office. Tim went on to suggest that it made it seem as if Brian was reading the news and that everyone else was watching him on TV.

Brian stated that he had nothing else to report. Tim pointed out that he thought that anything that a non-sabbatical did was a bonus. He went to congratulate Brian for reviving S.C.A. in such an organised, effective way. Brian pointed out that he thought Tim was great as well, and that he loved everything Tim had done so far. Tim suggested that Noel would do a really good job as Welfare Officer next year. Brian jokingly disagreed. Brian went on to state that he thought Conor had done a very good job as well. Tim seconded this and congratulated Conor on his very nice jumper.

The Committee approved the S.C.A. Officer’s Report.

5. Finance And Fundraising

Conor informed the Committee of the £1000 budget, S.C.A. had approximately £535 remaining. He explained that most of this had towards Conference fees and flights.

Brian told the members that he had asked Paul if there was any possibility of the Union getting a corporate credit card, as this would enable them to buy very cheap flights over the internet.

The Committee approved the Finance Report.

Brian reminded the members that Conor is responsible for organising the Bingo and Disco Fundraiser for 3 weeks time – the last week in term.

Tim pointed out that he was organising his Accomodation Fair for that same date and that this might cause a problem. Conor stated that he woud investigate the situation. Brian suggested that the Committee speed up the pace on this in order to get things done. He want on to ask for themes for the disco, opting for a “Balloon” theme himself, although he wasn’t sure why. Conor suggested fancy dress on the theme of “Volunteer”. Brian and Tim both liked the idea. Tim suggested fancy dress on the theme of “Fancy Dress”. Conor further suggested fancy dress on the theme of “The Letter V”. Tim Suggested “Stars In Their Eyes”. Brian suggested fancy dress on the themes of “Stars” or “Eyes”. Noel pointed out that this would be too difficult. Tim stated that he knew were to get Helium for the balloons. Brian pointed out that in an enclosed room everybody would be “off their rocker” if they burst the balloons.

Conor suggested having a bouncy castle. Tim pointed out that they weren’t insured for such activities. Conor asked about having it at the Creche but Tim pointed out that kiddies wouldn’t be looking to volunteer.

Tim said that it was good in his opinion to explore ideas. Conor suggested having a Bouncy Castle in Botanic Gardens, but Noel stated that permission would have to be granted from Belfast City Council.

The Committee agreed upon a “Fancy Dress / Balloons” Theme for the disco.

6. Projects And Volunteers’ Support

Brian stated that the old membership forms were outdated and not acceptable. The Committee agreed. Tim said that he thought the new forms were great but the lines were badly spaced. The Committee concurred, and Brian said that he would change the width. Tim stated that he thought that the new Form would readily be in line with the Data Protection Act, since it explained why things had to be filled in, and nothing irrelevant was being asked. The Committee accepted the new membership form.

Brian explained what the Partnership For Progression idea was, and suggested that any member who wanted more information should contact Alisa Keane at NUS-USI. Conor enquired as to what NUS-USI wanted S.C.A. to do for the project. Brian answered that S.C.A. would help to recruit, represent and generally look after the volunteers whilst NUS-USI ran the project. Noel had concerns over the phrase “women in certain courses”. Brian said that he would raise this with Alisa.

Brian pointed out that the mentors and mentees would be from the same background in the project, and whilst this would not damage Cross-Community relations, it would do nothing to help them. Noel pointed out that the project would work better this way.

Brian informed the Committee that Durham S.C.A. had been involved in such a project for many years. Conor pointed out that he had made contact with Durham S.C.A. and that they would be advising S.C.A. at Queen’s on how to proceed.

7. Administration And Development

Brian suggested that the Constitutional Amendments for S.C.A. were descriptive of how S.C.A. was currently operating. Noel wanted to clarify if S.C.A. should fully be called QUBSCA or QUBSUSCA. Brian pointed out that most S.C.A. groups used their University, rather than Students’ Union, name.

The Committee agreed that QUBSU SCA should be the title.

Brian suggested that a S.C.A. Continuance Group was a good idea in case someone was elected to the post of S.C.A. Officer who had no real interest in S.C.A. He stated that the Group should have the power to ascertain any S.C.A. Officer’s interest in the organisation and to take action to remedy the situation.

The Committee agreed with this.

Tim suggested that the Vice-President (Welfare) be automatically a member of the Management Committee. The Committee agreed.

Brian suggested that any more changes to the proposal should be with him by the following Friday. Brian asked Annette if she would promote the proposals amongst her Union Council colleagues.

8. Any Other Business

Tim informed the Committee that a new Holylands Community Relations Working Group was to meet for the first time the following day.

Brian pointed out that the new SCA website was up and running but needed a few additions and changes. Conor suggested an online volunteer form. Noel suggested that a link be put to the site from the QUBSU site. The Committee agreed that Brian would be responsible for the maintenance of the website.

Tim stated that he was unhappy that not everyone was committed enough to seeing S.C.A. get off the ground.

Brian closed the meeting with the approval of the Committee.